(1) If India prove to be a stumbling block to the signing of this RCEP - the whole bloc should consider signing the RCEP as Phase 1 deal without India.
(2) India can consider to join RCEP in Phase 2 - when India is ready.
(3) No point keep delaying the signing of RCEP because of 1 member.
RCEP is seen as a way for China to assert its trade dominance in Asia after the US pullout of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in 2017, which would have been the world's biggest free trade deal.
It could also work to further isolate the US from Asia after its pullout from the TPP, which has since been reborn as a watered-down version without Washington.
If RCEP is signed it will be "another blow to (the United States') ability to be able to engage with Asia Pacific," Cortes-Sanchez said. --
(1) Forget about Trump-led US - who are bent on trade war with his "America First, World last" policy against the whole World.
(2) Asia Pacific can do less with Trump-led US - who is bent on sabotaging the World Economy to enrich himself.
(3) RCEP is a much larger trade zone US$49.5 trillion that dwarf US market with GDP of US$19 trillion and EU market with US$21 trillion.
(4) Asia Pacific trade zone can prosper and flourish once RCEP is signed.
(2) India can consider to join RCEP in Phase 2 - when India is ready.
(3) No point keep delaying the signing of RCEP because of 1 member.
It could also work to further isolate the US from Asia after its pullout from the TPP, which has since been reborn as a watered-down version without Washington.
If RCEP is signed it will be "another blow to (the United States') ability to be able to engage with Asia Pacific," Cortes-Sanchez said.
(1) Forget about Trump-led US - who are bent on trade war with his "America First, World last" policy against the whole World.
(2) Asia Pacific can do less with Trump-led US - who is bent on sabotaging the World Economy to enrich himself.
(3) RCEP is a much larger trade zone US$49.5 trillion that dwarf US market with GDP of US$19 trillion and EU market with US$21 trillion.
(4) Asia Pacific trade zone can prosper and flourish once RCEP is signed.