Monday, November 4, 2019

SEAsia leaders snub US meeting after Trump skips ASEAN summit

Joe Freeman

US says 'extremely engaged' in Asia after Trump skips ASEAN meet

Joe Freeman
Ricky Lim
(1) The World won't trust this Trump-led US - in engaging the World with free trade --- who is bent on "America First and World last" policy - using trade tariff to cowed all its trading partners.

25 seconds ago
Just three leaders from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) showed up to the session, along with a host of foreign ministers.
In attendance were the prime minister of Thailand, which is hosting the summit, along with the leaders of Laos and Vietnam, next year's ASEAN chair.
(1) This is a testimony of how the World view Trump-led US in trade.

4 seconds ago
Extremely engaged? Forget it.

  • Hakuna Pototoy
    23 minutes ago
    US is "extremely engaged" to disengage the rise of China.
  • Dexter
    30 minutes ago
    What the ignorant do not know is that the US funds military exercises with most of ASEAN in the billions of dollars. If the saying, "put your money where your mouth is" is true, then they have.
  • Roman
    1 hour ago
    ..u.s.a just waiting for code of conduct which communist china 's task to draft..for sure the code in fine pronts , will definitely favors communist china's encrochment of it's negboring eez's
  • Thomas
    1 hour ago
    I have a recommendation for anybody who wants one. Throw away your suit, cash in your chips, go to the website If you want to live your dreams like I'm living mine go to the website Emini S&P Trading Secret, I believe you can just Google them and find them. These guys will teach you how to trade and you can make all the money you need to in order to live a great lifestyle. Then move to Thailand like I have from Florida and really enjoy yourself like I am. The Internet here in Thailand works great for trading! Plus you can't beat the women.
  • LOL everyone
    2 hours ago
    USA is not interested in ASEAN. Full stop
  • LetsBeRealistic
    2 hours ago
    What a shame. You are 'extremely committed' to Asia by not attending Asia's major events.
    Just stay put and keep your mouth shut. Nobody will think that you are dumb.
  • Juzz Lee
    3 hours ago
    Better for USA to be less engaged. They only attempt to sow discord, create dissent and start wars. USA has turned out to be a huge hypocrite and an awful ally.Wilbur is just lying for the con man Trump.

    • muthu
      2 hours ago
      @Jon , well they haven’t attacked any country unlike the americauns who have been and are still killing people around the world. If you don’t see that then you must be blind, biased or simply drunk on americium.
    • Jon
      2 hours ago
      So are the Chinese trying to create "warm and happy feelings" by building islands in the South China Sea and encroaching on Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesian territories? Or is Juzz Lee just a troll for the Chinese government?
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