Friday, August 18, 2017

'One bomb and we're gone': Some foreigners in Guam on tenterhooks amid volatile North Korean threat

Ricky Lim · 

To be honest, Guam need to be less scare than N Korea.
Because, the chances of N Korea nuclear missiles hitting Guam is less likely than US nuclear missiles hitting N Korea.

The reasons :-
(1) N Korea nuclear missiles and nuclear warhead - is still trial and error and not certain that it will work.
(2) N Korea nuclear missiles guidance system - whether can land on Guam accurately is still a question mark.
(3) US concentric layer of anti-missile defense system to intercept N Korea missiles - are more likely to succeed.
(4) N Korea does not have an anti-missile system to defend themselves if US counter-attack by launching its nuclear missiles such as Tomahawk via bombers, submarines, naval ships, ICBM minuteman with 10 warheads from land etc.

Thus the chances that N Korea will be wipe out in a counter-attack is more likely than N Korea nuclear missiles land on Guam - though a risk is still there.
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Ricky Lim · 

So it N Korea miscalculate, the one who be really wipe out is N Korea and not Guam.
Trust Trump, he will do it if N Korea fire missiles into Guam.
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Ricky Lim · 

Trump is more mad than Kim - and he don't care even if it means millions perish there.

That is the exact words from Trump.
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Winston Ling · 

I dunno why people are taking N.Korea so seriously, other than Shooting missiles into the Sea, They have not demostrated the ability to HIT any darn thing with their missiles, the accuarcy of their "long range" missile have shown it to explode in mid air more often then it splashing into the sea. Unless they can credibly drop a missile so close to shore to scare USA or S.Korea, I am sure Kim Jong Un, dun want to be another Saddam, who was living in luxury until he tried to do weapons of mass destructions and got him killed. N.Korea will think very hard before they try to even shoot a missible at USA. because its not worth 100,000 or so American lifes, if a US retaliation war, Ends his "Life of luxury' surrounded by his generals. He would rather eat good food and live in luxury until his old age like Fidel Castrol.
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Sargent Pulgas · 

Ricky Lim That's true, that's why I salute Mr. Trump for that. Go! Go! Go! Mr. Trump.
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Ricky Lim · 

Sargent Pulgas - But that does not mean that Trump has the licensed to pawn millions of lives in Korean Peninsula - and sacrifice them by nuking them as and when he like.

Starting a nuclear war is a great sin - that must not ever start.
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Dave Pilot · 

This will b a serious lesson for Singapore trying to b "visible" on terror issues of other countries, or for that matter choosing alliance with USA or the west. An unqualified sycophant. N Korea n other terrorist groups need not fire any missile at Singapore or Guam or USA or anywhere. They can just quietly put a remote control nuclear device with a nuclear or Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) warhead into a container n ship it into Singapore waters. By the time that they r intercepted, the WMD device would have detonated. This is what shamugam feared the most other than his constant call for vigilance by residents n tourists alike.
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Ricky Lim · 

Not sure why do you always associate Singapore as choosing alliance with USA or the West.

Singapore is a neutral country and will make friends with any Countries in the World.

As long as any Countries have positive initiatives that promote economic growth, trade, investment, business, travel, peace and prosperity - Singapore will befriend them for mutual benefits.

For eg. we support China's initiatives on RCEP, OBOR, AIIB.
We also support our FTA with Euraisan Community - which is the Russia initiatives.
We also support West initiatives on World Bank, IMF, human rights movement etc.
Not to mention we support ASEAN Economic Community, China-ASEAN economic integration.
We also support FTA with Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand etc.

So I don't understand why you keep harping on Singapore only promote US or West values only - and not the others.

We does not support US that opt out Paris Climate Agreement and TPP.
Nor does we support West legalising of drugs.

So don't promote the ideas any oh how based on your interpretation.

We must also communicate that activities that destroy human mankind are not welcom - such as terrorism, using nuclear weapons to threaten the World community.
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Ricky Lim · 

Though we are small, we have the right values - and must communicate and convey the right values - and not let the World negative values consume the World - and let the World mired with negative energy - which will eventually cause mankind to demise and kill one another.

The World negative values that are brewing and rearing its head are :-
(1) Protectionism
(2) Isolations
(3) Facism
(4) Bigotry
(5) Racism
(6) Mutual Exclusiveness
(7) Intolerance
(8) Bullying of others
(9) Terrorism
etc that will lead to human mankind destruction and may eventually lead to World War ---- this is what is happening to World Wat 1 and World War 2.

We must promote positive values such as :-
(1) Economic openness, trade, cooperation, trade pacts, FTA, Financial integration etc.
(2) International Cooperation
(3) Mutual Inclusivenvess, Diversity
(4) Rule of law to ensure transparency, justice, fairness in dispute resolution

We must not be like tortoise that hide inside a turtle shell or an ostrich that hide its head inside the sand - hoping that bad things will not come to us.

If law and order break down in the international spaces - Singapore will also not be spared.
Get it?
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Ricky Lim · 
What has caused such negative energy consume the World?

2 main reasons:-
(1) Karma backlash due to raw capitalism --- failure to take care of workers by corporate --- result in job lossess ---- Economic reason.
(2) Terrorism - security reason that cause distrust.
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Dave Pilot · 

So much rhetoric of living in utopia for Singapore. All countries r smarter than Singapore. It's not how smart Singapore is to cause trade deficit in bigger n richer countries. It's the deregulation n opening of borders which benefit small countries like Singapore. So why should others lose money to Singapore? So rightly any such government would like certain level of each, such s protectionslism, trade tariffs, exclusive clubs G7, formerly G8? etc. only one question to ask " is Singapore aligned to USA or china in case of a war breaking out between china n USA. Everyone knows the answer except this guy who wrote such large composition n knew not the basic n trying to harp on Singapore is a friend to all.
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Ricky Lim · 

You are not a Singaporean - because whatever you write - you try to harm Singapore interest.
People are not as stupid as you think.
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Ricky Lim · 
More importantly, the more you write, the less substance you have and your argument become less and less convincing - and less and less people with believe what you wrote about Singapore.
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