5 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)
[12:01 pm, 05/05/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back! This chat will be open till 8pm :)
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In his ministerial statement in Parliament yesterday, National Development Minister Lawrence Wong says that at some point, the Covid-19 crisis will pass but the world will be permanently changed.
Uncertainty and instability may arise in some countries, he said, and societal divides and inequalities may sharpen in others.
Singapore will endeavour to be among the countries that will emerge from this stronger, more united, and more resilient than before, said Mr Wong.
He adds that this is the time for us to stand as one nation – to beat the virus, overcome the crisis, and emerge stronger together.
Today is the start of the extended breaker. Looking back, which change has had the most significant impact on you?
Looking forward, how can we work together to help each other get through the circuit breaker period and beyond, as Singapore reopens in a phased manner?
👉🏻 https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/parliament-social-economic-costs-carefully-weighed-before-extending-circuit-breaker-says
[12:28 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Looking forward, how can we work together to help each other get through the circuit breaker period and beyond, as Singapore reopens in a phased manner?
Notice that REACH WhatsApp platform is a good interactive discussion and feedback platform to discuss hot button National issue on a timely basis.
Suggest keeping this platform open even when the virus pandemic is over.
[1:23 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
04 May 2020 04:06PM
(Updated: 04 May 2020 07:40PM)
COVID-19: Circuit breaker might be lifted when community cases *fall to zero or single digits* over sustained period
"Numbers are important. We need to be assured that community transmission locally is stemmed, or very low," said Minister Gan Kim Yong in his ministerial statement.
“Community cases should ideally *fall to zero or single-digits daily*, with very low numbers of unlinked cases, not just for one day, but sustained over a period of time."
[2:57 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If local transmission drops consistently to single digits and to zero for consecutive period of time, and when circuit breakers period end ---- suggest that the following are the recommended social distancing measures will still need to be put in place.
The reasons being :-
a. No vaccines are available yet.
b. Even for those who have been infected, signs show that they can be re-infected again as their anti-bodies does not guarantee no subsequent infections - whether by the same strain of virus or different mutated strain.
c. Standard treatment are still not available.
Thus the following social distancing measures will still need to be put in place - when circuit breaker period end :-
(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household. (For those who can Work-at-Home or Study-at-Home, please continue to do so).
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.
(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").
(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.
(4) For crowded areas like mall, supermarkets etc ---- crowd control will still be required.
(5) Eat-in in food court, coffeshop, restaurant - must still be disallowed.
Only allow "ta bao" (packet breakfast, tea-break, lunch or dinner) even when circuit breaker ends. Because when we eat, everyone needs to remove their mask.
And then You eat, I eat. You talk I talk, saliva drop ---- and it defeat the purpose of wearing mask - and if anyone infected - community spreading will start again - as it is the most likely source of cross infection --- that will make contact tracing very difficult - as many strangers meet.
(6) When slowly opening place of worship - all the above social distancing measures must be implemented.
[1:28 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
04 May 2020 04:06PM
(Updated: 04 May 2020 07:40PM)
Amid questions about whether asymptomatic testing can be done for the entire population, Mr Gan said his ministry will study this. However, he said the yield will be very low if asymptomatic testing is done indiscriminately, as there is no widespread community transmission.
"It may also need to be done repeatedly as it does not reflect immunity and those tested can be infected after the test," he explained. "It may not be best way to use testing resources."
Instead, the authorities will and have started doing asymptomatic testing selectively, for priority groups.
[6:30 pm, 25/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
Pleased to see that community cases are dropping. The next step is enlarged the test criteria for the community to institute testing for
(1) those under quarantined/SHN before lifting their movement restrictions. When the community cases start to clear up, there is no reason to release those close contacts without testing them.
(2) occupationally higher-risk groups should be tested once they showed symptoms e.g. Public facing personnel, healthcare support workers etc
The foreign workers new cases appear to be sliding but the absolute number is still high means infection rate potentially still very fast. There will be some way to go before we see lower numbers. Once the symptomatic workers are segregated, we can practise random testing supposedly healthy group to check on the infection rate. E.g.. Sample x number of workers everyday picking from different floors and different blocks to monitor the infection level.
My comments :-
(1) Yes. Your suggestion of aggressive testing is the right strategy to weed out the unlink cases in Singapore - which remain a stealth reservoir in the Community that are stealthly and silently infecting unsuspecting people in the Community.
My close friend response :-
(1) It's about maximising outcomes, minimising disasters. unless we are poor and cannot afford it. Economic shut costs much much more.
My comments :-
(1) Aggressive testings is the right approach, but to test all 5.6 million residents in Singapore at one go - is a very challenging and daunting tasks.
(2) Thus we need to priorities our testing, I suggest that :-
a. Batch 1 - Dorms for foreign workers are now undergoing aggressive testing. Majority of the infected people have been identified.
b. Batch 2 - Foreign workers outside the dorms are undergoing tests now concurrently - and this form the 2nd largest group after the dorms reported every day.
c. Batch 3 --- Note :- the community local transmission and the unlink cases that are reported everyday --- are coming from this group.
But this group are all the residents in Singapore - citizens, PRs, Long Term Pass Holders. --- which form about 3 to 4 million people.
To conduct aggressive testings to this large pool of people to weed out the 30 to 20 over cases --- will be a challenge.
So I suggest we do the following :-
(i) Batch 3a - Test all essential workers that are working now - as some unlink cases come from this batch - about 300,000 workers.
Batch 3b - Test all nursing homes - where some unlink cases - have been uncovered through this batch - number unknown - but not a big number, I guess.
Batch 3c - Test all pre-school students and staff who will be attending pre-school once circuit breaker ends - as some cases also come from this batch - number unknown --- but i guess quite a big number.
Batch 3d - Test all workers that will be going to work for non-essential services when circuit breakers end - as few cases are reported from this group - a big number - potentially about 1 to 2 million workers?
Batch 3e - Test all school going children eg. primary, secondary, JCs, IHLs - that need to go to schools and pose a risk of cross infection - before circuit breaker ends - potentially about 1 to 2 million students?
(ii) Note :- by testing all the Batch 3a to 3e ---- if there is any discovered cases --- their family members or those living with them or come into with them will be tested --- and these will have weed out the unlink cases.
(iii) Can we take the risk of not testing all those staying at home --- yes i think we can --- because if the above batches are tested - with no infection - very likely that those stay at home are not infected.
(iv) If anyone of the tested batchs have people infected, then likely that those stay with them will be infected - and this stay at home can be tested.
(v) Believe in this way --- we have a systematic aggressive way of testings to weed out all the unlink cases in the Community.
[1:59 pm, 05/05/2020] : Matt Hancock launches contact-tracing app with Isle of Wight trial
Looks familiar! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/may/04/contact-tracing-app-to-be-piloted-on-isle-of-wight-this-week-matt-hancock-says?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_WhatsApp
Leonard Lau
[2:09 pm, 05/05/2020] : SG trace together app is shared to the world as an open source.
[2:10 pm, 05/05/2020] : Yes, I like what Google and Apple are doing with it. Feels like it's best left those companies now :)
Leonard Lau
[2:11 pm, 05/05/2020] : At the end , we need the big boys to lead ..we are limited by their development on phones
[2:23 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Malware such as Bluetooth BlueBorne attack specifc chips, stack, components of the mobile devices to do cyber episonage, ransomware, data theft, creation of iOT botnets -- where until and unless Google protect its Android, and Apple protect its iOS securely and give assurance they have done so --- only then can we be reassured to use the Bluetooth Contract Tracers.
If not we will have to deal with a digital covid-19 on top of the virus covid-19.
[2:24 pm, 05/05/2020] : the authorities should limit these contract tracing apps.
only use one app on the national level, approved by Govt.
[2:28 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If these Bluetooth vulnerability is not secured, malware that attack handphone with Bluetooth turn on (which is against the security best practice) - will spread like wildfire akin to covid-19 infection for all those handphone or devices with Bluetooth turn on.
[2:33 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Bluetooth are usually used in a private and trusted domain.
Bluetooth is usually not recommended in a public untrusted domain.
Now we are deploying an apps that requires Bluetooth to be used in a public untrusted domain in such a large scale - will need to be doubly sure the Bluetooth vulnerability must be properly plugged and secured.
Robust vulnerability scanning and penetrative testings must be conducted by qualified security agencies to probe the system before releasing the used in such a large scale setting.
[4:32 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Else we got to fight 3 fronts in national scale.
1. Virus
2. Economy
3. Digital virus
[4:42 pm, 05/05/2020] : 1 and 3 very dangerous. Affects 2 greatly!
[4:43 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Luckily 3 intercepted.
While waiting for Google and Apple "vaccines".
[4:44 pm, 05/05/2020] : Yes
[5:13 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Bluetooth BlueBorne exploit vulnerabilities include:
Information Leak Vulnerability in Android (CVE-2017-0785)
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-0781) in Android's Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (BNEP) service
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2017-0782) in Android BNEP's Personal Area Networking (PAN) profile
The Bluetooth Pineapple in Android—Logical flaw (CVE-2017-0783)
Linux kernel Remote Code Execution vulnerability (CVE-2017-1000251)
Linux Bluetooth stack (BlueZ) information leak vulnerability (CVE-2017-1000250)
The Bluetooth Pineapple in Windows—Logical flaw (CVE-2017-8628)
Apple Low Energy Audio Protocol Remote Code Execution vulnerability (CVE Pending)
[5:16 pm, 05/05/2020] : Wow chim..
[5:19 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Even if a person use all the authentication and pairing Bluetooth security is no used because it attack the handphone OS.
Only Google and Apple can patch their OS loopholes to prevent the malware attack.
[5:21 pm, 05/05/2020] : In summary, preventive bluetooth tool must be powerful to prevent hacker or virus to go in...
[5:22 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Google and Apple need to tighten their various OS components to prevent the exploits.
[5:22 pm, 05/05/2020] +65 9661 0607: Yes
[5:29 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
This is how hackers attack handphone that turn on Bluetooth.
[5:40 pm, 05/05/2020] : Thanks for sharing.
Kevinn Wang
[5:35 pm, 05/05/2020] : simple ley
[5:36 pm, 05/05/2020] : goc tech can del another apps which force certain phone function to be turn on
[5:37 pm, 05/05/2020] : anyway bluetooth flaw had been here for years since day 1 so why bringing this up ahhh
[5:37 pm, 05/05/2020] : dun forget if user not happy can turn off wan mah, whats the deal ? the application cannot control my device function ley
[5:39 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
That's mean you have not been following the Bluetooth tracetogether discussion thread.
Kevinn Wang
[5:40 pm, 05/05/2020] +65 9688 1298: does not matter i folow or not if there are people who are so concern about this heck and that info lost please lah look around you, how much info is given freely by individual no need to even heck
Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:40 pm, 05/05/2020] : 大家請冷静
Kevinn Wang
[5:40 pm, 05/05/2020] : is kick a bloody dirt hill into everest or k9 sorry, megan
[5:41 pm, 05/05/2020] : simple if dun like den turn the bt off dun use the app
[5:41 pm, 05/05/2020] : instead of help and educating people why need to use and turn on the app we are looking at other angles really calp !
[5:42 pm, 05/05/2020] : BOINK.
Kevinn Wang
[5:42 pm, 05/05/2020] : ask us to fight the enemy we are looking and criticizing our defense plan clap clap
[5:52 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Or fortifications of our defense so that we will not be attack by digital virus?
[5:59 pm, 05/05/2020] : A general comment, most CVE is pertaining to android 🤣
So my previous comments still stand, change to iPhone if wanna be a little more secure 😝
Blue and White Flag Guy
[6:01 pm, 05/05/2020] : Aiya you all don't metal teeth (tee kee) over Bluetooth can anot
[6:01 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If you read the Minister comments, Apple is less ready than Google.
Also majority of the users are Android users and minorities are Apple users.
[6:02 pm, 05/05/2020] : Haha I only general comment only...
Blue and White Flag Guy
[6:03 pm, 05/05/2020] : 🤓
[6:03 pm, 05/05/2020] : It is up to individual to... I seldom use Bluetooth.. Only on when using hpb app.
[6:04 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Later Minister mandate like Safe Entry then no choice you got to turn Bluetooth on.
[6:05 pm, 05/05/2020] : Possibly
[6:17 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
05 May
05 May 2020 02:45PM
(Updated: 05 May 2020 02:50PM)
MCI, IMDA working with telcos to boost network capacity buffer and ensure reliable Internet connection: Iswaran
The Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) will work with telecommunications operators to increase the buffer of their network capacity, said Communications and Information Minister S Iswaran on Tuesday (May 5).
“This is to ensure that we are prepared for a possible rise in future demand and help ensure that individuals, households and businesses will continue to have strong and reliable Internet connectivity,” he said in Parliament.
Mr Iswaran was speaking in response to a question by Member of Parliament (MP) Liang Eng Hwa about the surge in Internet data traffic during the “circuit breaker” period and how industry players are responding to capacity issues.
“Since the start of the circuit breaker, our telecom operators have seen an increase in their network traffic, particularly for fixed broadband and daytime usage due to telecommuting and home-based learning,” said Mr Iswaran.
“Our experience in recent months has underscored the importance of investing to build up a robust and resilient infocomm infrastructure.
[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(1) Fiber to the Home (Next generation broadband) is implemented earlier.
(2) Telcos have rolled out fiber to each home and Mediacorps has delivered Digital TV with set-top box and broadband wireless WiFI is included in the bundled digital TV, fixed phones and wifi broadband.
We can see :-
a. Digital TV - through the fiber / set-top box conversion.
b. Received WiFi - for laptop internet surfing and smartphone surfing
c. Fixed phone - can call through the digital fiber
(3) Not sure what additional services are upgraded and provided to us at residential areas.
a. Probably Telco need to upgrade the backend bandwidth by aggregating their bandwidth - due to increase bandwidth demand from home to prevent congestion.
b. Provide more entertainment content to the home eg. more movies or drama serial?
(4) Just hope that redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home - and will not break down or disrupted - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.
[7:55 pm, 05/05/2020] : SafeEntry: A national digital check-in system that logs visits by individuals to hotspots and venues providing essential services.
[7:58 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: This one make sense.
[7:59 pm, 05/05/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Just to check use what scanner to scan?
Still can't find SafeEntry apps in Google play store.
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