Trump asks Japan to hike payments for U.S. troops to $8 billion: Foreign Policy
23 seconds ago
(1) Like many Countries in EU - eg. Germany, France etc - they are forming a EU Army, develop their own 5G stealth fighter plane and rely less on Trump-led US --- because they don't want to be keep extorted by Trump for more and more money.
(2) Japan and SKorea likewise should do the same - the first is to let the US troop go from their base - but beef up their own defenses - while maintaining a better relationship with their neighbors.
(2) Japan and SKorea likewise should do the same - the first is to let the US troop go from their base - but beef up their own defenses - while maintaining a better relationship with their neighbors.

- We need to understand that the U.S troops are not stationed in Japan to protect Japan but for the interests of the U.S. in the region.
- I guess donnie is not aware of the peace treaty. Then again japan has made a few changes to their constitution but we are still legally bound to protect them/
- Japanese foreign ministry spokesman said the report was incorrect and no U.S.-Japan negotiations on a new agreement have taken place. Haha. trump lied again
- I have a better idea. Japan tells the US to get their base out of their country. How about that?
- Just funny world - Why would the Japanese fund an occupational army that is foreign and very unpopular instead of sending that money to her own Japanese Defence Forces?
- 8 billion? That’s about how much inside traders have made off of Trump’s trade war market manipulation.
- Trump is now trying to get funding from Japan to pay for his vanity border wall "indirectly" since Mexico told him to go pound sand, AFTER he conned his supporters into believing Mexico would pay for it. But Japan, if their smart, is not going to pay any more than they already are for US troops. Maybe Trump doesn't know that the US troops in Japan are more beneficial to the United States than then they are to Japan as the sole purpose for US troops in Japan is to contain China. They are not there to protect Japan from North Korea and/or Russia as I'm sure Trump mistakenly believes.
- Japan won’t have to pay anything if they manufacture evidence against Joe Biden, administration officials confirmed today.
- They should do what Trump would do. Acquiesce to the price hike and just NOT PAY. Say something like the troops behaved badly or the ship spilled some oil or any excuse to show dissatisfaction with the occupation. If not for North Korea and China playing their shenanigans those countries would've asked us to leave sooner. So what happens if they (South Korea and Japan) say no? We won't be moving the fleet to Hawaii, maybe Somoa?
(2) Japan and S Korea should just tell US army personnel to leave their respective base - but beef up their military to serve their own interest rather than Trump-led US interest.
(3) Trump led US is like a loan shark, a never-ending greedy man - with no base in a well - where he will keep asking Japan and SKorea to pay and pay.