Monday, November 18, 2019

Police swoop as Hong Kong protesters try to flee

Anthony WALLACE, Catherine LAI
  • 2 seconds ago
    (1) The Police must attempt to arrest all in the campus that have participated in the rioting.

    (2) They have committed serious crime - and all should be tried for rioting.

    (3) Don't think they get scared and feel tired and fearful for being arrested - means they can get away scott free - after committing rioting.

    (4) They must pay a price as consequences.
  • Chan
    1 hour ago
    There is no need for the police to charge in. Just turn off the water n electricity supply to the campuses, eventually when the rioters run out of food n water , they will need to surrender. Hk Govt must never allow negotiation for these campus rioters to walk out free. These rioters are murderers, beside damaging the infrastructure, they also killed can innocent 70 year old man with brick.
    These rioters must be charged so that the old man can Rest In Peace
  • silent
    5 hours ago
    Protesters in Hongkong are more patriotic by heart. They truly give all they can, even their own lives to gain their freedom and independence. Such a heroism act for the sake of their new generations to come. The Hongkong people will always remember the days of struggles, sacrifices, and the youngs that worth dying for.

    While the protesters in the Philippines, the principles that they are standing for are for the sake of money and personal interests. They are not truly patriotic Filipinos nor they don't have a love for their country. They are not fighting for the rights, they are fighting to make the right wrong and make the country suffer more. They are shouting for freedom but it's only to deceive the helpless one. Protesting in the Philippines is a business, a profiteering group of people to suit their self-satisfaction. That is why they are not worthy of fighting for nor standing for. Their worth in the country is nothing but garbage. They are worthy to exterminate rather than to support.
  • ric
    1 hour ago
    I do agree and respect the rights of the protesters, but simply cannot understand that they have to attack people, policemen and destroy traffic lights, burn the banks, do you think this is what civilized people should do? For all those who supported the riots, please rethink your position.
  • sarah
    4 hours ago
    The protest aim was to hold off all economic & government activity in HK which those students believed were more in favor with Beijing than Hong Kong itself. HK was in a stand still for 3 days & they have achieved their goal. Carrie Lam was deep in trouble now with the business community the way she handle the HK economy for the good of Beijing at the expense of HK. Lam wont resign & Xi may have supported her but the Business sector was so fed up with her all politics at the orders of Beijing
  • muthu
    5 hours ago
    When they were led by their noses by the CIA and wreaked havoc on the city and beat up and burnt people and killed them plus damaged infrastructures and businesses they never thought about the consequences. Time for the pay back, the police must not hold back and shoot to kill and eliminate the problem once and for all. Yes there will be some deaths if they do not surrender.
  • sum siew
    5 hours ago
    According to BERSHIT, those protesters merely exercise their democratic right!
  • chi
    8 hours ago
    Hong Kong police fire three live shots at protesters in Tsim Sha Tsui; no one hit.....Ball rounds wont kill
    55 minutes ago
    hopeless situation
  • Yahoo reader
    2 hours ago
    If the government doesn't suit you, then work hard, save your money and emigrate. Why cause chaos, hardship and suffering for the others? You have the democratic right to emigrate. The police should shoot to kill all those violent people!
  • Easy
    44 minutes ago

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