Sunday, November 17, 2019

Louisiana's John Bel Edwards wins reelection to remain Deep South's only Democratic governor

  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    (1) So does it means that come 2020 - Trump will be defeated ?
  • Anonymous
    6 hours ago
    Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards won a second term Saturday to remain the only Democratic governor in the Deep South despite an all-out effort by President Donald Trump to flip the seat to the Republican column.
  • Emily
    4 hours ago
    Good for you Louisiana. You deserve someone that balanced your budget, increased school spending, and expanded Medicare to help more families. Congrats
    John Bel Edwards has been re-elected as Louisiana governor, marking a bitter blow to President Donald Trump who publicly endorsed GOP rival Eddie Rispone.
    The shock victory was declared late Saturday night, after the President used the runoff election in the Deep South as a test of his own popularity and political prowess heading into the 2020 Presidential race.
    Trump made three trips to Louisiana in the past five weeks to rally for Rispone, and he took to Twitter several times on Saturday encouraging Louisianans to head to the polls and turn the state red.
    However, the Commander-in-chief's pleas weren't enough to get the GOP contender over the line, with Edwards narrowly clinching victory around 10pm local time.
    With the ballots counted, Edwards received 51.3% of the vote in comparison to Rispone's 48.7%
    Shortly after the results were announced, Edwards took to the stage to address supporters in Baton Rouge, describing his victory as 'sweet'....,
    Louisiana's Democrat governor stuns Trump to WIN re-election by beating Republican rival | Daily Mail Online
    Louisiana's Democrat governor stuns Trump to WIN re-election by beating Republican rival | Daily Mail Online
  • Andrew
    6 hours ago
    The president told Louisiana voters the race was a symbolic referendum on his presidency, which he said is under attack by Democrats who've started impeachment hearings in the House. Trump's candidate lost, so Trump loses the referendum on him in red Louisiana.
  • Michael
    5 hours ago
    Trump is succeeding in destroying the Republican party. Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987 and since that time has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party
  • Vic
    6 hours ago
    The president told Louisiana voters the race was a symbolic referendum on his presidency, which he said is under attack by Democrats who've started impeachment hearings in the House. I guess the voters agreed that should also be impeached. Just when would dotard learn that everything is not about you. But America would accept your loss anyway.
  • Ms. Emely
    6 hours ago
    *Trump* thanks for the sweet Democratic Victory in Louisiana. Bravo Gov. John Bel Edwards congrats.
    By totinos on 
  • tony
    6 hours ago
    Trump goes to these rally to help a Republican candidate but end up making it all about himself. Trump didn't talk about issue that matter to Louisiana but about himself.
  • David
    6 hours ago
    Keep supporting candidates trump! The democrats thank you for helping get more democrats elected!
  • CDEC
    6 hours ago
    Congrats Louisiana. We voted for a Democrat here in Kentucky too. Glad to see the Trump effect is having a positive outcome for Democrats. So happy for you tonight! Hurray!!!
  • john
    5 hours ago
    Thank you so much Trump for coming to Louisiana and guaranteeing a win for the Democrat since Trump has lost all credibility

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