Monday, November 4, 2019

India will not join RCEP trade deal in blow to sprawling Asian pact

ricky l
3 seconds ago
But the source held out the option that New Delhi could join at a "later date" even after it is signed -- if outstanding issues are resolved.
China's deputy foreign minister Le Yucheng echoed the view.
"Whenever India is ready, it is welcome to get on board," he said before Delhi confirmed its pullout.
Posted in :- November 3, 2019

ricky l
(1) Since all the RCEP members are ready with the exception of India - why don't the rest of the RCEP members sign the RCEP deal by this year end 2019 as Phase 1 of the RCEP deal.

(2) India can continue to negotiate and only when India is ready - then India can sign as Phase 2 of the RCEP deal in Feb 2020.

(3) Why let one member delay the whole RCEP deal?


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