15 Apr 2020 (12 pm - 10pm)
[11:34 am, 15/04/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg - 15 Apr]
COVID-19: Mask up when out
Stay at home, unless for essential trips
😷 All must wear a mask when outside their homes:
- On public transport, taxis, private hire cars
- Walking to or from, or at markets
- If you are an essential worker, at your workplace
No need to wear a mask if you are engaged in strenuous exercise (eg. jogging, brisk walking)
☝ Must put on mask after exercise
👶 Mask-wearing is not recommended for young children below the age of two for safety reasons
- Enforcement will be flexible for groups with difficulties wearing a mask, eg. children with special needs
🚫 It is an offence to disobey this advisory:
- First-time offenders: Fine $300
- Repeat offenders: Higher fines or prosecution
More: Go.gov.sg/mustwearmask
[11:54 am, 15/04/2020] : Greetings from REACH
A warm welcome to those who have just been added to this chat group.
The topic for today will be posted shortly.
Gentle reminder on our Terms of Use:
Megan 😊
[12:02 pm, 15/04/2020] : Dear Contributors,
Welcome back!
The Inter-agency Taskforce is containing the transmission of COVID-19 at foreign workers (FW) through a three-pronged approach:
• Contain the spread in dorms where clusters have formed;
• Prevent a spread in dorms with no clusters, and
• Move out and test all workers who are still needed for essential work
This will include reducing the number of workers in the dormitories and also implementing a medical support plan at all dormitories.
👉DELIVERED REMARKS BY MANPOWER MINISTER JOSEPHINE TEO AT MTF PRESS CONFERENCE ON 14 APRIL 2020: https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/2019-ncov/delivered-remarks-by-manpower-minister-josephine-teo-at-mtf-press-conf-14-apr-2020.pdf
👉Key Actions to Manage Transmission of COVID-19 in All Dormitories: https://www.mom.gov.sg/newsroom/press-releases/2020/0414-key-actions-to-manage-transmisison-of-covid-19-in-all-dormitories
What are your views on the Inter-agency Taskforce’s actions to contain transmission within the Foreign Worker dormitories?
[1:09 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ----
• Contain the spread in dorms where clusters have formed;
• Prevent a spread in dorms with no clusters, and
• Move out and test all workers who are still needed for essential work
Part 1
[6:46 pm, 13/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Joint Contribution with my close friend :-
(1) The rise in unlinked cases (167 on 12 apr) and large number of cases (in the hundreds) is alarming as this suggests community spread is (i) becoming pervasive (ii) likelihood that asymptomatic persons are contributing to the rapid spread and (iii) current method of contact tracing is unable to cope.
(2) we hope that the relevant authorities widen the test criteria for covid19 e.g. It was reported that a confirmed case was having fever and cough but was not tested and after the symptoms persisted for several days and was finally tested and confirmed. During the period where the symptoms appear to confirmed it might have spread to several others and chain of transmission proliferates exponentially. When community spread has become pervasive, can the authorities consider widening the test criteria e.g. Persons who showed symptoms and worked in public facing environment should be tested.
(3) In the case of diamond princess cruise ship, asymptomatic cases constitute 18%. In south Korea case, 20% out of 9000 studied. This is a very worrying statistic. In the case of outbreaks at foreign workers dorms, our foreign workers are like the passengers on board of diamond princess cruise who are isolated within their cruise ship cabins. The covid19 virus thrives in the environment and invisibly being carried around. Can we plead with the authorities to rapidly test and isolate and treat those workers who already have been infected and not wait for symptoms to appear please. From the humanity standpoint, we are responsible for their well being. From the pandemic standpoint, we cannot afford to let the cases explode.
(4) With the large daily number of cases and if these were a result of community asymptomatic spread, contact tracing based on closed contact will need to be enhanced. Can the authorities look into contact tracing using mobile signals. The privacy issue related to such tracing should be allowed during such special situation. Once a person is confirmed, can the authorities retrieve from Telcos the mobile signal logs related to the person in question and trace his/her movement over the past 14 days. And all the related mobile signals that were in close vicinity. We can them identify all the persons who have come close the the confirmed case and perform tests in them on them. If positive, isolate and treat quickly without waiting for symptoms to appear and isolate those who are tested negative.
[1:09 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
[8:33 pm, 13/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Part 2 - Ring fencing a bigger target.
Key points are :-
(1) Ring fencing a bigger target.
(2) Then widen criteria to test.
2 Things that we felt have loopholes - that can be done better (at the backdrop of more and more local transmission)
(1) We are getting increasingly more and more concern as local transmission - is now the predominant infection source. Imported infection is very low and in 13 Apr 2020 is zero.
(2) What is worst, now the main transmission sources come from unlink cases :-
13 Apr 2020 - 167 cases (where 141 are foreign workers working in dorm) and the rest are residents.
12 Apr 2020 - 119 unlink cases
10 Apr 2020 - 71 unlink cases
(3) We felt that mild asymptomatic cases could be the major infection sources in our local transmission.
(4) If this is the case, 2 things we do currently may not go right and may have flaws :-
a. Contact tracing and Testing
b. Quarantine in dorm and Testing
a. Contact tracing and Testing
- by identifying the infected person - and trace those people he/she contacted with - may have misssed important infection sources :-
- eg. the toilet he/she visit (as he/she may discharged droplets and virus in wash basin and toilet bowls.
- eg. infected person use his contaminated fingers to press the lift buttons, hold the handrail in MRT or bus or sneeze or cough in the lift.
- eg. infected person eat in food court and contaminate the chairs, tables, utensils etc
- although other people did not come into contact with this infected person --- they may still get infected - that result in the many unlink cases.
- Tracetogether mobile apps - will not be able to detect such unlink cases.
- So even if the contact tracing is 100% successful and all those who come into contact with the infected person are trace through the Tracetogether apps (assume all people installed) or detective means, tested and quarantine or Stay at Home ----- the above infection sources can still infect healthy people that come into contact with contaminated areas --- as tracetogether won't tell where the infected person has leave his/her trace of contamination.
Even through personal interview, he/she may not remember all the places he/she goes.
b. Quarantine in dorm and Testing
- Currently, we are using gold standard test ktis - a very accurate lab test - that take about 1 day to know the result.
- And in total, can only conduct about 2,900 to 3,000 test a day.
- In a dorm that are currently quarantine, there are 24,000 foreign workers - and it will need 8 to 9 days to complete.
- While waiting for the tests, there could be more infection even though social distancing may be implemented as mild asymptomatic cases may sneeze or cough and infect the doors, chairs, water basin, toilets, food, utensils, TV, gadgets - and anyone touch if may get infected - if the tests are not done fast enough.
- This could have explained why we have 141 dorm workers are infected as unlink cases in 12 Apr 2020.
[1:09 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ----
Part 3 - Widen criteria to test.
Proposed 2 Alternative approaches to plug the loopholes
(1) And we will like to propose an alternate perspective and approach (that deviate from how the above 3 things are done) - as the number of local transmission cases and unlink cases are on the rise every day.
a. Contact tracing and testing
- Based on the scenario described in Part 1, where vicintiy and surface areas can be contaminated by infected persons ---- Cannot be based on close contact anymore.
- Adjusting Contact tracing approach become important.
- "Like I heard in HK", one person infected , entire block qurantined, everyone in the block need to be tested and the whole block need to be disinfected.
- By using this approach - we can catch and weed out those mild and asymptomatic cases where they don't come into contact with the infected person - but got infected by contaminated surfaces, aerosol left in the air.
- Thus we felt that using Tracetogether mobile apps and even detective legworks - will not fully cover all the contaminated areas as well as those people who don't come into contact with the infected person - but got infected by touching contaminated areas (as tracetogether don't identify areas that the infected person visit and people may tend to forget certain place they visit when interview by detective).
- A more effective method is to use location-based tracking - such as mobile signal data, GPS location tracking that we can collect from the respective Telcos - that provide all contact data for contact tracers to scientifically traced all people in the vicinity that is visited by the infected person - and get all these people tested, quarantine if need be.
(Question :- Is it possible to use mobile signal tracing to trace all the places that the person has visited over the past 14 days? And trace all the signals that were in the same premises around the same time?
Answer :- Yes. All are logged into the syslog.)
- There is a need to widen the criteria for tests - as we know that there is a limit a test can be done per day using our golden standard test kits - that need lab test to verify the outcome and will need a day to know the test result.
- As such, there is a need to have a faster and cheaper tests --- that is a 10 minutes rapid test kit to quickly test those people in the vicinity that have no close contact with the infected person - though with 95% accuracy.
- For those that show symptoms and for those that come into contact with the infected person --- the golden standard lab test kit - can be retested on these people - to ensure they are not infected - if yes - then sent to hospital for treatment, else quarantine at home.
(The point is - Even if there 95% accuracy, can quickly isolate the infected.
The key is - do a thorough test of all foreign workers to weed out all mild asymptomatic cases.)
b. Quarantine in dorm and Testing
- As foreign workers are so many and even by practising social distancing - it is still possible to get infected by contaminated surfaces as mention in scenarios described in Part 1.
- And in total, as we can only conduct about 2,900 to 3,000 test a day using golden lab test kits ---there is a need to quickly ramp up the tests before more and more foriegn workers got contaminated --- as evident in 141 foreign workers are infected on 12 Apr 2020.
- Thus using the 10 minute rapid test kits will be one way to speed up the dorm foreign workers testing - to cover all foreign workers to weed out the mild asymptomatic cases.
- For essential jobs, foreign workers need to undergo the golden standard lab test - as they will need to go out to community to work - and if not 100% proven - can infect the community.
- For those who are symptomatic, golden standard lab test also need to be conducted - and if found infected - got to be treated in hospitals.
Summary :-
- We felt that the above 2 approaches will be able to plug the gaps and bring down the number of local transmission - either through unlink cases, new clusters or continue infection in foreign workers dorms.
[1:15 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Coronavirus: Repeated circuit breakers may be needed until vaccine is developed, warn experts
Straits Times
PUBLISHED APR 14, 2020, 8:26 PM SGT
[5:17 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Having been discussing this with a close friend in private chat group - about how to help to slow and stop the rising covid-19 case imported cases into Singapore recently - due to 2nd wave infection from the World (after the 1st wave from Wuhan epicenter).
1. 1st wave of infection is from 1 source (Hubei Wuhan) and mainland China --- where we can do a good border control --- where our checkpoints will just target China visitors or other visitors travelling to China ---- with healthcheck and quarantine for suspected cases ---- thus we can keep our infection rate low --- single digit infection.
2. Now with 2nd wave of infection from the whole World --- where many Countries have been turned into many epicentre sources ---- we see a spike of imported infection coming from Europe, US and possibly ASEAN --- that is why we see a double digit infection and 2 death.
Part 1
Thus 2 enhanced measures will need to be stepped up :-
(1) Enhanced Border measures - just announced by the Govt.
(2) Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading
--- in order to keep our infection down locally.
--- aka datang .... to value add on the 2 enhanced meausres
Part 2
[5:30 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ....
Part 2
(1) As most Singaporeans, PRs and long-term pass holders are returining from overseas travel during the school holidays - it is likely we will see a spike in imported infection.
(Anyway, the statistics show that 70 - 90% are imported cases --- infection result from overseas travel).
(2) It is thus imperative to tighten and enhance our border control ---- to prevent imported cases from infecting the community that lead to community spreading.
(A) Enhanced Border measures
- RIghtly. Govt announced enhanced border measures will be our important strategy to keep imported cases down, quickly identify suspected cases 1st hand and impose strict control on all who travel overseas at home or quarantine to prevent spreading to Community.
- Enhanced border measures include :-
(1) No short term overseas travellers allowed into Singapore or in transit
(2) Deter Singaporeans or residents to go for non-essential overseas travel (especially leisure or tours).
(3) Encourage business to defer their staff from business travelling unless absolutely essential. And for those who travel must undertake all precautionary measures to protect their staff from infection.
(4) All those who return from overseas travel - have to undergo health check, stay-home-notice and quarantine for suspected cases (to prevent community spreading) to the Community.
--- Let us analyse the above measures objectively --- are they sufficient measures to bring in imported cases to infect our Community :-
(1) If residents are prevented from travelling overseas --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(2) If no short term overseas travellers allowed or in transit --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(3) If no business travelling overseas and come back --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(4) But for those who need to travel overseas for business and back ---- possible infection --- immediate healthcheck - compulsory stay-home or quarantine --- possible infection and possible infection to family members ---- fail.
(5) For those that refused to listen but want to travel overseas for tours and leisures ----- possible infection --- immediate healthcheck - compulsory stay-home or quarantine --- possible infection and possible infection to family members ---- fail.
(So point 4 and 5 ---- are the biggest contributors to our imported cases).
My close friend suggest using the infection curves -- a math model --- "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach --- to break the infection --- to slow the infection and to break the infection momentum --- which can apply to both imported cases as well as to local community spreading.
Part 3 -
aka datang .....
Part 3
My close friend observation of the Worldwide covid-19 infection trend :-
(1) Explosion into epicentre in Wuhan - and the whole bloc is China
(2) Explosion into epicentre in Italy - and the whole bloc is Europe
(3) Explosion into epicentre in New York - and the whole bloc is USA
(4) Explosion into epicentre in Iran - and the whole bloc is Middle East
(5) There is a fear that ASEAN ---- could be another Bloc.
--- and if all the above Blocs go out of control ----- the whole World including Singapore could be turn into a tsunami that overwhelm the whole world.
Here is my close friend's text :-
Have we observed how living creatures on the beach creatures survive? There are lessons we can learn from them. When the tide rises, these living creatures burrow into sand or take refuge inside the crevices of rocks and hide out. When the tide recedes, they come out to find food. Covid-19 resembles the tide and we are now like these beach creatures finding the optimal way to survive. The first wave was when Wuhan and later China became the first epicentre of covid 19. Subsequently, italy became covid 19 epicentre of Europe and Europe is becoming like second China two months ago. New York city is the epicentre of US and may become another large bloc. Iran is the epicentre of middle east. Our neighbours are seeing large increase in New covid cases which means SE Asia is going to be a bloc. Each time there's a surge of covid cases that affect us, it's like a tide that hit the beach. If all regions' covid cases go out of control, that will be a tsnaumi. Let's assume that the world work hard to contain covid 19 , then we will be seeing waves of tides. Can our measures then be stringent to aim at letting the mild cases clear then relax the measures. Tighten again when cases increase, loosen when numbers fall. This is help us survive through a period until the covid is well contained world wide or when a vaccine is available.
Something like this? Followed by specifics"
Part 4 -- aka datang ...
[6:41 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
Part 4 - Infection Curves Math Model - "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach --- to break the infection for Imported cases until vaccines are ready (estimated to be 18 months later)
(1) The "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach is to reduce the number of infection down - so that it become more manageable - vis-a-vis our MOH/Police contact tracers, enforcers (to ensure people legally required to stay at home or quarantine and finally enough hospital beds, ventilators, medical equipment and logistics to treat infected patients.
(2) The analogy of "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach - means when spike in infection comes --- tighten with enhanced border control to achieve a math number - that can achieved the manageable infection rate - to prevent overwhelming our resources to manage the infection.
(3) This "tighten and relax", "tighten and relax" --- border control must be done - everytime we see a spike from imported cases from abroad.
(4) As we know, there are new "epicenter" being created all over the World - 1st in wuhan, then in italy, then in new york, then in iran and ASEAN is simmering.
(5) The "tighten and relax", "tighten and relax" rule --- will have to go in tandem to the above world development - with the enhanced border control as mention in Part 2 - using the "Infection curve math model" as the guide to ensure infection curve go below "our medical and enforcement facilities" curve.
Here is my close friend message :-
"Leaders are talking about flattening the infection curves. This is about spike- cool, spike-cool repeatedly until vaccine is available.the spike must be way below the healthcare capacity because we don't know how many asymptomatic people are out there.
Tmr is the start of school term. By June holidays we should aim to second cool wave.
This is like how breach creatures adapt and survive the rising and retreat of tides. Low tide, come out and look for food. High tide, barrow and seek refuge under the sand and amongst rocks
I also disagree with the message that when there are too many cases, mild symptomatic patients can stay at home. That was said when people thought that covid was more similar to h1n1. But covid is much more lethal and very infectious. Focus should be the clear the number of mild symtomatic cases. So this model gives time to clear the easy cases and bring down the total number of active cases"
(6) My close friend is concern with the "asymptomatic mild case" -- that could go undetected but can infect people.
Suggest that any close contact with the confirmed cases --- should also be tested with test kit to sieve out the "asymptomatic mild case" - so that they will not go around to infect others.
[7:04 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
Part 5
With the backdrop of more returned overseas travellers, and the likely spike in imported cases --- as well as the need to keep our school children in schools (as students can't stop learning and parents still need to work - and cannot stay at home to take care of the children ---- Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading) must be adopted.
(B) Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading
(1) Govt just announced social distancing in hawker centre, F&B etc, split workforce in public service, encourage business to do likewise, avoid 250 participation gatherings in any events, cancel senior activitiers like karaoke, do remote telecommuting, encouraging more virtual tours, or virtual events without crowd congregation etc --- within the Community. These are very good measures ---- and can they stop or reduce infection ---- Analysis :- cannot completely stop ---- but can reduce infection (because there could be "asymptomatic mild case" that have not been detected.
(2) Thus my close friend suggested (and want to "value add" to the above local enhanced measures --- to ensure that those "asymptomatic mild case" must be actively sieved out ---- eg. those who have been served "Stay Home Notice" or "quarantine" --- or those who come close contact with confirmed or suspected cases ----- should all be tested with the test kit.
Better still use the identified effective method of tests eg :-
- nose swab test
- saliva test
- blood test
- faeces test
to sieve out all likely cases --- to cover all "asymptomatic mild case".
(3) Only then, we are sure within the Community ---- all are "healthy" with no hidden cases.
(4) Then we will be very sure "Community Spreading" won't happen.
(5) This is known as the Initial "Spike" to do more coverage local test and then "Relax" --- once we have covered sufficient ground.
Here is my close friend's message:-
"Leaders are talking about flattening the infection curves. This is about spike- cool, spike-cool repeatedly until vaccine is available.the spike must be way below the healthcare capacity because we don't know how many asymptomatic people are out there
Tmr is the start of school term. By June holidays we should aim to second cool wave
I see high end places of interest offering virtual tours, online broadcasting. New business models and adaptations to last a long time not just covid periods
This is like how breach creatures adapt and survive the rising and retreat of tides. Low tide, come out and look for food. High tide, barrow and seek refuge under the sand and amongst rocks
I also disagree with earlier message that when there are too many cases, mild symptomatic patients can stay at home. That was said when people thought that covid was more similar to h1n1. But covid is much more lethal and very infectious. Focus should be the clear the number of mild symtomatic cases. So this model gives time to clear the easy cases and bring down the total number of active cases."
[6:01 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
(1) Covid19 is teaching the world many lessons. One of which is mathematics. Please see attached 6 day forecast for singapore from 12 apr to 19 apr. Given yesterday's new cases we are already heading towards the worser scenario (source : http://rocs.hu-berlin.de/corona/docs/forecast/results_by_country/). Moving forward, we heading in the direction of 4000+ to 5000+ cases by Sun, 19 apr.
(2) Someone has also diligently compiled and tabulated covid cases in singapore. Please see attached. We need to divide and conquer this problem.
(3) Import cases formed about 19.5% and for the past few days it has stopped growing until gov decided to reopen the border. This is good news. Travel should seriously stop until we have a handle on the larger 80%.
(4) a. Singaporeans and PRs contributed to about 25% of total confirmed cases but please don't be too quick to blame our foreigner counterpart. This group has seen 60% increase over the past two weeks.
b. So we all have a civil duty to stay at home, remind our family members, extended family members to abide by the law and social distancing rules.
c. Are all the dorms been isolated? One way is to avoid cross infections between SC/PR/permit holders living outside dorms and the foreigner pass holders living in dorms.
d. Rapid tests all those quarantined related to the SC/PR/pass holders living outside dorms. Identify the infected whether they show symptoms or not and isolate them.
e. The whole objective is to quickly move to a zero growth state in this category. In the absence of statisticon recovered cases in this group, our hope is to see the zero growth in 3 weeks time and consider cooling off circuit breaking for this group but making sure no contact with foreigners living in the dorms.
(5) a. Foreigners who are long-termed passholders are forming 55% of our total confirmed cases and the bulk of the numbers exploded in just a short span of 2 weeks! The majority of them are living in dorms. If we don't aggressively intervene, the consequence will be unforgiving.
b. what and how we arrived here, is of lesser importance. There is no use crying over spilled milk. If the past holds lessons for us, let's learned it with humility. How to bend the curve and stop the exponential explosion is of utmost importance now.
c. Aggressive interventions is key here. It may already be a forgone conclusion that there are large numbers of asymptomatic cases waiting to be discovered. Everyday that these cases are not identified, then the numbers may double. Aggressive testings is key. Devise a systematic way to segregate the infected and healthy within each block eg designate specific levels for the infected and move the healthy ones to green zone. When numbers grow bigger, designate specific blocks for the infected and move healthy ones to green zone blocks. And keep sanitizing the entire area. In effect, we are systematically converting the dorms into covid isolation and recovery centres. Should the cases develop into serious cases, then transfer them to hospitals. The idea is to minimise contact with the SC/PR group as we have good chance of seeing zero growth in that group.
d. For the healthy group living in the dorm, continue to educate and inform them of status. All foreign workers are important to us, when we go back to work, the soldiers have to be there!
Ron Ho
[6:10 pm, 15/04/2020] : I have the same feeling. I think within a week, local community spread, excluding clusters and dorms, will hit 300 per day. Our stern measures were 3 weeks too late to implement.
[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(4) Just hope that redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home - and will not break down or disrupted - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.
[6:39 pm, 15/04/2020] : Reach, MCI should order an inquiry on why starhub connection is down for the people during WFH period.
[6:45 pm, 15/04/2020] : Perhaps good to have family members subscribing to different service providers as a contingency plan.
Jimmy Chew
[6:49 pm, 15/04/2020] : Thanks maybe should do that
[6:50 pm, 15/04/2020] : first time happened, my friend got kick out of a meeting and he is the host, haha
[6:52 pm, 15/04/2020] : 😂😃😅🤣
[6:46 pm, 15/04/2020] : Its the home network that is affected. Using phone to work since then...
[6:46 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yes
[6:47 pm, 15/04/2020] : Time wasted cannot be recovered. Customers have options. Deals could be lost, and money 😓🥴
[6:48 pm, 15/04/2020] : Glad your mobile data is working when WiFi is down.
[6:48 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(4) Just hope that redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home - and will not break down or disrupted - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.
[6:53 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Look like my prophecy come true.
[6:54 pm, 15/04/2020] : Your 天地人?
[6:58 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Ha ha ha ha.
This is science lah.
1 lambda in a fiber 16 Gbps.
If exceeded will get congested.
Because the fiber are delivering video content on top of voice and data.
If don't aggregate bandwidth or build redundancy, then there will be congestion and if no redundancy, when 1 backbone fail no redundant backbone to take over.
[6:59 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Redundancy and aggregated bandwidth are usually provided in commercial areas, but not residential area.
So prophecy that it may come is expected.
Leonard Lau
[7:00 pm, 15/04/2020] : It’s a DNS problem . Once change dns setting , problem is bypassed .
[7:00 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Confirm dns problem, not able to resolve IP address to URL?
[7:01 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: I am not using starhub, cannot troubleshoot.
Leonard Lau
[7:04 pm, 15/04/2020] : The RC has been provided by StarHub on the Facebook page.
Please don’t speculate RC .
IMDA will deal with this issue . Thanks
[7:05 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: What is RC?
Leonard Lau
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : Root Cause of problem
[7:09 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yap only starhub after troubleshooting will know
[7:07 pm, 15/04/2020] : Feel free to join in for a "passionate" discussion :)
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : Hi everyone, gentle reminder to keep the discussion here focused
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : my bad sorry
Kevinn Wang
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : AGREE
[7:10 pm, 15/04/2020] : Is mobile data affected or only starhub wifi?
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Mobile data use 4g right?
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yah
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] : Cos seems laggy on my hp
[7:12 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
WiFi should be using starhub broadband.
So mobile data should not be affected.
[7:13 pm, 15/04/2020] : Alright thks
Leonard Lau
[7:14 pm, 15/04/2020] : Reboot the phone and try ..
[7:15 pm, 15/04/2020] : !!
[7:15 pm, 15/04/2020] : Ya is working now thanks
Leonard Lau
[7:19 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yes .. it is a correct practice . Should have backup if one decide to do more work from
[7:22 pm, 15/04/2020] : Or perhaps teleco can provide free mobile data during this period so when the system is down, customers can use mobile hotspots while WFH
[7:30 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes for those who need to work with laptop but no WiFi and broadband, can setup your handphone as mobile hotspot and then connect your laptop to the mobile phone by turning on the mobile hotspot in the laptop to access internet.
For those who need entertainment, turn on screen mirroring in the smart TV and turn on wireless display or screen mirroring in the handphone.
Then can access CNA live and other YouTube entertainment.
[7:33 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yay u got my pt
[7:35 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Oh of course.
Always must have backup plan, plan A, plan B, plan C - so you will not have any handicap.
[1:15 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Coronavirus: Repeated circuit breakers may be needed until vaccine is developed, warn experts
Straits Times
PUBLISHED APR 14, 2020, 8:26 PM SGT
[5:17 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Having been discussing this with a close friend in private chat group - about how to help to slow and stop the rising covid-19 case imported cases into Singapore recently - due to 2nd wave infection from the World (after the 1st wave from Wuhan epicenter).
1. 1st wave of infection is from 1 source (Hubei Wuhan) and mainland China --- where we can do a good border control --- where our checkpoints will just target China visitors or other visitors travelling to China ---- with healthcheck and quarantine for suspected cases ---- thus we can keep our infection rate low --- single digit infection.
2. Now with 2nd wave of infection from the whole World --- where many Countries have been turned into many epicentre sources ---- we see a spike of imported infection coming from Europe, US and possibly ASEAN --- that is why we see a double digit infection and 2 death.
Part 1
Thus 2 enhanced measures will need to be stepped up :-
(1) Enhanced Border measures - just announced by the Govt.
(2) Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading
--- in order to keep our infection down locally.
--- aka datang .... to value add on the 2 enhanced meausres
Part 2
[5:30 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ....
Part 2
(1) As most Singaporeans, PRs and long-term pass holders are returining from overseas travel during the school holidays - it is likely we will see a spike in imported infection.
(Anyway, the statistics show that 70 - 90% are imported cases --- infection result from overseas travel).
(2) It is thus imperative to tighten and enhance our border control ---- to prevent imported cases from infecting the community that lead to community spreading.
(A) Enhanced Border measures
- RIghtly. Govt announced enhanced border measures will be our important strategy to keep imported cases down, quickly identify suspected cases 1st hand and impose strict control on all who travel overseas at home or quarantine to prevent spreading to Community.
- Enhanced border measures include :-
(1) No short term overseas travellers allowed into Singapore or in transit
(2) Deter Singaporeans or residents to go for non-essential overseas travel (especially leisure or tours).
(3) Encourage business to defer their staff from business travelling unless absolutely essential. And for those who travel must undertake all precautionary measures to protect their staff from infection.
(4) All those who return from overseas travel - have to undergo health check, stay-home-notice and quarantine for suspected cases (to prevent community spreading) to the Community.
--- Let us analyse the above measures objectively --- are they sufficient measures to bring in imported cases to infect our Community :-
(1) If residents are prevented from travelling overseas --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(2) If no short term overseas travellers allowed or in transit --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(3) If no business travelling overseas and come back --- no infection from overseas --- passed.
(4) But for those who need to travel overseas for business and back ---- possible infection --- immediate healthcheck - compulsory stay-home or quarantine --- possible infection and possible infection to family members ---- fail.
(5) For those that refused to listen but want to travel overseas for tours and leisures ----- possible infection --- immediate healthcheck - compulsory stay-home or quarantine --- possible infection and possible infection to family members ---- fail.
(So point 4 and 5 ---- are the biggest contributors to our imported cases).
My close friend suggest using the infection curves -- a math model --- "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach --- to break the infection --- to slow the infection and to break the infection momentum --- which can apply to both imported cases as well as to local community spreading.
Part 3 -
aka datang .....
Part 3
My close friend observation of the Worldwide covid-19 infection trend :-
(1) Explosion into epicentre in Wuhan - and the whole bloc is China
(2) Explosion into epicentre in Italy - and the whole bloc is Europe
(3) Explosion into epicentre in New York - and the whole bloc is USA
(4) Explosion into epicentre in Iran - and the whole bloc is Middle East
(5) There is a fear that ASEAN ---- could be another Bloc.
--- and if all the above Blocs go out of control ----- the whole World including Singapore could be turn into a tsunami that overwhelm the whole world.
Here is my close friend's text :-
Have we observed how living creatures on the beach creatures survive? There are lessons we can learn from them. When the tide rises, these living creatures burrow into sand or take refuge inside the crevices of rocks and hide out. When the tide recedes, they come out to find food. Covid-19 resembles the tide and we are now like these beach creatures finding the optimal way to survive. The first wave was when Wuhan and later China became the first epicentre of covid 19. Subsequently, italy became covid 19 epicentre of Europe and Europe is becoming like second China two months ago. New York city is the epicentre of US and may become another large bloc. Iran is the epicentre of middle east. Our neighbours are seeing large increase in New covid cases which means SE Asia is going to be a bloc. Each time there's a surge of covid cases that affect us, it's like a tide that hit the beach. If all regions' covid cases go out of control, that will be a tsnaumi. Let's assume that the world work hard to contain covid 19 , then we will be seeing waves of tides. Can our measures then be stringent to aim at letting the mild cases clear then relax the measures. Tighten again when cases increase, loosen when numbers fall. This is help us survive through a period until the covid is well contained world wide or when a vaccine is available.
Something like this? Followed by specifics"
Part 4 -- aka datang ...
[6:41 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
Part 4 - Infection Curves Math Model - "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach --- to break the infection for Imported cases until vaccines are ready (estimated to be 18 months later)
(1) The "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach is to reduce the number of infection down - so that it become more manageable - vis-a-vis our MOH/Police contact tracers, enforcers (to ensure people legally required to stay at home or quarantine and finally enough hospital beds, ventilators, medical equipment and logistics to treat infected patients.
(2) The analogy of "spike-cool", "spike-cool" approach - means when spike in infection comes --- tighten with enhanced border control to achieve a math number - that can achieved the manageable infection rate - to prevent overwhelming our resources to manage the infection.
(3) This "tighten and relax", "tighten and relax" --- border control must be done - everytime we see a spike from imported cases from abroad.
(4) As we know, there are new "epicenter" being created all over the World - 1st in wuhan, then in italy, then in new york, then in iran and ASEAN is simmering.
(5) The "tighten and relax", "tighten and relax" rule --- will have to go in tandem to the above world development - with the enhanced border control as mention in Part 2 - using the "Infection curve math model" as the guide to ensure infection curve go below "our medical and enforcement facilities" curve.
Here is my close friend message :-
"Leaders are talking about flattening the infection curves. This is about spike- cool, spike-cool repeatedly until vaccine is available.the spike must be way below the healthcare capacity because we don't know how many asymptomatic people are out there.
Tmr is the start of school term. By June holidays we should aim to second cool wave.
This is like how breach creatures adapt and survive the rising and retreat of tides. Low tide, come out and look for food. High tide, barrow and seek refuge under the sand and amongst rocks
I also disagree with the message that when there are too many cases, mild symptomatic patients can stay at home. That was said when people thought that covid was more similar to h1n1. But covid is much more lethal and very infectious. Focus should be the clear the number of mild symtomatic cases. So this model gives time to clear the easy cases and bring down the total number of active cases"
(6) My close friend is concern with the "asymptomatic mild case" -- that could go undetected but can infect people.
Suggest that any close contact with the confirmed cases --- should also be tested with test kit to sieve out the "asymptomatic mild case" - so that they will not go around to infect others.
[7:04 pm, 22/03/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
Part 5
With the backdrop of more returned overseas travellers, and the likely spike in imported cases --- as well as the need to keep our school children in schools (as students can't stop learning and parents still need to work - and cannot stay at home to take care of the children ---- Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading) must be adopted.
(B) Enhanced measures to prevent Community Spreading
(1) Govt just announced social distancing in hawker centre, F&B etc, split workforce in public service, encourage business to do likewise, avoid 250 participation gatherings in any events, cancel senior activitiers like karaoke, do remote telecommuting, encouraging more virtual tours, or virtual events without crowd congregation etc --- within the Community. These are very good measures ---- and can they stop or reduce infection ---- Analysis :- cannot completely stop ---- but can reduce infection (because there could be "asymptomatic mild case" that have not been detected.
(2) Thus my close friend suggested (and want to "value add" to the above local enhanced measures --- to ensure that those "asymptomatic mild case" must be actively sieved out ---- eg. those who have been served "Stay Home Notice" or "quarantine" --- or those who come close contact with confirmed or suspected cases ----- should all be tested with the test kit.
Better still use the identified effective method of tests eg :-
- nose swab test
- saliva test
- blood test
- faeces test
to sieve out all likely cases --- to cover all "asymptomatic mild case".
(3) Only then, we are sure within the Community ---- all are "healthy" with no hidden cases.
(4) Then we will be very sure "Community Spreading" won't happen.
(5) This is known as the Initial "Spike" to do more coverage local test and then "Relax" --- once we have covered sufficient ground.
Here is my close friend's message:-
"Leaders are talking about flattening the infection curves. This is about spike- cool, spike-cool repeatedly until vaccine is available.the spike must be way below the healthcare capacity because we don't know how many asymptomatic people are out there
Tmr is the start of school term. By June holidays we should aim to second cool wave
I see high end places of interest offering virtual tours, online broadcasting. New business models and adaptations to last a long time not just covid periods
This is like how breach creatures adapt and survive the rising and retreat of tides. Low tide, come out and look for food. High tide, barrow and seek refuge under the sand and amongst rocks
I also disagree with earlier message that when there are too many cases, mild symptomatic patients can stay at home. That was said when people thought that covid was more similar to h1n1. But covid is much more lethal and very infectious. Focus should be the clear the number of mild symtomatic cases. So this model gives time to clear the easy cases and bring down the total number of active cases."
[6:01 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution :-
(1) Covid19 is teaching the world many lessons. One of which is mathematics. Please see attached 6 day forecast for singapore from 12 apr to 19 apr. Given yesterday's new cases we are already heading towards the worser scenario (source : http://rocs.hu-berlin.de/corona/docs/forecast/results_by_country/). Moving forward, we heading in the direction of 4000+ to 5000+ cases by Sun, 19 apr.
(2) Someone has also diligently compiled and tabulated covid cases in singapore. Please see attached. We need to divide and conquer this problem.
(3) Import cases formed about 19.5% and for the past few days it has stopped growing until gov decided to reopen the border. This is good news. Travel should seriously stop until we have a handle on the larger 80%.
(4) a. Singaporeans and PRs contributed to about 25% of total confirmed cases but please don't be too quick to blame our foreigner counterpart. This group has seen 60% increase over the past two weeks.
b. So we all have a civil duty to stay at home, remind our family members, extended family members to abide by the law and social distancing rules.
c. Are all the dorms been isolated? One way is to avoid cross infections between SC/PR/permit holders living outside dorms and the foreigner pass holders living in dorms.
d. Rapid tests all those quarantined related to the SC/PR/pass holders living outside dorms. Identify the infected whether they show symptoms or not and isolate them.
e. The whole objective is to quickly move to a zero growth state in this category. In the absence of statisticon recovered cases in this group, our hope is to see the zero growth in 3 weeks time and consider cooling off circuit breaking for this group but making sure no contact with foreigners living in the dorms.
(5) a. Foreigners who are long-termed passholders are forming 55% of our total confirmed cases and the bulk of the numbers exploded in just a short span of 2 weeks! The majority of them are living in dorms. If we don't aggressively intervene, the consequence will be unforgiving.
b. what and how we arrived here, is of lesser importance. There is no use crying over spilled milk. If the past holds lessons for us, let's learned it with humility. How to bend the curve and stop the exponential explosion is of utmost importance now.
c. Aggressive interventions is key here. It may already be a forgone conclusion that there are large numbers of asymptomatic cases waiting to be discovered. Everyday that these cases are not identified, then the numbers may double. Aggressive testings is key. Devise a systematic way to segregate the infected and healthy within each block eg designate specific levels for the infected and move the healthy ones to green zone. When numbers grow bigger, designate specific blocks for the infected and move healthy ones to green zone blocks. And keep sanitizing the entire area. In effect, we are systematically converting the dorms into covid isolation and recovery centres. Should the cases develop into serious cases, then transfer them to hospitals. The idea is to minimise contact with the SC/PR group as we have good chance of seeing zero growth in that group.
d. For the healthy group living in the dorm, continue to educate and inform them of status. All foreign workers are important to us, when we go back to work, the soldiers have to be there!
Ron Ho
[6:10 pm, 15/04/2020] : I have the same feeling. I think within a week, local community spread, excluding clusters and dorms, will hit 300 per day. Our stern measures were 3 weeks too late to implement.
[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(4) Just hope that redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home - and will not break down or disrupted - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.
[6:39 pm, 15/04/2020] : Reach, MCI should order an inquiry on why starhub connection is down for the people during WFH period.
[6:45 pm, 15/04/2020] : Perhaps good to have family members subscribing to different service providers as a contingency plan.
Jimmy Chew
[6:49 pm, 15/04/2020] : Thanks maybe should do that
[6:50 pm, 15/04/2020] : first time happened, my friend got kick out of a meeting and he is the host, haha
[6:52 pm, 15/04/2020] : 😂😃😅🤣
[6:46 pm, 15/04/2020] : Its the home network that is affected. Using phone to work since then...
[6:46 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yes
[6:47 pm, 15/04/2020] : Time wasted cannot be recovered. Customers have options. Deals could be lost, and money 😓🥴
[6:48 pm, 15/04/2020] : Glad your mobile data is working when WiFi is down.
[6:48 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
[12:55 pm, 09/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How does upgraded Internet Infrastructure help us to stay home in this circuit breaker duration?
(4) Just hope that redundancy are build into the Internet infrastructure to the home - and will not break down or disrupted - as many people are working at home or receiving digital entertainment from home.
Any internet disruption - will cause people to come out into the street again.
[6:53 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Look like my prophecy come true.
[6:54 pm, 15/04/2020] : Your 天地人?
[6:58 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Ha ha ha ha.
This is science lah.
1 lambda in a fiber 16 Gbps.
If exceeded will get congested.
Because the fiber are delivering video content on top of voice and data.
If don't aggregate bandwidth or build redundancy, then there will be congestion and if no redundancy, when 1 backbone fail no redundant backbone to take over.
[6:59 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Redundancy and aggregated bandwidth are usually provided in commercial areas, but not residential area.
So prophecy that it may come is expected.
Leonard Lau
[7:00 pm, 15/04/2020] : It’s a DNS problem . Once change dns setting , problem is bypassed .
[7:00 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Confirm dns problem, not able to resolve IP address to URL?
[7:01 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: I am not using starhub, cannot troubleshoot.
Leonard Lau
[7:04 pm, 15/04/2020] : The RC has been provided by StarHub on the Facebook page.
Please don’t speculate RC .
IMDA will deal with this issue . Thanks
[7:05 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: What is RC?
Leonard Lau
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : Root Cause of problem
[7:09 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yap only starhub after troubleshooting will know
[7:07 pm, 15/04/2020] : Feel free to join in for a "passionate" discussion :)
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : Hi everyone, gentle reminder to keep the discussion here focused
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : my bad sorry
Kevinn Wang
[7:08 pm, 15/04/2020] : AGREE
[7:10 pm, 15/04/2020] : Is mobile data affected or only starhub wifi?
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Mobile data use 4g right?
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yah
[7:11 pm, 15/04/2020] : Cos seems laggy on my hp
[7:12 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
WiFi should be using starhub broadband.
So mobile data should not be affected.
[7:13 pm, 15/04/2020] : Alright thks
Leonard Lau
[7:14 pm, 15/04/2020] : Reboot the phone and try ..
[7:15 pm, 15/04/2020] : !!
[7:15 pm, 15/04/2020] : Ya is working now thanks
Leonard Lau
[7:19 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yes .. it is a correct practice . Should have backup if one decide to do more work from
[7:22 pm, 15/04/2020] : Or perhaps teleco can provide free mobile data during this period so when the system is down, customers can use mobile hotspots while WFH
[7:30 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes for those who need to work with laptop but no WiFi and broadband, can setup your handphone as mobile hotspot and then connect your laptop to the mobile phone by turning on the mobile hotspot in the laptop to access internet.
For those who need entertainment, turn on screen mirroring in the smart TV and turn on wireless display or screen mirroring in the handphone.
Then can access CNA live and other YouTube entertainment.
[7:33 pm, 15/04/2020] : Yay u got my pt
[7:35 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Oh of course.
Always must have backup plan, plan A, plan B, plan C - so you will not have any handicap.
[9:29 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
StarHub Chief Technology Officer Chong Siew Loong apologised to customers in a statement on Wednesday night, confirming that the disruption had come about due to a network issue with one of the telco's Domain Name Servers.
The issue affected home broadband services, with broadband services to enterprise customers unaffected, he added.
"Traffic on our network is well below our available capacity and ample redundancy has been built into our network to cater for high service levels to be delivered consistently," said Mr Chong.
"We take this incident seriously and will conduct a detailed root cause analysis so that we can prevent future recurrence."
[9:35 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
To ensure dns is working.
1. Nslookup www.yahoo.com.sg
2. Tracert www.yahoo.com.sg
If no error and can resolve IP address and url, it means the DNS is working.
If not reset your home gateway, set top box or modem - to clear the cache of the old DNS to grab the new DNS server IP address.
[9:42 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
DNS server failure very easy to troubleshoot.
If can ping outside server or trace route outside server using IP address.
But with nslookup fail or ping or trace route using URL fails, it means DNS server fail.
Peter T Ng
[9:43 pm, 15/04/2020] : Change DNS server fails?
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: 5 minutes can identify the problem already.
Peter T Ng
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] : Change the DNS if server fails?
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Usually redundant DNS servers are used.
Peter T Ng
[9:45 pm, 15/04/2020] : Ok, so no need to specify, thanks
Blue and White Flag guy
[9:59 pm, 15/04/2020] :
Daily Roundup for Wetnesdeh 🌧️, 15 April 2020:
- Proposal to government to consider tightening measures but consider all grey areas
- Consider having other punishments like CWO to shame these shameless people
- To issue a clear signal to all about a full lockdown if need be as many have been complaining about the usage of the term CB as being vague
- Proposal to make 4G under all telcos free during this period as a backup in case of Wi-Fi breakdown (like what we saw today) that will facilitate HBL and WFH
Thank you and good night G2 and G2ers 😘
There is no good idea or bad idea, there will be something that works for someone.
StarHub Chief Technology Officer Chong Siew Loong apologised to customers in a statement on Wednesday night, confirming that the disruption had come about due to a network issue with one of the telco's Domain Name Servers.
The issue affected home broadband services, with broadband services to enterprise customers unaffected, he added.
"Traffic on our network is well below our available capacity and ample redundancy has been built into our network to cater for high service levels to be delivered consistently," said Mr Chong.
"We take this incident seriously and will conduct a detailed root cause analysis so that we can prevent future recurrence."
[9:35 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
To ensure dns is working.
1. Nslookup www.yahoo.com.sg
2. Tracert www.yahoo.com.sg
If no error and can resolve IP address and url, it means the DNS is working.
If not reset your home gateway, set top box or modem - to clear the cache of the old DNS to grab the new DNS server IP address.
[9:42 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
DNS server failure very easy to troubleshoot.
If can ping outside server or trace route outside server using IP address.
But with nslookup fail or ping or trace route using URL fails, it means DNS server fail.
Peter T Ng
[9:43 pm, 15/04/2020] : Change DNS server fails?
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: 5 minutes can identify the problem already.
Peter T Ng
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] : Change the DNS if server fails?
[9:44 pm, 15/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Usually redundant DNS servers are used.
Peter T Ng
[9:45 pm, 15/04/2020] : Ok, so no need to specify, thanks
Blue and White Flag guy
[9:59 pm, 15/04/2020] :
Daily Roundup for Wetnesdeh 🌧️, 15 April 2020:
- Proposal to government to consider tightening measures but consider all grey areas
- Consider having other punishments like CWO to shame these shameless people
- To issue a clear signal to all about a full lockdown if need be as many have been complaining about the usage of the term CB as being vague
- Proposal to make 4G under all telcos free during this period as a backup in case of Wi-Fi breakdown (like what we saw today) that will facilitate HBL and WFH
Thank you and good night G2 and G2ers 😘
There is no good idea or bad idea, there will be something that works for someone.
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