Sunday, April 26, 2020

REACH - 62. When Circuit Breaker ends (SK)
26 Apr 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:20 am, 26/04/2020] : [Sent by - 26 Apr]
COVID-19: Stay home. If you must exercise outdoors, go alone and in your neighbourhood
🏃‍♀Do not exercise with others, even family members in your own household
- You may remove your mask during strenuous exercise (e.g. jogging) but must put it on after
🚫🚗 All carparks at gardens and parks are closed
- Many vehicles parked along East Coast Park 👉 if you have to drive to a park to exercise, don’t
🌳 Check how crowded a park is:
🖥 Or, stay active through online fitness classes at home:

[12:01 pm, 26/04/2020] : Dear contributors, welcome back!
The chat will be open till 8pm today.
Yesterday, Singapore saw a dip in the number of reported cases. However the number of reported clusters has increased as well.
It is a challenging period for all of us as we continue to adjust to the tighter Circuit Breaker measures.
How can we ensure that everyone continues to play their part to stay home, so that we can achieve the intended outcome when Circuit Breaker ends?
Share with us how you have been spending time at home! 😊
#SGUnited #SGTogether

[2:57 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
If local transmission drops consistently to single digits and to zero for consecutive period of time, and when circuit breakers period end ---- suggest that the following are the recommended social distancing measures will still need to be put in place.

The reasons being :-
a. No vaccines are available yet.
b. Even for those who have been infected, signs show that they can be re-infected again as their anti-bodies does not guarantee no subsequent infections - whether by the same strain of virus or different mutated strain.
c. Standard treatment are still not available.

Thus the following social distancing measures will still need to be put in place - when circuit breaker period end :-

(1) Compulsory for all to put on reusable washable face mask when step out of the home.
Everyone at work and in schools - need to put on face mask - to prevent cross-infection among different family household.
The resusable washable face mask --- must be the last line of defense as "Personal Social Distancing Tool" - the last mile protection.

(2) 1 metre apart queuing as social distancing measure must also be in place - in public areas (except PT such as bus or MRT - maybe difficult - and have to rely on face mask as the last mile "Personal Social Distancing tool").

(3) Maintain personal hygiene - by washing hands with soap or sanitizer make widely available.

(4) For crowded areas like mall, supermarkets etc ---- crowd control will still be required.

(5) Eat-in in food court, coffeshop, restaurant - must still be disallowed.
Only allow "ta bao" (packet breakfast, tea-break, lunch or dinner) even when circuit breaker ends. Because when we eat, everyone needs to remove their mask.
And then You eat, I eat. You talk I talk, saliva drop ---- and it defeat the purpose of wearing mask - and if anyone infected - community spreading will start again - as it is the most likely source of cross infection --- that will make contact tracing very difficult - as many strangers meet.

(6) When slowly opening place of worship - all the above social distancing measures must be implemented.


[3:14 pm, 26/04/2020] : [Sent by – 26 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 931 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 931 cases, 15 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

[3:16 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Yesterday 7 SC/PR.
Today 15 more than double.
So still too early to end CB.

[3:20 pm, 26/04/2020] : Again, we need to see % positive from testing. If proportion of positive results is dropping that's a good trend. Otherwise without knowing, maybe they just didn't test as many on Friday so the numbers were lower...

[3:28 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Agree.

[3:35 pm, 26/04/2020] : Anyone know where shd I report ppls who did not wear mask? Saw 1 zi char stall personnel is plucking the veg at the coffeeshop table. For oneservice app do not have this category n even one report under others, one needs to take at least a photo which is mandatory field. I would not want to risk of taking ppls of ppls without oerimission. Later, they come after me..

[3:37 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Instead of submit a photo of that person, submit a photo of the place.
A suggestion....

[3:38 pm, 26/04/2020] : Ok.. Hmmm.. Thanks for the idea. Take the coffeeshop name.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Good idea.

[3:50 pm, 26/04/2020] : Submitted alr. Hope some ppls will come n check them...

[3:51 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Your job is done.
Now leave it to the authority to check.

[3:53 pm, 26/04/2020] : Oneservice app is 👍. I have reported 4 cases these 2 wk. Construction site opp my hse, accumulated water, muddy water flow out after heavy rain, dead bird at mailbox areas, pool of cig n beer cans at staircase landing...
At least now I dun need to send email to town council every time...

[3:54 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Ha ha ha.
Certainly keeping the authority busy...

[3:37 pm, 26/04/2020] : What abt sch? In fact the student desk are alr seated at a distance now. But sch must plan how to safe distancing during recess n PE lesson.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] : Keep classes together, do not allow mixing of classes. At recess each class takes turns to get snack and returns to the classroom.

[3:39 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
School must take precautions and CCA must still be suspended until vaccines are found.

[4:37 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Animal kingdom now rule human races as virus kingdom rein supreme.

[4:37 pm, 26/04/2020] : Yes

[4:42 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Human supremacy in technology, science, AI now cannot defeat a virus invisible to human eyes.
When human make animals slave and destroy their habitat as well as slaughter their meat for food.
Now virus avenge and regain animal kingdom supremacy by keeping human at home and destroy human cells.
Certainly what comes around goes around.

[5:00 pm, 26/04/2020] : That is a conspiracy theory that implies the virus has intelligence and is in collaboration with animals (who also get the virus)

[4:55 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
[4:55 pm, 26/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Good invention as it helps to save more lives that account for Singapore lower death rate due to better detection and earlier medical intervention.

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