Monday, November 4, 2019

Trump Now Admits 'You Can Cut Through Anything,' Including 'Impenetrable' Border Wall

ricky l
  • 4 seconds ago
    (1) Trump is telling all sorts of lies that many will not believe - except his supporter base.

    (2) Even when his lies are exposed later - his supporter base will still foolishly and stubbornly find excuses for him - like obstinate fools.
  • Loving the WHINE of Trumpettes
    10 hours ago
    But the Yam told the world his beautiful folly was virtually impenetrable and unclimbable by professional climbers - how could he be wrong?
  • Hoggie
    8 hours ago
    It must be great to live in a world where the truth is so fluid.
  • mariel
    4 hours ago
    Over-stayed visas is the biggest problem, but they won’t fix it! Cheap labor always win.
  • Catherine
    2 hours ago
    Oh nooo! Little Donnie doesn't have a ' wonderful ' wall anymore! Anyway t would have been better to tell him once he's finished playing golf!
    By code-resist on 
  • The_Order_of_Things
    10 hours ago
    Its Better to tell the TRUTH then to worry about which lie was told.
  • DigitusImpudicus
    9 hours ago
    Haha. But somehow they still think a multi billion dollar gov boondoggle siezing land from citizens is the way to go.
  • WaiMan
    9 hours ago
    10 billions dollars so far!
  • Sherilynne
    2 hours ago
    Anyone who ever believed him on this wall stuff is easily led.
  • marc
    2 hours ago
    If you build it...They will come.
  • Koho
    9 hours ago
    So not only was he wrong about a wall stopping illegal immigration, not only was he wrong about Mexico paying for the wall, he was also telling a lie about it being impenetrable. The only thing truly impenetrable in this world is the ORANGE IMBECILE's head when it comes to learning.

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