Tuesday, May 5, 2020

REACH - 72. How to help Elderly to use mobile devices to stay safe (SK)
6 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:09 am, 06/05/2020] : Greetings from REACH
A warm welcome to those who have just been added to this chat group.
The topic for today will be posted shortly.
Gentle reminder on our Terms of Use:
Megan 😊

[11:56 am, 06/05/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group.

[12:00 pm, 06/05/2020] : More than 28,000 joined in to bid during Tekka Market's first foray into livestreaming on Facebook. The move allows seniors to shop for fresh produce from the comfort and safety of their own homes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The livestream is a part of IMDA’s Stay Healthy, Go Digital campaign where everyone including seniors can tap into technology during the circuit breaker period. A weekly virtual digital clinic will also be available from May 15 to Jul 18 to allow people to book consultation sessions for one-to-one assistance on mobile apps or phone settings.
📢 Topic 📢
How can we further reach out to the vulnerable such as the elderly to help them adopt the use of mobile devices?


[12:05 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
This QR code make sense and no security risk - and useful in contact tracing.

[12:06 pm, 06/05/2020] :
What app is it?
I still use barcode reader app to scan in..

[12:11 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
I saw the barcode reader scanner.
But just need an official confirmation to endorse the right one.

[12:07 pm, 06/05/2020] : this poster never say, use what to scan the QR code

[12:07 pm, 06/05/2020] : but got to key full NRIC. lol

[12:09 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Just to check use what scanner to scan?
Normal phone camera photo scan will do or need to download 3rd party scanner?
If use 3rd party scanner, which one?
Because remember sometimes back, Google play protect also cannot detect malware put in play store.
Still can't find SafeEntry apps in Google play store.

[12:17 pm, 06/05/2020] : Mentioning abt the safe entry thingy.. Does it apply to mall or specify pls es only..
Just share..
Just now I saw safety entry QR code board handing at lamp post..along the mrt track.
I wonder scan to where.. Does it mean ppls walk along mrt track to mrt(at least 100m away fr station) need to scan.. Then why put there..

[12:21 pm, 06/05/2020] : Any QR code aca ner can scan will do..
Like that hor. QR code found in Lta in the taxis, sg n this safe entry QR code got to use diff app which make No sense..

[12:24 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
I favour one scanner to scan all instead of using different scanner to scan different QR code to save phone space.
But I just need an official confirmation and endorsement.

[12:26 pm, 06/05/2020] : Some android phones have QR code scanner built in, check the pull down settings menu

[12:37 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Ah newer phone with latest Android OS should have this.
Thanks l think my phone have.

[12:42 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Older phone with older OS don't have.
My new phone have.

[12:40 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Yes thanks I found the scanner in my new phone but not in the older phone.


[12:17 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Straits Times
5 May 2020
Parliament: Spike in Internet usage during circuit breaker well within operators' ability to cope, says Iswara
Mr Iswaran said: "Based on the information that is available from StarHub, the *two recent disruptions to its fibre broadband service* were caused by network equipment failure and a domain name server issue respectively.
"Having said that, IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority) is investigating the matter and once its investigation comes to a close, (we will) draw the appropriate conclusions and take the necessary steps."
The importance of having a *robust and resilient network infrastructure* is accentuated in times like the Covid-19 outbreak, Mr Iswaran added.
"IMDA's approach has been to design the regulations so that our telcos are incentivised to plan and design an infocomm infrastructure that is *robust and resilient*.
"Second, (they are incentivised) to *build into this infrastructure backups and diversity* so that if there is a need... they will be *able to recover swiftly*."
Mr Iswaran also underscored the *importance of investing in a resilient digital infrastructure* last week, when Singtel and a joint venture between StarHub and M1 won the rights to build the Republic's two nationwide 5G networks.

[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(4) Just hope that *redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home* - and *will not break down or disrupted* - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.


[12:17 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
1. So the Minister got to answer in Parliament when Starhub broadband services got disrupted - and cause public inconvenience during the circuit breaker.
2. Starhub probably may have to pay LD as fines for failing it's SLA.

Just thinking aloud:-
1. What will happen if malware cause mass attack in a public apps, if not careful?


[12:20 pm, 06/05/2020] : Point noted

[12:22 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
So now can understand why I so paranoid to get everything right before pushing any system to public.
Because there will be liability to the government if any security breach happen.

[12:25 pm, 06/05/2020] +65 9722 9465: esp when ZOOM was rolled out for HBL in schools, they face some security issues initially and then it was resolved thereafter

[12:27 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
But won't it be better to get everything right before pushing out?
Zoom cause embarrassment to the students.
But what happens if national security meeting is recorded by hackers?

[12:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : agree

[12:28 pm, 06/05/2020] : hoping MOE will use this school holidays to work and improve ZOOM or leverage on other software for HBL in future


[12:23 pm, 06/05/2020] : govt should enforce a rule that those with mobile devices MUST download trace together

[12:29 pm, 06/05/2020] : For those not familiar with smart phones or illiterate,  I believe government is working on alternative engagement.

[12:29 pm, 06/05/2020] : https://www.onlinecitizenasia.com/2020/05/05/only-17-of-singapore-population-downloaded-tracetogether-app-experts-urge-to-make-it-mandatory/

[12:30 pm, 06/05/2020] : number of ppl who downloaded trace together is very low. How can we make it mandatory for all to download

[12:30 pm, 06/05/2020] : I am one of them

[12:31 pm, 06/05/2020] : 👍 me too

[12:32 pm, 06/05/2020] : Can say encourage to download. Even I'm willing to download but my phone can't.. Cannot force right.. Can't be I go n buy a phone for the sake of traceapp or give up my impt app.
Also I dunno gov did look into those military ppls who work in camp but can't have the camera or gd phone.. So... Back to square one.. Those bat h also won't download
[12:32 pm, 06/05/2020] : I m not in favor of making the downloading of TraceTogether app mandatory.

[12:33 pm, 06/05/2020] : Individuals has to give up some privacy in the interests  of public health safety.

[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : yes, encouraged, but not made it mandatory.

[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : I alr have 2 phones.. Can't buy third phone jut for the app..

[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : Agree
[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : its not really about mobey.
[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : or maybe work with telcos for them to install into the system without the need for us to download
[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : I am struggling with one smartphone!
[12:34 pm, 06/05/2020] : money, I mean.
[12:35 pm, 06/05/2020] : This can be done just like the sg app on phones sold in Singapore
[12:35 pm, 06/05/2020] : agree that's my pt too

[12:36 pm, 06/05/2020] : As mentioned, even I download but still defeat the purpose.. Bec my working non camera have limited space while my camera phone only operate during non working hr.
[12:36 pm, 06/05/2020] : Agree too.
[12:36 pm, 06/05/2020] : 😱 2hp?
[12:36 pm, 06/05/2020] : I have not read in details what is the requirement that traceapp need.. It could be high end or..
[12:36 pm, 06/05/2020] : Upgrade your phone and data package
[12:37 pm, 06/05/2020] : Co can't bring camera phone
[12:37 pm, 06/05/2020] : Understand
[12:38 pm, 06/05/2020] : Shall we just wait for google/apple? I removed TraceTogether because it caused my phone to restart each time I put it on charge. Had to do a full reset of my phone to fix it.
[12:38 pm, 06/05/2020] : I dun have data package.
Non camera phone is very hard to get.. Can't buy one gd phone. Take out camera.. Very sayang leh..
[12:38 pm, 06/05/2020] : That what some app did to my phone too. I give up n uninstall. Maybe not compatible
[12:39 pm, 06/05/2020] : There is one being used by military personnel for about sgd400.00. Made locally but cannot recall the brand
[12:40 pm, 06/05/2020] : Ino or one... Something.. That one atas phone
[12:40 pm, 06/05/2020] : Ex n not much function. We did but directly fr the co as the org phone but very atas
[12:45 pm, 06/05/2020] : That is the 😭thing.. Sometimes, I forgot my camera phone then jialat... Cannot do any payment..
I bo bian, then I download moe parent gateway n class dojo in my non camera phone.. Those are essential tools to communicate with sch. My memory of non camera phone is limited.
I believe even I can download traceapp, it might not even support my non camera phone bec setting is old n limited memory. Even hosting whatapp might hang...
[12:51 pm, 06/05/2020] : maybe the govt should also look into effectiveness of trace together app as well and make reviews
[12:53 pm, 06/05/2020]  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/about-one-million-people-have-downloaded-the-tracetogether-app-but-more-need-to-do-so-for
[12:57 pm, 06/05/2020] : Good one there!

[12:57 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
I have commented enough about this tracetogether apps.
Until the government got endorsement from Google and Apple that they have fixed all the Bluetooth vulnerability - then can discuss again.

[12:58 pm, 06/05/2020] : maybe REACH can convey this to the relevant agencies for consideration

[12:57 pm, 06/05/2020] : Great
[12:58 pm, 06/05/2020] : I believe they are
[1:00 pm, 06/05/2020] : Yes

[1:02 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Channel 8 news hackers just hack into UK hospital data base to steal covid-19 r&d and personal data.

[1:03 pm, 06/05/2020] : The negative side of being digital!

[1:03 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
So we better get our public apps right before using it.

[1:04 pm, 06/05/2020] : govt alr said trace together is secured though
[1:05 pm, 06/05/2020] : https://www.tracetogether.gov.sg/common/privacystatement

[1:07 pm, 06/05/2020] : Nothing is completely safe if it is online and connected to the internet. If you want to be complety safe, write letters and personally deliver them. Don't even use a landline to call, go over personally and speak to whoever you want to speak to.

[1:08 pm, 06/05/2020] : It's not wrong to raise your security concerns but don't need to shove it down everyone's throats
[1:08 pm, 06/05/2020] : Agree. People download with their eyes wide open.
[1:09 pm, 06/05/2020] : Negative side of not being secure. Bank Safes are not a problem. Leaving them unlocked is. 😁

[1:08 pm, 06/05/2020] : It wasn't the app they hacked though

[1:10 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Not the apps. The Bluetooth security.

[1:10 pm, 06/05/2020] : but the qn now is how can govt assure us that trace together is safe
[1:14 pm, 06/05/2020] : Even government has said,  no such thing as 100% secure! Constantly update your software protection.
[1:15 pm, 06/05/2020] : Safety takes two hands. If the government makes it safe but the user doesn't, it's LPPL
[1:23 pm, 06/05/2020] : They are improving the Bluetooth technology I guess
[1:23 pm, 06/05/2020] : I hope so
[1:23 pm, 06/05/2020] : Like prevent phone from saving battery and not scan for BT signas
[1:24 pm, 06/05/2020] : Clearly there are two camps.
One that says we need data for contact tracing
One that says or rather shouts P R I V A C Y

[1:25 pm, 06/05/2020] : Ya.  I found govtech have another app. With GPS & BT tog
[1:25 pm, 06/05/2020] : So that once an infected person is  and have that trace together they can open up that file and contact those record data file persons
[1:25 pm, 06/05/2020] : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sg.gov.tech.safertogether
[1:25 pm, 06/05/2020] : Under beta test
[1:26 pm, 06/05/2020] : That's how the app works
[1:26 pm, 06/05/2020] : So maybe govtech giving 2 options.
[1:26 pm, 06/05/2020] : Is more like upgrade hahahaha
[1:26 pm, 06/05/2020] : Bt and GPS on battery is going die faster
[1:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : Ya
[1:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : I am testing it out. I turn off background running when I am at home.
[1:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : Ehh ppl REMINDER 2 this is not today's topic ley
[1:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : Only go out. Then turn on this app.
[1:27 pm, 06/05/2020] : Can we properly address G2 topic
[1:28 pm, 06/05/2020] : On elderly?
[1:28 pm, 06/05/2020] : Maybe Issue out a hp or a device?
[1:28 pm, 06/05/2020] : For MG
[1:29 pm, 06/05/2020] : Hope so
[1:30 pm, 06/05/2020] : Maybe explore the options of having the app but without need to on bluetooth

[1:55 pm, 06/05/2020] : NFU?  I only know NTU.
[1:55 pm, 06/05/2020] : NFC
Near Field Communication
[1:56 pm, 06/05/2020] : * NFC i mean.
[1:57 pm, 06/05/2020] : You guys notice some bus stop ad boards have NFC scan area?

[1:58 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
NFC like Bluetooth also got security risk.

[1:58 pm, 06/05/2020] : Oh my tian
[1:59 pm, 06/05/2020] : Again?
Why do u think so

[2:02 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Are you sure you want me to elaborate?
Anyway hackers has hack many handphone overseas that turn on NFC and make them pay on things that they didn't buy.

[2:03 pm, 06/05/2020] : The app just connects phones. I a user of a phone get symptoms they then upload the data showing which other phones it has been close to, so those users can be informed. Very clever really
[2:04 pm, 06/05/2020] : More accurate than GPS

[2:05 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Hackers hack handphone not the server.
But once botnets or malware successfully planted into handphone, they can be remotely activated to hack servers.


[3:04 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[3:04 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
(1) Using recycled cardboard beds maybe useful for isolation cases.
"Not a bad idea if the cardboard bed is strong enough. If there is doubt about how to sanitise the bed thoroughly after patient is discharged, the bed can be incinerated. Not the most environmentally friendly method but maybe is a lesser of two evils?"

(2) Using sanitizers without contaminated hands touching the sanitizer dispenser.

(3) All the above will help to reduce virus transmission.

[3:05 pm, 06/05/2020] : Good training in humility

[3:05 pm, 06/05/2020] : Singapore restarts surgical mask production for healthcare sector, ‘better’ reusable masks to be given to households
Singapore residents will receive another reusable mask towards the end of the "circuit breaker" period, said Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing on Wednesday (May 6).
This would be the second distribution of reusable masks, and they will be an improved version of what was given out earlier last month.
More: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/covid-19-surgical-mask-production-reusable-masks-distributed-12706980

[3:10 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Singapore restarts surgical mask production for healthcare sector, ‘better’ reusable masks to be given to households

[3:10 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
 My close friend comments:-
This reusable face masks is a better one and breathable.
Good for those who need to work and go school for long hour.
Thanks the Government and ST Engineering for being so thoughtful.


[5:30 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
How to help elderly and minor use mobile devices - maybe issue them with old or 2nd hand handphone and the required secured apps loaded for contact tracing.

[5:31 pm, 06/05/2020] : This needs detailed study

[5:31 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Reasons?

[5:33 pm, 06/05/2020] : Fearful of technology in a language they have a hard time grasping
[5:35 pm, 06/05/2020] : Digital entertainment is alien to them

[5:38 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Maybe government just get Telcos to collect all old or 2nd hand handphone and reset them to factory default.
Then preload all the required secured contact tracing apps turn on with pre-paid SIM card whatever Comms that requires to use and give it to the elderly and minors to bring it out where ever they go.
They just need to remember to charge the phone and ensure the battery works.

[5:40 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Those who don't want to use their own handphone to load those contact tracing apps can also buy at cheap prices these preloaded contact tracing old handphone.
Then everyone is happy.
I also happy and I won't sit down here to blare about Bluetooth security.

[5:44 pm, 06/05/2020] : Nice thou but should at least be 4G as 5G is slated to roll out next year

[5:53 pm, 06/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
I don't mind if govt give.


[7:45 pm, 06/05/2020] : Hello REACH Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
The chats will be closed tomorrow, but we will continue to send news and updates.
Goodnight, and see you on Friday! 😴
- Megan


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