Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top diplomat implicates Trump in explosive impeachment testimony

  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    And Bernie Sanders, another of the frontrunners for the nomination, said Trump had been shown to be "not only a pathological liar" but also "the most corrupt president in the modern history of America".
    (1) But the problem is - there are still many Americans supporting him - despite knowing him to be a "big liar".

    (2) Many Americans has lost their moral compass -- including many of his supporters and the lawmakers.
  • ricky l
    26 seconds ago
    (1) In fact, Trump few years in office --- has successfully destroyed the image of US worldwide - where US integrity, honesty, moral values has all gone done the drain. ---- where many people in the World think that US is a place full of liars, and crooks --- where wrongdoings are condone, pardon and upheld as morally right.
2 seconds ago
(1) In other words, in the eyes of the World - Trump-led US has zero credibility and integrity.

(2) It means - Trump-led US is not trustworthy - in any dealings and relationships.
  • Yingster
    8 hours ago
    If you watch the interview in whole by Representative Jim Jordan then you will understand that this testimony is hearsay and has no facts. It is his assumption, only that. No financial aid was tied to any investigation, nor was there the threat of it. Learn to listen to everything, not just the selective items Sniff and the gang want you to hear.
    15 hours ago
    I for one do not like the idea of Trump using my money to help him with his "quid pro quo" and 2020 bid for reelection. Use taxpayer money for the country and not for political personal use.
  • Tom
    10 hours ago
    I really don't see any good reason to impeach the President. He only wanted to investigate Biden's son and does not feel he should release the 400 million to corrupted officials.
    16 hours ago
    Another Trump appointee turns on him. He sees the writing on the wall. He is "NOT" going down with Trump. "All The President's Men" are turning on him. Even Guilani has been quoted as saying, " I have insurance". Which means that Trump better be careful about "throwing him under the bus". Will Pompeo be next? Maybe. What if Bolt testifies? WOW,,,Maybe even the "fly on the wall (Pence)", might have something to say.
    14 hours ago
    Just curious of how the American public will object or condone Trump using their money to try and gain an advantage in 2020.
  • bill
    7 hours ago
    unfortunately, i listened today to the cross examination of Gordon Sondland. He tried to implicate President Trump in wrong doing, but when pressed he had to admit that on one on earth actually told him the aid was conditional on this investigation. He said, I only thought it was such! Then he was asked, has anyone on this earth actually given u an order to withhold aid in a quid quo pro situation, he replied, no, no one, it was only that i believed it to be true. So then this is only your opinion and no one's direct order? he replied, that is correct. so now my friends reading the above is how fake news gets presented. the article is a direct lie in an attempt to make president Trump look guilty. actually this guy, cordon, has given absolutely no proof that the aid was withheld in an attempt to get the government officials to investigate Biden. the democrats are all liars. this is a political hack job to change the votes of over 60 million americans because the democrats dont like the outcome of the 2016 election and feel they cannot beat trump at the ballet box in 2020.
  • Ped
    13 hours ago
    The dems got nothing to impeach Trump. Adam Bull Schiff is lying and the mainstream media is part of it. If Trump wins they will forever be the fake news. And the people who believe them are also fake.
  • Pol
    9 hours ago
    What is this fake news?
  • ben le duong!
    15 hours ago
    never understand why Republican congress men defended Trump ( the criminal) ???
  • Taliban Pelosi
    7 hours ago
    This soft coup fake impeachment is going nowhere. Prediction: Trump will win in 2020 with more electoral votes than last time.

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