Monday, November 18, 2013

NTU partners Imperial College to draw engineers

Engineering = technology or innovation - bring Economic output and good engineering make things work reliability, predictability and sound system.

But income earned must commensurate with the profession and economic contribution - else good people will not enter into the industry - and this will be a loss to the country.

Good engineers are needed and cover many sectors of the Economy like IT, system engineering, electronic, mechanical, structural, architectural, marine, aerospace, transport etc.

Strong engineering base - is almost synonymous with advanced developed countries like US, Europe, Japan, S Korea, even the up and coming China and Russia in defense.
Singapore should not lose the Engineering capability and income should commensurate - by deepening the Engineering skillsets into value-added profession.

Not too long ago, someone even propose to junk out Engineering and Manufacturing - and venture entirely into Service sector only - that will be the greatest mistake of our life.

Even medical advancement cannot progress so far and so fast - without the support of engineering technology.

Every facets of our life is Engineering – tablets, smartphone, Internet, web, network, notebook, TV, DVD, fridge, washing machine, electric cooker, heater, electrical power – from fossil to green energy, solar panel, water dam energy, water – from desalination plant, car, bus, MRT, clock, house we live, medical pulse and heart reading machine, x-ray etc

What is not engineering? And we say we don’t need engineers and manufacturing – must be out of the mind.

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