Tuesday, August 22, 2017

ricky l

Steve Bannon Reportedly Calls Jared Kushner And Ivanka Trump 'Javanka' Behind Their Backs

Rebecca Shapiro
ricky l
23 seconds ago
“Mr. Bannon openly complained to White House colleagues that he resented how Ms. Trump would try to undo some of the major policy initiatives that he and Mr. Trump agreed were important to the president’s economic nationalist agenda, like withdrawing from the Paris climate accords,” 

Kushner ― he, along with Ivanka Trump, reportedly had a hand in Bannon’s removal. 
Kushner & Ivanka Trump is a blessing to Trump and America because Steve Bannon is an evil against humanity.

Steve Bannon ideologies is against humanity - promoting racism, facism, hated, protectionist, white supremacy - the like of ISIS to islam --- and his departure is a blessing to America.

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