Tuesday, November 5, 2019

India firms, farmers applaud Modi for rejecting RCEP trade deal

  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) Global Supply Chain will be reconfigured with all RCEP members.

    (2) This mean India will lose investment as investors will stay within RCEP.

    (3) RCEP offer a big market - and will trade within RCEP members minus India - who will be less competitive vis-a-vis RCEP members - and India Economy will be less dynamic with less growth.

    (4) India industries will become less progressive as it protect its market - and there is less incentive for India enterprise to innovate and become less competitive in trading with the World market - in the long run - India will become more and more backward - as the World surge ahead.
  • Boleh Land
    4 hours ago
    It is ok. RECEP with above countries. The total economic size is already quite big about 26 trillions. In due time, we can expand with Pakistan, Blangadesh, Nepal, Bhutan etc.
  • mollytan
    3 hours ago
    BRAVO, Mr Modi
    I am for the less painful ( esp to one's one people ) slower growth kind of model.. "add oil !"
  • Rain
    27 minutes ago
    A lot of Asia markets are closed. They shld think that they can penetrate Asia market including China.
  • Merdeka4Justice
    4 hours ago
    only stoopig singapore aleebaba take in their ceca freely & given pr & sintizenship.
  • muthu
    2 hours ago
    Probably the rest of the other countries heaved a big sigh of relief.
  • Spencer yeong
    4 hours ago
    i shall boycott "made in india" product if i can find 1 here....but i also dont buy their product! Lol...
  • Freddie
    4 hours ago
    I am grateful too. Now we can be spared from having to buy contaminated Indian food and other rubbish. They don't make anything which other ASEAN and Pacific countries already make. They will just complain about everything. Now the Pacific countries should send back all the workers from there!
  • Sum Siew
    5 hours ago
    No wonder world call you Pariah states! wakakakakakaka

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