Thursday, May 7, 2020

REACH - 73. Singapore boosting mask production (SK)
8 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[7:56 am, 08/05/2020] : Coronavirus: Conditions in dorms not main reason for clusters, says Tan Chuan-Jin

[11:08 am, 08/05/2020] : [Sent by - 8 May]
COVID-19: Factors to consider as Circuit Breaker measures are eased
1️⃣ No. of cases
- Daily community cases should fall to 0 or single digits; low unlinked cases
- Decrease in no. of migrant worker cases
2️⃣ Global situation
- Review other countries’ transmission rates and measures to contain spread
- Reopening of our borders will start small and selectively
3️⃣ Systems to allow us to open up safely
- Widespread use of apps to help contact tracing
- Expand testing even further

[11:51 am, 08/05/2020] +65 8637 2164: Man charged with meeting another person for dinner during COVID-19 circuit breaker period

[11:56 am, 08/05/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
🗒 REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼
The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan

[12:14 pm, 08/05/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
Singapore has been ramping up its domestic production of surgical masks since mid-February to meet the needs of healthcare workers.
The decision to quickly establish local production capabilities for surgical masks came about shortly after the coronavirus outbreak started in China, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing revealed on 6 May.
"The local production capabilities are designed to make sure our healthcare system is sustainable."
Some contributors have shared that mask wearing should continue beyond the Circuit Breaker period.
How do you think Singapore’s own mask production capabilities will encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, while providing a sustainable supply of masks in our fight against COVID-19?
👉 Minister Chan Chun Sing:
👉 Coronavirus: Singapore boosting production of masks since February:
👉 Coronavirus: New cloth masks for all residents as Singapore ramps up production:
👉 Singaporeans to be given improved reusable masks in third nationwide mask distribution exercise:


[12:16 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
(1) Suggest putting hand sanitizer next to the vending machine - so that people can sanitize their hands when taking the face mask to prevent contamination.

[12:16 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
06 May 2020 06:58PM
(Updated: 06 May 2020 09:21PM)
‘Brother, you’re almost there’: 6 SAF camps housing 3,000 recovering migrant workers with COVID-19
Another important thing, COL Chua said, is ensuring that they have *enough space to move around* within their living areas, especially if they have been cooped up in community care facilities such as the Singapore Expo.
“In Expo they are in an indoor place, so when they first came to us they were quite happy to *see the sunrise and sunset*,” he said.
“I would say that the general approach is one of engaging them with *some degree of empathy*,” COL Chua added.“I suppose as a military this is something that we have learnt over the years (as this is) how we treat our soldiers.”
This involves introducing a sense of routine. For those who are not fasting, breakfast is at about 7am, after which some will rest in the bunks, *walk around in the sun* or do their laundry.
[1:51 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

My close friend concern :-

Top covid-19 concerns:
(1) Unrest break out in dorms and isolation areas. We are seeing tens of thousands of people being *confined within tiny spaces*. Even families members have conflicts and siblings fight. How can we not be worried?

(2) Only a small number of patients have recovered. These numbers will drag resources down not just money but burning out support staff. Could airconditioned, enclosed environment and sedentary life favour the covid virus? Report said patients in isolation centre s are "clinically well" or convalescing or mild symptomatic. Could we not systematically schedule them to *take a walk outside* and be *exposed to the goodness of sun* just 10mins in the *morning* and 10mins in the *afternoon*?


[12:21 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
3️⃣ Systems to allow us to open up safely
- Widespread use of apps to help contact tracing


Preparing ourselves from installing contact tracing tool :-

How to recover your handphone in the event of a malware attack, ransonware etc?

Do your homework everyday :-
(1) Ensure all your phone contacts are created and saved into your Google drive (cloud).

(2) Ensure you backup all your contact list to Google drive (cloud) everyday.

(3) Ensure you backup your Whatsapp chat everyday to the Google Drive (cloud).

(4) Do a Security Virus scan to your handphone device (to clean up the virus) - everyday.
If can remove the malware, botnet, spyware, ransonware or virus - good.

(5) Copy all the following files from your handphone directory to your laptop harddisk or portable harddisk :-
* Whatsapp media

(6) If cannot, then prepare to do a "drastic measure" to clear the malware, botnet, spyware, ransonware or virus.
You will need to ensure all your phone data - are properly backup to the Google Cloud as well as to your other personal backup devices - so that you can recover your data later.

Do a factory reset to erase all your data and reinstall the Google Android OS into your phone - to remove the malware, botnet, spyware, ransonware or virus.

Do not pay the hacker bitcoin or money -- if your handphone contracted ransonware - because even if you pay - there is no promise that the hacker will remove its ransonware.

(7) Then restore back your phone data from Google Drive (by removing your SIM card and reinsert it back) - Android will prompt and guide you to restore all your data back from the Google drive.

Then restore your other personal data from your personal backup device through your laptop harddisk or portable harddisk.


[1:09 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

(1) There are 2 large local manufacturers in Singapore :-
a. ST Engineering - one of the SBU.
b. Razer - a local gaming company

Few questions to ponder upon :-
(i) There is a need to ensure that the mask produced must meet international health safety and the material used - must be able to ensure that.
Thus local manufacturer must commit reasonabe level of investment and QC to ensure the health safety for the masks they produced.

(ii) What are the production numbers that the 2 local manufacturers can produced?
If both can already meet the number required by the domestic needs - healthcare and public at large as well as to export overseas - then is there an incentive for other manufacturers to jump in?
However, if both local manufacturers cannot produced the required number, then there must be incentives to encourage local producers to jump into the bandwagon.

(iii) Next thing to consider is that - when the virus pandemic is over - if too many local producers invest in machinery to produce masks --- there will be excess capacity.
What will happen to this excess capacity - if there are no buyers?


[1:12 pm, 08/05/2020] : Good and bad.
Regardless if it is coV or cb has lifted, for personal hygiene, it is also mandatory for food handler, dental n healthcare staff as well as encourage frontline who work as reception/cashier at healthcare sector , mask still must be wore.
Good is local production should have affortable price than the imported mask. There must be a cert to prove that the mask is truly a standard kind but not fake one.
1.There will be competitive mask making ppls who would like to try out.
Bad is....
- For business like minded, they will try to make profile out of it. They won't think of nation interest. Sorry to say that... To be realistic.
Encourage ppls to venture out..
- if for nation interest and gov can support them by giving them some rebates or whatever fund to start up, Im sure there are genuine n kind ppls who are willing to contribute but not thinking of profit making.
2. Gov or whoever authority must have qc check if the mask is fake.
3. As it is mandatory for food handler to wear mask now,it will be good to give these batch of ppls  a discount of purchasing mask.

[1:15 pm, 08/05/2020] : Authority has to  Limited local mask supplier.
Are they producing only 1 type of mask or various type like  surgery mask, dust mask or even N95?

[1:17 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
The 2 local producers are producing N95 or equivalent masks.
Not those normal masks.

[7:26 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
That is they produced N95, surgical masks.
ST Engineering in addition produce rewashable masks of N95 grade to be given to public.

[7:45 pm, 08/05/2020] : Great

[2:15 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend contribution:-

As this is a crisis, I'd like to think mask production in Singapore is an enterprising move first before entrepreneurship.
(2) In my mind, "Enterprising" means taking initiative and being resourceful. In this difficult period, medical supplies is in serious shortage, hence it is very important to be self-reliant. Happy that Singapore is moving in this direction. It is not too late, this may be a long fight with potentially many waves of infections.
(3) "Entrepreneurship" on the other hand carries a notion of profit-making which in this context may leave a bad after taste in some people's mind. 发灾难钱?
(4) Being enterprising doesn't have to be charitable and lose making, just think that it is more palatable term in times of crisis when lives are lost
(5) mask production can be innovative. There's a video in China where the engineers decided to dismantle all the existing mask making machinery, redesign and re-assemble them into a fully automated, fast production line, minimising total down time of replenishing raw material etc. Good if public and businesses are educated in how sg mask production line is different from others

[2:15 pm, 08/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
We fumbled into a Contact-LESS era not by design but rather by mandate for our own health and safety. This is the era where we minimise contact.

Moving forward, we have to re-invent ourselves to adapt to this contact-LESS lifestyle and contact-LESS economy. This warrants a separate discussion


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