RSAF F-15SG fighter jets to take part in US air warfare exercise Read more at (Updated:)
It is a routine exercise so don't anyhow say we r doing this just to annoy china. We have been participating for a long time. Later this year there will be exercise forging sabre as well. Currently there is a training undergoing called exercise pacific griffin a naval exercise tgt with the US navy.
As long as our foreign policies are clear and consistent - we are not taking sides of US or China - nor are we the vassal states of anyone - but solely for our training needs and National Interests - I think we should have no problem convincing US or China we are neutral.
We have joint exercises not only with US forces, we also do it with China forces.
And we have a clear and consistent policies :- "Friends with all, adversaries to none. Forge mutual benefits and win-win outcome. Protecting our National Interests while accomodating the interests of others without compromising ours."
By doing so, we can play peacemakers or provide our honest opinion if things go sour - and there is a possibility that a neutral peacemaker trusteed by both sides can prevent a military confrontation.
I disagree with all u guys below coz the Taiwan training lesson n the detention of SAF vehicles in HK might b a clear sign that Singapore has to cool down its operation with western countries if it is to continue to tap into the financial n trade centres of china. U have no sovereignty s a small nation when super powers call the shots, unless u have a nuclear war head like N Korea
Sure but if china does not like it they have to make an effort. We have been enjoying good relations with the US for a long time. Friendship is built upon trust. As our ties grew the US allowed us to purchase more sophisticated equipment and allowed us to train there. Red flag is unique although being mainly a US airforce exercise, it is open to the friends of the US. So it is somewhat an international exercise like pacific rim. If china feels that we r more use to the US its because of the long ties we had. It takes time to build trust. If china does not feel happy theu can propose exercise. We have participated in maritime exercises with them as well as army exercises. China needs to be proactive not reactive.
You mentioned that we need to cool down on our operations with western countriss because of the taiwan issue. Taiwan is not a western country to start with. Yes taiwan is a friend towards western countries but it is not a western country. Issue is not about east or west for the taiwan/terrex saga. It is the issue between taiwan and china. Both does not recognise each other and both see each other as the rightful soverign nation to rule all of china and taiwan. Correct me if im wrong as i rmb reading an article that the govt of taiwan believes that it is the rightful nation to be running both m...See More
Frankly this is like a pissing match between two primary school kids. "Because you friend him, so I don't friend you". Seriously... Leaders should be more generous, mature and look into mutual benefits.
Dave Pilot - It is not like you possess nuclear warhead like N Korea, you can call the shot on the SuperPowers.
It is what your "Heart" is and what you "Stand for" that is important.
Eg. if S Korea got to bend for the 2 SuperPowers, S Korea will be dead by now. (1) When China tell S Korea not to deploy Thaad and S Korea comply, if N Korea fire their nuclear missiles at S Korea, S Korea will be a dead meat. (2) When US do pre-emptive strike without seeking the consent of S Korea, S Korea will be attack by N Korea even though S Korea did not agree with US strike.
You must have your position,you must have your own National Interests, National Security - and take this as your positions as you work with the SuperPowers.
Only then the SuperPowers will respect you and work with you.
You can't be a eunch or puppet - where the SuperPowers ask you to do "A" you do "A" - even if it means asked you to "commit suicide" - you also do.
This is not the right way to conduct foreign affairs and formulate your foreign policies.
No one will take care of your interests if you don't take care of your own. You will just be a pushover.
The moment you declare yourself as a vassal state, you become spineless - and you will lose your sovereignty in conducting your foreign affairs.
You become a remote controlled drone - and your National Interests and National Security will be gravely compromised - as you can't be a Master of your own destiny.
So Dave Pilot, your view is flaw and dangerous - and you don't possess the grit, gumption to lead Singapore in foreign affairs.
Moreover our principles := "Friends with all, adversaries to none. Forge mutual benefits and win-win outcome. Protecting our National Interests while accomodating the interests of others without compromising ours."
- are holistic in mundane and in divine - and will be able to withstand the test of time.
So based on our these holistic principles - we will conduct our foreign policies - where geopolitical scenarios change - we adjust accordingly - revolving around our "time tested principles" with firmness, grit and gumption - that have served us very well since Independence.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in delivers a speech at the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea June 12, 2017. REUTERS/Ahn Young-joon/Pool
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SEOUL: South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said on Tuesday (Aug 15) there will be no military action upon the Korean peninsula without Seoul's consent and that the government would prevent war by all means.
"Military action on the Korean peninsula can only be decided by South Korea and no one else can decide to take military action without the consent of South Korea," said Moon in televised comments.
The president was making an annual speech to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the nation's liberation from Japanese military rule that began in 1910 and ended in 1945.
"The government, putting everything on the line, will block war by all means," Moon said.
Previous presidents before Moon, who took office in May, have traditionally made North Korea the core of their speeches, mainly focusing on policy to engage Pyongyang.
Moon also urged the North to come to the dialogue table, saying sanctions against Pyongyang aim only draw it out to talks.
"I call upon the North Korean government: without international cooperation and co-existence economic development is impossible," said Moon. "If you continue on this path there will only be international isolation and a dark future."
Tension on the Korean peninsula has increased in recent months over concern that North Korea is close to achieving its goal of putting the mainland United States within range of a nuclear weapon.
North Korea and the United States exchanged threats of military action last week, with Pyongyang saying it will develop a plan to fire missiles to land in waters near the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam.
Earlier on Tuesday, North Korea said it would keep fire-ready regarding its Guam plans while watching the actions of the United States for a while longer.
Source: Reuters/rw
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