Thursday, November 21, 2019

US-China trade war could spark real war: Kissinger

  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) US is not without wise man.

    (2) But in this Trump administration - it is devoid of even one.
  • ricky l
    18 seconds ago
    Ricky Lim
    The current scenarios of Global trade war started by Trump - is the exact scenario in 1930 Deep Depression - that started World War 2

    Posted in – Fri 20 Jan, 2017 3:26 AM IST
    ricky l 0 seconds ago
    1930s Deep Depression --- hopefully it will not occur.
    It is trigger by US trade war - increase trade tariff against the World - that trigger 1930s Deep Depression.
    Hope Donald Trump learned from this - and not repeat the mistake of the 1930s Deep Depression.
    "The decline in the U.S. economy was the factor that pulled down most other countries at first; then, internal weaknesses or strengths in each country made conditions worse or better. Frantic attempts to shore up the economies of individual nations through protectionist policies, such as the 1930 U.S. Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act and retaliatory tariffs in other countries, exacerbated the collapse in global trade.[17] By late 1930, a steady decline in the world economy had set in, which did not reach bottom until 1933."

    ricky l 1 second ago
    And Deep Depression 1930s --- trigger the 2nd World War.
    World War II and recovery
  • Frank
    2 hours ago
    By far the most intelligent comments from US...
  • Forest
    3 hours ago
    See, what it means 'through negotiations', so far more than 6 months into the crisis in hk, CCP just refused to move a toe, no doubt, the bill is gone, it may be a catalyst, but the deep seated problem is CCP eroding into hk's freedom and rights, they want universal suffrage, that's it.
  • spoiler
    2 hours ago
    if humanity chooses to self destruct so be it.
  • HeadortailiWin
    21 minutes ago
    Old but wise words. Surely he can’t play side but the fact remains, who started it all? It will be a hefty price to pay for a long time to come.
  • Old bird
    2 hours ago
    Takes a wise old man to tell Trump that. Kissinger should tell it to Trump in the face. No one wins in a trade war. In this case if the US really go head on with China they are not going to win because Trump has made too many enemies. As it is the US farmers are already crying for help with some with suicidal tendencies.
  • Lux
    47 minutes ago
    Bring it on
  • Toast
    31 seconds ago
    Made in china will lose the war...100%
  • Harry
    22 minutes ago
    Just remove yr idiot president & all will b well again in t world. He's t cause of all t problems.

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