Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Commentary: Smart Nation a success if it helps Singaporeans tackle everyday challenges

Success in smart cities must start with the difficulties people face every day. This rationale must be applied in our drive towards a Smart Nation, argues SUTD’s Poon King Wang.

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IMDA partners telcos and banks to help SMEs expand digital capabilities
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Ricky Lim · 

As Government and Business restructure through digital capabilities, some job functions of its workers will be make redundant.

As responsible CEOs or businessman, management must try to be honest with the affected staff and workers - and should actively try to train affected workers in areas whereby new job functions will be created and put the affected workers into the new jobs.

Management must treat staff and workers as though they are part of the family members - who have try hard to help the company survive, thrive and prosper.

While management restructure and try new ways to make the business perform better, management must not forget about those workers that have help the companies to make profit and junk them when their job become dysfunctional.

Management must try to treat staff and workers like their family members - and should try to retrain them and make them productive and contribute to the company in new capacity.

Karma is very fair to all - be it management or workers.

If either exploit one another - instead of helping one another for mutual benefits - karma will befall when the conditions ripen.
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Ricky Lim · 

For eg. everyone can see the Trump syndrome that impact the White House, the Congress as well as the impact on business, on the CEOs - when business did not take care of their staff and workers affected by disruptive tech.

They revolt by electing a President that is friendly to business and CEOs.

Eg. Brexit where voters revolt by exiting from EU - when they perceived CEOs are not taking care of staff and workers by retraining them to take on jobs affected by disruptive tech.

This is certainly a lesson that have impacted governance and business all over the World.
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Ricky Lim · 
Companies and Management that treat staff and workers like family members - generally have more highly motivated workforce - and their business are likely to do well.
Any business restructuring are generally supported by the staff and workers - as they know that it is for the good of the company and less likely to resist.

Companies who adopt the hire and fire or those that have a HR framework to remove 1% of staff every year going through a kangaroo trial of appraisal - often will demoralised staff and workers in every appraisal exercise.
And any restructuring effort will meet with resistance and often staff and workers will be less motivated and will try to play "office politics" most of the time due to threat to their jobs.

The above observation is based on the principles of karma forces.
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