Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Heehee: We read Ho Ching’s Facebook riddle so you don’t have to

ricky l
She could be in a Zen trance state where she can't control what she is writing.

This Zen trance state often occurs in a crisis - and that person has a Vow or wishes to 普渡众生。

She see both 空界 and 色界 "dualistic states" at the same time - that explains how and why she wrote these - and with explosive thoughts - where some words are incoherence - as she connects to both "States" at the same time.

The attached verse described this phenomenon.


For people who are concerned about the mental well beings of the First Lady.

37 seconds ago
Historical record of people entering into Zen Trance state :-

(1) 别人说我太疯癫 (色界),我笑他人看不穿 (空界)。 - experience by 唐朝诗人唐伯虎。

(2)酒肉穿肠过(色界),佛祖心中留 (空界), 世人若学我,如同进魔道。”- experience by 出自《济公李修缘》道济禅师(济公活佛)。

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