Thursday, April 30, 2020

REACH - 67. PM Lee May Day Speech (SK)
1 May 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:50 am, 01/05/2020] : Dear contributors,
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⏰ Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
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- Megan

[11:56 am, 01/05/2020] +65 8637 2164: COVID-19: Singapore working to resume ‘essential cross-border travel’ with South Korea, Australia, Canada and New Zealand

[12:00 pm, 01/05/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
What suggestions do you have on restarting Singapore's economy "step by step" after the circuit breaker measures are relaxed?
Singapore’s economy will not restart all at once, but will have to open up “step by step” even after “circuit breaker” measures are relaxed, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Thursday (Apr 30) in his May Day message.
Mr Lee said that Singapore will progressively restart its economy after it brings down the number of new COVID-19 cases, but this will “not be straightforward”.
“We need to step up COVID-19 testing and speed up contact-tracing. And we must proceed cautiously, with safeguards, so infections do not flare up again,” he said.
“Some industries will open up earlier than others and recover sooner,” he said. These include sectors critical to keeping the domestic economy going and those that keep Singapore connected to the world and to global supply chains.
“Other sectors will have to wait, especially those which attract crowds or involve close contact with other people, such as entertainment outlets and large-scale sporting events,” said Mr Lee. “We must keep all these different industries intact, ready to resume business when conditions allow.”


[12:11 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Don’t 'drop workers': Companies and workers should take the long view, says PM Lee in May Day message
30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 08:00PM)
Industries that are thriving include medical services, biotech, food production and delivery, and information technology, and many of these firms are seeing stronger demand and hiring more people.

“We will help companies adapt to this new operating environment, and retrain workers for the new jobs available,” he said, adding that the Government will also look into ways to protect freelance workers.

The National Trades Union Congress has set up a Job Security Council to help match and train displaced workers for new job opportunities, and authorities will scale up SkillsFuture programmes, he said.
[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: ---

*Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP*

But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-
1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).

2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.

3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.

4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.

5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.

6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.
Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.

The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 2 - Circuit Breaker ends - open up all non-essential business with social distancing in place to prevent re-infection* (1 Jun onwards)

1. With the opening up of all other non-essential businesses when circuit breaker end - many are domestic business, SMEs, retails, F&Bs etc --- those business and workers can resume business activites and work - to generate income.

2. We can restart construction activities - when all dorms and non-dorms foreign workers are certified fit for work and no longer infectious.

3. Bright and thriving industrial sectors - can go on full steam - though must still observe social distancing, wear face masks outside home, packet food, maintain personal hygiene by washing hands, split workers (some work at home, some work in office).

4. So the impact on these domestic business and workers --- will be slightly lesser - as they can still go on their business activities as usual.


[12:12 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Straits Times
30 Apr 2020  11pm
S'pore attends G-20 meeting stressing importance of digital tech in responding to Covid-19 pandemic

Mr Iswaran added that the Covid-19 pandemic had underscored the importance of investing in digital connectivity infrastructure and cyber security. "In that regard, 5G is the backbone of the digital economy," he said.

The *video-conference* was chaired by Saudi Arabia's Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Amer Al-Swaha.

Ministers from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam as well as representatives from global organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development took part in the video-conference.

Third, he said technology is essential for enterprises to *go digital to strengthen business resilience*.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to *trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact* - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding *virtual conferencing* to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


[12:12 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

30 Apr 2020 07:30PM
(Updated: 30 Apr 2020 10:21PM)
But PM Lee warned that the road to recovery will be “long and hard”.
“COVID-19 is this generation’s challenge. The virus is a tough enemy – invisible, but formidable. It is now our turn to prove that we are worthy of our forebears and up to the challenge before us. I have every confidence that we will prove more than equal to the task.”
[1:31 pm, 29/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(5) And our 5 pillars Total Defense = certainly prepare us for the quick ramping up of this healthcare facilities - to prevent swamping and overwhelming our hospital facilites ---- a good indication that Singapore 5 pillar Total Defense is working well in an Emergency, a Crisis - that hit us so suddenly with little warning.

(6) This virus pandemic is like a "stealth enemy" - that launch a sudden attack at us - that threaten our lives, our Economy, our Finance, our Social lives, our Business, our Jobs and keep everyone lock up in our home ---- a very "fearful enemy" ---- that if we put all our mind, our efforts together --- we can defeat this "terrible enemy" --- in which we can slow and stop if from attacking us --- but we have yet to find the right weapons to eradicate it.

(7) While awaiting for the "invention of the right weapons" to defeat it - we can only do ring-fence, prevent this terrible from "jumping host" to propagate and attack more people, while we keep ourselves afloat in our business, our jobs, our Economy and keep us semi-active in social lives.


[1:50 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Today Online
Published 01 MAY, 2020
Covid-19: S’pore working to resume ‘essential cross-border travel’ with South Korea, Australia, Canada and New Zealand

SINGAPORE — In order to maintain global supply chains during the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore will work on guidelines with four other countries to prepare for the resumption of essential cross-border travel.

Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing held a *video-conference* session with trade ministers from Australia, Canada, South Korea and New Zealand on Friday (May 1), where they reaffirmed their commitment to facilitate cross-border flows with each other, the Ministry of Trade and Industry announced in a press release.

The ministers also identified concrete actions to help lessen the impact of Covid-19 and will work together on the following:

_Resume essential cross-border travel while balancing public health considerations in line with efforts to combat Covid-19. The ministers committed to establishing guidelines to allow travel on an exceptional basis, in order to maintain global supply chains in accordance with national laws and regulations._
_Expedite customs procedures to reduce processing times, such as by using electronic means for customs processing to minimise face-to-face interactions._
_Refrain from restricting exports on essential items, such as food and critical medical supplies. They also agreed to guarantee that air, sea and land freight logistics networks will continue to operate._

Minimise the impact of Covid-19 on trade and investment, such as working closely with key multilateral economic institutions like the World Trade Organisation and sharing best practices.
In a speech during the video-conference on Friday, Mr Chan said that the lack of passenger flights has “also affected cargo capacities and led to a disruption in supply chain connectivity for essential goods for many countries”.
 “These initiatives will not only help us overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but also position us well for a swift recovery once the situation stabilises,” he said.
The ministers endorsed and launched a joint statement based on the one released on March 30 by the Group of 20 major economies, who had agreed to keep their markets open and ensure the continued flow of vital medical supplies, equipment and other essential goods.

[4:48 pm, 30/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
*Phase 3 - Revive External Economy - where Trade is 3 times our size need Government to Government collaboration* (1 Jun onwards)

1. To revive our Economy, Business and Jobs - External Economy is our bulwark - for failing to focus on External Economy - it is not possible to ensure full employment.

2. The trick is - how to keep the virus at bay (while vaccine are still not ready, though treatment "Remdesvir" prove positive) -- while Government try to negotiate with other Government to resume trade and production?

3. Is it possible to *trade in goods and services by going online with minimum people contact* - but still ensure delivery of cargo by ships, planes, lorries, rail etc?

4. If our Government succeed to convince other Government to regain confidence and commence trading, manufacturing, logistics - then we can regain abot 3/4 of our Economy (as traveling, tourism and leisure, f&b for overseas tourists will still be in limbo).

5. Government collaboration can be in holding *virtual conferencing* to revive the physical activities all FTAs signed, revived the negotiation and talks on the RCEP, arrange safe trading and transporting of cargoes via ship, planes, lorries etc).


[2:13 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[2:14 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
China vaccine is ready.
Now asking for volunteers to try.

[2:19 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Chinese vaccine is successful in monkeys.
Now need volunteers in human.

[2:41 pm, 01/05/2020] : Can be trusted!,

[2:42 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Don't know.

[2:38 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[2:39 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
A dozen approved drugs could be effective against covid-19.


[3:01 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Unfortunate to have absence of global leadership when 3  major crisis hit the world.

One is self induced global trade war,

 Another is self induced global warming and

3rd is virus pandemic.

This make up what an ancient wise man described as  - 小三灾。

[3:02 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Crisis that match the 1930 Deep Depression.


[5:10 pm, 01/05/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Too many samples to test and staff burnout in testing the covid-19.


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