14 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)
[10:38 am, 14/05/2020] : Greetings from REACH 🙂
A warm welcome to those who have just been added to this chat group. You have been added as you had previously indicated your interest at one of our events or through our online forum.
This chat group is a platform for participants to share their views on national policies and issues. REACH constantly takes note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
The topic for today will be posted shortly.
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REACH WhatsApp Terms of Use:
[11:04 am, 14/05/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 14 May]
COVID-19: Stay vigilant
✏️ As restrictions ease, community cases may rise again. We must be cautious
- 2nd wave of infections in many countries after relaxing measures
↔️ Some measures will remain
- Safe distancing
- Safe Management at workplaces
➡️ Need to manage dormitory cases
- With tests and monitoring, workers can return to work safely as economy gradually reopens
👵👴 Visiting family members in other households
- May need to maintain restrictions
- Seniors are vulnerable. COVID-19 can be fatal for them
More: go.gov.sg/vigilant-12may
[11:14 am, 14/05/2020] : Public ‘should not be overly alarmed’ over high number of COVID-19 cases: Manpower Minister
[11:16 am, 14/05/2020] : COVID-19: Singapore records more discharged cases than new patients in a day
[11:16 am, 14/05/2020] +65 8637 2164: 22% increase in family violence reports since start of circuit breaker period: SPF
[11:51 am, 14/05/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
⏰ Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
🗒 REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼
The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan
[11:59 am, 14/05/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
Although cases have surpassed a total of 25,000 yesterday, a total of 958 COVID-19 patients were discharged, in a new daily high. In all, more than 4,000 have fully recovered and discharged from hospitals and facilities. The number of new and unlinked cases within the community also continues to see a downward trend.
About 3,000 tests are being conducted daily within the foreign dormitories, and developments such as the mobile swab station (MSS) and mobile express scanner (MExS) allow for safer and faster testing of migrant workers.
Manpower Minister Josephine Teo has urged the public to not be "overly alarmed", even as the number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore remains elevated because of “comprehensive testing” among migrant workers.
Given the Government's calibrated approach and all the measures that have been implemented to contain the virus, how concerned are you with community transmission as we head towards Week 7 of the Circuit Breaker?
[12:08 pm, 14/05/2020] : Forum: Reconsider need to wear masks beyond circuit breaker period https://www.straitstimes.com/forum/forum-reconsider-need-to-wear-masks-beyond-circuit-breaker-period?&utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=addtoany
[12:19 pm, 14/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Without wearing masks, it is a sure guarantee of another wave of reinfection.
Look at US and Europe infection number and death rate that defy wearing masks versus the Asian number.
The lesson is not learn and foolhardy to suggest not wearing masks when the virus has no vaccines and no effective treatment.
[12:22 pm, 14/05/2020] : Have to educate those who still cannot accept and understand
[12:22 pm, 14/05/2020] : agree
[12:23 pm, 14/05/2020] : Agreed
Elena Woo
[12:23 pm, 14/05/2020] : Some of them educate also no use
[12:20 pm, 14/05/2020] : "Experts" are saying to use TraceTogether as mandatory when 1st June CB restrictions loosen
[1:29 pm, 14/05/2020] :
Harvard and MIT researchers are developing a face mask that lights up when it detects the coronavirus
[2:10 pm, 14/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) This could be a game-changer in face mask.
(2) The face mask can behave like a test kit - to detect well but undetected infected person.
(3) Wonder if ST Engineering that produce face mask collaborate with A*Star or equivalent medical R&D lab produce such a face mask - where the sensor light up upon detection of covid-19 virus.
(4) The person with lit up sensor - indicate infection - and can be immediately send for treatment - and this will prevent community spreading.
[2:26 pm, 14/05/2020] : Presumably this detects when someone infected nearby breathes on you as well!
[6:50 pm, 14/05/2020] : I was suggesting in this group yesterday that maybe if it's possible to issue dongles for the whole population for contact tracing instead of using NRIC or QR, so that there's less personal data that is at risk should the system/app/phone becomes compromised somehow. at least the information collected via the dongle would be isolated from all the other information.
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