Tuesday, August 15, 2017

ricky l

Top U.S. general says committed to working through difficulties with China

By Michael Martina
ricky l
5 seconds ago
US and China military must stay engage - to prevent mis-steps, mis-comm.

This will prevent any unnecessary military confrontation between the 2 Superpowers - which will not be any good for anyone in the World.
ricky l
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  • Leyangi
    4 hours ago
    China One Belt, One Road is still a lot better than the US approach to other countries. Look what happened to Iraq, Libya, Syria etc.
  • Weihongleong
    7 hours ago
    China and US are strange bedfellows. 
    Too bad it didn't work out the way you've hoped for.
    Frustrating, isn't it?
  • ricky l
    ricky l
    4 seconds ago
    Don't blame the China for promoting its One Belt One Road - as US has given up its TPP in day 1 of Donald Duck's agenda by signing his infamous Executive Order for opting out.

    It is Donald Duck's fault for lack of vision - don't blame China's President Xi's masterpiece of One Belt One Road.

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