Saturday, May 2, 2020

REACH - 68. Implement SafeEntry QR code and Tracetogether (SK)
2 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:02 am, 02/05/2020] :

[11:16 am, 02/05/2020] : [Sent by - 2 May]
COVID-19: Comprehensive care for migrant workers
Over 170 Forward Assurance and Support Teams deployed to dormitories
Caring for migrant workers’ health
- Onsite medical facilities at all purpose-built dorms (PBDs)
- Medical posts at recreation centres; mobile medical teams for other dorms
- On-site Community Care Facilities within most affected dorms
- Designated blocks for recovered workers
Meals and amenities
- Meals, care packs and data SIM cards; Wifi access; free movies
Salaries and remittance
- MOM ensuring employers pay salaries on time
- Ensuring remittance services available

[12:02 pm, 02/05/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back! This chat will be open till 8pm today 😃
📢 Topic 📢
In the wider community, circuit breaker measures are working and infection numbers are falling. However, we must continue remain vigilant, even after the circuit breaker and when circuit breaker measures are gradually eased.
As part of plans to fight the coronavirus outbreak, contact tracing initiatives are being stepped up and expanded. When workplace activities gradually resume after the circuit breaker lifts, new workplace safety standards will also be in place to protect workers from further spread of Covid-19. This will be complemented by a new testing regime that will involve a substantial scaling up of such tests.
It is day 26 of the circuit breaker. What are your views on the stepping up of contact tracing initiatives (SafeEntry & TraceTogether) to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak?


[1:20 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Straits Times
2 May 2020
Contact tracing initiatives are being stepped up, as part of plans to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
For example, the national digital check-in system SafeEntry, which tracks the entry and exit of individuals at premises, is already mandatory for some establishments.
Its use will be expanded and details shared in due course, said Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong, when asked if SafeEntry would be made compulsory for all premises.
SafeEntry, which was rolled out last month, is now being used by essential sector businesses such as supermarkets, clinics and food and beverage outlets at more than 2,100 locations.
Users can check in and check out of a venue using the SafeEntry portal by *scanning a QR code on their own mobile devices*.
The system also logs key information - including name, NRIC number and mobile number.

[9:12 pm, 03/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---
My close friend contribution :-
[9:14 pm, 03/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---
Part 3 - Preparing for a good outcome

(1) If the circuit breaker measures work - we should also prepare for a good outcome.

(2) China after opening up from lock down, one of the measures it *implemented was QR code* at every business entities and places of interest which citizens visit.

(3) *So that gives both citizens and gov a log of all the places which citizens have visited.*

(4) So we have visitor registration today set up at buildings hospitals but not all places have this in place e.g. Malls do not have.

(5) Can gov consider setting up central database of self-declaration on the standard questions :-
(a) have you travelled in the past 14 days,
(b) have you come into contact with covid case, quarantined cases etc during the past 14 days
(c) do you have symptoms of cough etc.

(6) Citizens only need to declare once a day. When needed, citizens showed it to the relevant parties.

(7) At every business units, before entering citizens will be asked to scan the QR code which is assigned to that entity
e.g.. Before entering a foodcourt, I need to scan the foodcourt QR code.

(8) Then this becomes a trail of the places I visited.

(9) At the backend, the information can be used for contact tracing analysis, human traffic, tightening control etc. The front end can be an app.

(10) This is another way to beef up the contact tracing to supplement the current contact tracing approach we are adopting.


[1:26 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Straits Times
2 May 2020
As for the TraceTogether app, Mr Lawrence Wong did not say if it would be compulsory for everyone to download it, but said the Government was working with companies like Apple and Google to update some of the protocols so that the app can be more effective. "And as we do so, we will share more details," he said.
TraceTogether, which was launched in March, logs smartphone users' interactions by exchanging Bluetooth radio signals between nearby phones.
(1) Noted that Tracetogether mobile apps that make use of Bluetooth is not make compulsory - but the Government is working with Apple and Google tighten the security of iOS and Android to tighten the OS security in the handphone - so that users are assured that their handphone will not be compromised by vulnerable Bluetooth security --- as handphone are useed in eCommerce transaction.

(2) Until and unless Google and Apple give assurance that their OS security is safe - then can consider making Tracetogether mobile apps compulsory - as hackers cannot compromise the Bluetooth security.

[5:38 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) Google and Apple must ensure they patch up OS and ensure their repective Android and iOS must be able to patch up the loopholes posed by Bluetooth security vulnerabilities to minimally enhanced the following but not limited to :-
a. Handshake authentication
b. Encryption tunnel between 2 endpoints
c. Prevent "man-in-the-middle attack".
d. Prevent planting of malware, botnets, spyware

(2) The attached are the "well known attacks" on Bluetooth Security that Google and Apple must be able to protect against before Government can consider making compulsory the installation of Tracetogether mobile apps -- so as to safeguard smartphone as they are used in many eCommerce transaction using userid and password, SMS OTP (One-Time-Password) or soft-token generated by backend Authentication Server.

[5:50 pm, 02/05/2020] : I believe our government is working on this with them

[5:58 pm, 02/05/2020] : Bluejacking is an old "exploit" (if it can even be called an exploit). It doesn't work anymore.

Fish Fish
[12:10 pm, 02/05/2020] : I always forgot to switch on my Bluetooth while going out.. at the end my TraceTogether unable to function...

[12:37 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Google play store don't have SafeEntry apps...
Wonder how to scan the QR code?

[12:42 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Can provide a picture graphic how to scan the QR code for Safe Entry?

[5:01 pm, 02/05/2020] :
[5:04 pm, 02/05/2020] : Implement contact tracing through the use of SafeEntry by 12 May 2020
[5:04 pm, 02/05/2020] : seems like Gov is focing all to use SafeEntry

[5:11 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
SafeEntry has no IT security issue as it just require to use handphone to scan the QR code.

Don't need to turn on any wireless communication.

Information capture by the scan information can help in contact tracing.

Tracetogether got to use Bluetooth which is vulnerable unless Google and Apple patch up their OS to prevent hackers exploiting Bluetooth vulnerable security to hack user handphone.

David Murugan
[5:05 pm, 02/05/2020] : Better ALL use it everywhere. Simple to use too.

[5:17 pm, 02/05/2020] : Safer entry does not applied to all shopping mall leh.

Bobby Tan
[5:18 pm, 02/05/2020] : Yew Tee Point used Safe entry

[5:18 pm, 02/05/2020]9: Lot one dun have but bpp have.

Bobby Tan
[5:20 pm, 02/05/2020] : Not consistent
[5:20 pm, 02/05/2020] : Both under capital mall


[4:09 pm, 02/05/2020] :
Some foreign workers still unhappy about free food in dorms where MOM says it continually improving quality

[4:15 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
This is as good as our army food.
Still want to complain?
Very pampered.

[4:23 pm, 02/05/2020] : They are only used to their own country taste so headache to adapt under current situation

[4:28 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Should ask their chef to cook so that the food are not wasted.
Many of our local poorer folks need the food and more appreciative and not pampered.

[4:28 pm, 02/05/2020] : Hahaha. Depends on ur definition of army food. Sfi  or army cook standard. Lol
[4:29 pm, 02/05/2020] : Also, I been to Dhaka many times, the food doesn't look glam but its really quite delicious. Hahaha

[4:30 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Got food to eat and not go hungry already very good.

[4:30 pm, 02/05/2020] : Hmm.. Deployed 2 of the Fw to cook for the rest?

[4:31 pm, 02/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Let them do it, so they won't complain.

[4:32 pm, 02/05/2020] : Haha. Fw  also have culinary standards one hor. Usually they will self cook or go little India eat so I can understand if they are now forced to eat "fresh rations"
[4:32 pm, 02/05/2020] : This will work
[4:32 pm, 02/05/2020] : They usually do this to save costs

[4:35 pm, 02/05/2020] : 👍Also no food wastage.. Usually, if they cook, will cook big pot one..

[4:39 pm, 02/05/2020] : Yes


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