Sunday, November 3, 2019

World's biggest trade deal to be delayed to 2020: draft ASEAN statement

ricky l
  • 1 second ago
    (1) Since all the RCEP members are ready with the exception of India - why don't the rest of the RCEP members sign the RCEP deal by this year end 2019 as Phase 1 of the RCEP deal.

    (2) India can continue to negotiate and only when India is ready - then India can sign as Phase 2 of the RCEP deal in Feb 2020.

    (3) Why let one member delay the whole RCEP deal?
  • jaykay
    2 hours ago
    At US behest India sabotaged the progressive deal

    • jaykay
      5 hours ago
      New Delhi under their US bosses instructions holding back the deal.
    • ricohflex
      3 hours ago
      Asean should make it clear to citizens of all its members that India sabotaged the meeting. Let this be widely acknowledged. Then create a new version of RCEP in which India is EXCLUDED. The trouble maker is NOT welcome. US does not want RCEP to happen. India is the saboteur wo=rking on behalf of US in this 2019 BKK Asean meeting. In future do NOT invite India.

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