Saturday, August 12, 2017

Singapore committed to long-term relationship with Indonesia: DPM Teo

Ricky Lim · 

Our focus of building relationship and business must not only be with China and US only.
Indonesia, ASEAN, EU, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand etc should also be in our focus.

Thus it is very important for us to uphold the following principles :-
"Be friends to all and adversaries to none.
Forge mutual benefits and win-win outcome.
Take care of our National Interests while accomodating the interests of others".

If we succeed, Singapore will continue to survive, thrive, prosper and continue to do well.....
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Ricky Lim · 
Thus Singapore will not be a vassal state of any SuperPowers or any Countries - contrary to some Singaporeans suggest.

Singapore is our own independent State - and Singapore will decide our future based on the principles as we articulate our foreign policies.
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