Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Beijing hints at looming pressure on Hong Kong courts

By Greg Torode
ricky l
  • 1 second ago
    (1) If HK courts cannot help the city to enforce law and order - then they deserve to be revamped.
  • ricohflex
    21 minutes ago
    How can Hong Kong court overturn the Constitution of China? That would be undemocratic. Hong Kong has 7 million people. China has 1.3 billion people.
  • Forest
    5 minutes ago
    So, NPC have the ultiimate power to meddle and reinterpret it to suit them, think hkongers should give up the fight and leave, even hk police are now behaving like thugs.

    ricky l
    23 seconds ago
    (1) Yes if hkogners fail to recognise they have a new master - then they should leave hk and migrate to US and UK - who are their supporters.

    (2) Those who want to stay - will need to learn how to live in a new system - and not follow their old ways.

1 second ago
(1) Hkongers got to realise that - they will need China for them to survive.

(2) They can't rely on US and UK for their survival.

(3) If they understand this fact - then they will need to learn how to live in a new system - and not blindly follow what US and UK tell them how to live.

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