Thursday, April 2, 2020

REACH - 38. How Singaporeans can prepare themselves psychologically and mentally to adapt to more measures
2 Apr 2020 (12pm - 10pm)

[7:52 am, 02/04/2020] : Full clip of Min Wong’s interview with ST The Big Story:

[8:48 am, 02/04/2020] : One-off S$500 cash aid for those who need help urgently amid COVID-19 outbreak: Desmond Lee | Video

[10:52 am, 02/04/2020] : [Sent by]
COVID-19: 2 Apr Update
We have another death due to COVID-19.
A 68 year-old Indonesian national who was a Singapore Work Pass holder developed serious complications and succumbed after 7 days in ICU. He had a history of diabetes and hypertension.
Our deepest condolences to the family. MOH and NCID is providing them with all necessary assistance.
Please be socially responsible - We need all of us to protect one another, especially the elderly
- Do not go near the elderly if you are unwell, or on quarantine or Stay-Home Notice
- The elderly should stay at home. If there is a need to, go out during off-peak periods and avoid crowded places.
The health of all depends on each one of us.

[11:34 am, 02/04/2020] : REACH contributors, you have been heard!
Legislative action may be taken to make sure landlords pass on rebates to tenants, says DPM Heng

[11:47 am, 02/04/2020] : Bukit Merah HDB branch closes temporarily after second employee tests positive for COVID-19

[12:00 pm, 02/04/2020] : Dear REACH contributors,
Welcome back to our discussion! ☺️
Our chat will be open till 10pm today ⏰
Thank you for your constructive suggestions and views. REACH constantly notes the feedback given on our WhatsApp chats, and shares these with relevant authorities for consideration.
📢 Topic: 📢
How do you think Singaporeans can prepare themselves psychologically and mentally to adapt to more measures?
In an exclusive interview with the Straits Times yesterday, Minister Lawrence Wong said that "we are now at the phase where I think we have been able to manage and control the imported cases, isolate them, keep them in hotels by and large, and prevent the infection from these imported cases to the local community."
He also added that "if the cases still rise, unlinked cases still rise and the situation and the conditions warrant it, then we will have to apply more pressure on the brakes and go for even more measures to help slow down the virus spread. That's where we will be for months - and we have to be mentally prepared and psychologically prepared for this.”
REACH WhatsApp Terms of Use:


[12:00 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Should you put your mask on?

In Eastern Europe, statistics show since Friday the Czech Republic has seen a steady decline in positive cases when a total of 373 cases were discovered. As numbers dipped on Saturday and then again on Sunday, come Monday only 125 people tested positive.

Some epidemiologists in the country, as well as the government, are crediting social distancing, quick action on limiting travel and widespread use of masks.

So far, the Czechs are the only country to mandate citizens wear masks whenever they step out, regardless of occasion.


[12:02 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
There is a direct relationship between countries who put on face masks with low infection and death rate.

[12:05 pm, 02/04/2020] : Beyond the science, i believe many folks feel better psychologically to wear a mask. Unless it hugely impacts stocks otherwise I personally feel its fine!!

Ron Ho
[12:08 pm, 02/04/2020] :

[12:09 pm, 02/04/2020] :
On the street, i observed more and more people are putting mask(even cloth mask).

[12:11 pm, 02/04/2020] : Not only them, in China, Taiwan and hk this is very common

Kevinn Wang
[12:12 pm, 02/04/2020] : govt should start the mask production fast
[12:12 pm, 02/04/2020] : i just saw another shop the mask abit old but selling 50 pcs for 49
[12:12 pm, 02/04/2020] : crazyyyy
[12:13 pm, 02/04/2020] : seriously masking up is good i used to get flu easily but with mask on it reduces the number of instances of flu and running nose

Ben lock
[12:13 pm, 02/04/2020] : I think the reason not to wear masks is due ensure supply is available for key, critical front line personnel. Clearly surgical and N95 masks will reduce spread, but we don't have 4 million+ masks available every day to use. The cloth masks are almost entirely ineffective and possible lead to a false sense of security.

Kevinn Wang
[12:13 pm, 02/04/2020] : razor is building thier line soon but this will be commercial, can we have self provision .... some of the basis of live needs for singapore is soooo much dependable on external market ...

[12:14 pm, 02/04/2020] : That is why now ppls turn to cloth mask.. I saw ppls buying 10 pcs.

Ben lock
[12:19 pm, 02/04/2020] : Sorry to go on about face masks, but it's important to make decisions based as much as possible on expert advice and tested data.
[12:20 pm, 02/04/2020] : If you are sick stay home. It's really that simple. Masks might make you think it's ok to go out, but it's not!

Kelvin Tan
[12:25 pm, 02/04/2020] :
China scientists say not wearing maskgs to protect against covid-19 is a big mistake

Ben Lock
[12:26 pm, 02/04/2020] : Clearly this is a big topic for debate. If there are sufficient masks available then there is no reason not to mandate wearing them. There is nothing to lose by wearing a mask if there is an unlimited free supply.

Peter T Ng
[12:28 pm, 02/04/2020] : Ben hypothetically, not enough mask and won't be until 4 months, what will you do

Kelvin Tan
[12:31 pm, 02/04/2020] : @Ben Lock Precisely. Taiwan has a cap of 3 masks per week per person, cos they have enough stock to supply the masks

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[12:33 pm, 02/04/2020] : Ya ah the ST Engineering one how ah? Only heard about Razer

Ben Lock
[12:36 pm, 02/04/2020] : Razer is 30 days away from starting and then will only produce 2 million per month. We need 120 million a month before it can be mandated....

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[12:36 pm, 02/04/2020] : Yea Razer is private too, hoping to hear from ST Engg

Ben Lock
[12:36 pm, 02/04/2020] : Anyone know how many we are making a day?

Kelvin Law
[12:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : I question the rationale of relying on face masks.
[12:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : How many of us here use hand sanitisers regularly?
[12:38 pm, 02/04/2020] : Or wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly everytime?

[12:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : Yes I agree for the need for masks. Esp when on PT, at the office, or in enclosed or crowded spaces.
From the link above: The big mistake in the U.S. and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t wearing masks. This virus is transmitted by droplets and close contact. Droplets play a very important role—you’ve got to wear a mask, because when you speak, there are always droplets coming out of your mouth. Many people have asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections. If they are wearing face masks, it can prevent droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting others.

[12:40 pm, 02/04/2020] : I'm wearing masks at home as I'm not feeling well. It's a bit overkill, but I think it's important to reassure others in the household that I have mine and their health in mind.
Plus they're also worried about job security, now that we're all working from home.

[12:45 pm, 02/04/2020] : With the number of unlinked cases we now see in Singapore, please please please take social distancing very seriously. I came across an article that has some good reminders.
Excerpt: Second, although social distancing measures have been (at least temporarily) well received, there is an obvious-but-overlooked phenomenon when considering groups (i.e. households) in transmission dynamics. While social distancing decreases contact with members of society, it of course increases contact within a group (i.e. family). This small and obvious fact has surprisingly profound implications on disease transmission dynamics. The basic mechanics of this mathematical principle dictate that even if there is only a little bit of additional connection between groups (i.e. social dinners, playdates, unnecessary trips to the store, etc.), the epidemic likely won’t be much different than if there was no measure in place. The same underlying fundamentals of disease transmission apply, and the result is that the community is left with all of the social and economic disruption but very little public health benefit.
You should perceive your entire family to function as a single individual unit: If one person puts themselves at risk, everyone in the unit is at risk. Seemingly small social chains get large and complex with alarming speed.
Full article here:

Jimmy Chew
[12:48 pm, 02/04/2020] : if you are sick, wear a mask at home is not overkill, we tend to spread it among siblings and parents, it happens all the time, as least in my family

Ron Ho
[12:56 pm, 02/04/2020] :
Covid-19: New rationale as to why we should all wear masks, Ho Ching advocates for these

[1:04 pm, 02/04/2020] : This morning, I saw a few Indian on the mrt, wearing simple big handkerchief cover up their face n  tied behind like a mask.

Bobby Tan
[1:05 pm, 02/04/2020] : Oh, maybe they listen to radion 972 this morning as the DJs talked about handkerchief as mask.
[1:05 pm, 02/04/2020] : radio 972

[1:21 pm, 02/04/2020] : People are shy to put on mask.
Will seriously do it only when they hear it from the authorities .
I think Govt need to just mention that it is advisable to put on a washable mask even though you are not sick, then only you can see people starting to do it.

Bobby Tan
[1:21 pm, 02/04/2020] : I put on regardless got advisory or not cos health is mine and I dun wan other to infect me

[1:22 pm, 02/04/2020] : My boss put on mask but repeatedly touch it . So it’s pointless

[1:24 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
3D printed face masks.

David Murugan
[1:25 pm, 02/04/2020] : I would like to suggest that government give all families a box of mask so can be shared with children and adults given the current situation whereby all out of stock.

[1:26 pm, 02/04/2020] : 1stly: how many people are putting it on for a false sense of security only?
2ndly: how many knows what is the proper way of using a mask
3rdly: unless you really abide by the NO TOUCHING of faces rule, else is a mask effective?

[1:26 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Some protection is better than no protection.
MDM Ho Ching - let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

[1:26 pm, 02/04/2020] : Agree

[1:27 pm, 02/04/2020] : and lastly, do you all have any idea on the number of mask that is being used daily if EVERY ONE in singapore uses JUST 1 mask a day? excluding out health care workers

[1:27 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: The facts are most countries that uses face masks has lower infection and death rate.

[1:27 pm, 02/04/2020] : We are referring to the washable mask n not surgical mask

Peter T Ng
[1:28 pm, 02/04/2020] : Like 4 million ?

[1:28 pm, 02/04/2020] : washable mask DO NOT HAVE PROTECTION AGAINST VIRUS
[1:28 pm, 02/04/2020] : unless you tell me KF94 standard/N95 Standard
[1:28 pm, 02/04/2020] : LOL
[1:29 pm, 02/04/2020] : cloth mask
[1:29 pm, 02/04/2020] : ABSORBS droplets FYI

[1:29 pm, 02/04/2020] : At least when the person coughs or sneezes , it is contain in your mask.


[1:29 pm, 02/04/2020] : the cloth mask, absorbs the droplets
[1:29 pm, 02/04/2020] : den you BREATHE THRU THE MASK

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[1:30 pm, 02/04/2020] : Cloth mask is cloth mask but what about those with filter? Even if the filter doesn't work 100%, at least it does offer some sort of protection?

[1:30 pm, 02/04/2020] : you're effectively sniffing viruses
[1:30 pm, 02/04/2020] : if you do that
[1:30 pm, 02/04/2020] : thats why i say unless its KF94 or N95 grade

[1:31 pm, 02/04/2020] : You want to breathe in your own germs without any filtration?! 😳

[1:32 pm, 02/04/2020] : Ha ha ha , if we don’t use, we continue spreading & killing others

[1:30 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: This includes many who uses home made cloth mask.

Ben Lock
[1:33 pm, 02/04/2020] : There is no measured data to support this

[1:33 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Ben Lock
[1:36 pm, 02/04/2020] : Yes clearly if your cloth mask absorbs these germs in the air then it is counter productive
[1:36 pm, 02/04/2020] : Yes cloth mask is possibly worse than useless

[1:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : ya. our ms valli is proposing a cloth mask better than no mask

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[1:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : Filter is necessary, if not your cloth mask wayang only

[1:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : so we're actually laying out why is cloth mask useless

[1:37 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: The logic is, when viruses load is heavy in the hospital, cloth masks are not very effective.
But in open environment in public where virus load is low, cloth mask provide some protection and cut down some infection rate.

Leonard Lau
[1:37 pm, 02/04/2020] : Please skip the cloth mask .. it will be the last resort..

[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : i think we should not jump to ANY thing
[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : without understanding the functions. despite being desperate
[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : i rather go on no mask
[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : than to use a cloth mask tbh

Ben Lock
[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : Agreed

[1:39 pm, 02/04/2020] : cloth mask only for me to use on flights (before virus) and for dust purposes

[1:40 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Inward protection from 100 - cut down by 67.
[1:42 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: This particle refer to viruses load.

Ben Lock
[1:46 pm, 02/04/2020] : This is based on 3 hours with no physical activity. Not at all representative of people going out to work, shop etc.

Ben Lock
[1:42 pm, 02/04/2020] : So people might think they are protecting others by wearing a cloth mask, when in fact they are not really.

Ben Lock
[1:44 pm, 02/04/2020] : I appreciate everyone is contributing what they think is the right thing to do regarding masks because there are not enough available for us to all wear every day. I worry that peole wear cloth mask and then go out thinking they are protecting people. Better to stay home.

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[1:45 pm, 02/04/2020] : This mask thing worth to bring up, a lot of people all think mask means mask, never think of how different each mask is from the other

[1:45 pm, 02/04/2020] : ya
[1:45 pm, 02/04/2020] : i see SO MANY PPL wasting precious surgical mask

[1:47 pm, 02/04/2020] : I saw mask thrown on the floor which if infected will infect cleaner. Wear with responsibility

Ben Lock
[1:51 pm, 02/04/2020] : End of the day supply of mask is the root issue

[1:51 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Taiwan also ration masks.
Thus many use make shift masks.
And their infection rate is lower than Singapore by more than 3 times.
Not all can stay at home.
Some needs to go out to work and school.
It is these people we are trying to protect.

[5:59 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Covid-19: New rationale as to why we should all wear masks, Ho Ching advocates for these
Mdm Ho said that "we shouldn't laugh and snigger at people trying all sorts of protective barriers" and suggested that the public be open to the idea of mask improvisation
 Photo: FB screengrab/ Ho Ching and
March 30, 2020
Singapore – Based on a new scientific rationale that wearing face masks, even homemade ones, provide better protection from Covid-19 droplets, Ho Ching advised the public to “be open to the idea of improvising masks.”
CEO of Temasek Holdings, Mdm Ho took to Facebook on Sunday (March 29) to share a recent study regarding the effectiveness of face masks and why everyone should wear it in public.
The rationale
Molecular and cell biologist, Dr Sui Huang, in his account, contradicted official recommendations by organisations such as the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) that masks worn by non-healthcare professionals are ineffective using logic, the mechanics of transmission and biology of viral entry.
Dr Huang noted that the recommendations urging the public to wear face masks only when feeling ill were motivated by the need to save respirator masks for healthcare workers. “There is no scientific support for the statement that masks worn by non-professionals are ‘not effective,'” he said. On the contrary, given the stated goal of flattening the curve of confirmed cases, any additional, “however partial reduction of transmission would be welcome,” said the biologist.
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Based on Dr Huang’s observations, compiled with other existing research, an N95 respirator mask, surgical face mask or even a homemade DIY mask are effective in providing inward and outward protection to curb the spread of the virus. According to an experimental simulation of their filtering capacity, homemade tea cloth masks prevented up to 90 per cent of particles from leaking into the environment, an option for Covid-19 carriers demonstrating mild to no symptoms.
“It would be tragic if the wrong logic and mechanics and biology, which has led to Western governments to not encourage, if not stigmatize the wearing of masks, may have contributed to the steep rise of Covid-19,” said Dr Huang.
We shouldn’t try to demonise the wearing of masks just to preserve masks – Ho Ching
In response to Dr Huang’s post, Mdm Ho said that “we shouldn’t laugh and snigger at people trying all sorts of protective barriers” and suggested the public to be open to the idea of mask improvisation.
She added that the mask could be a plastic shield, a chic designer mask, a simple folded handkerchief or a “lovingly home-sewn mask by grandma or mother.” Whatever we wish to improvise, we should not be made to feel silly or unfashionable, said Mdm Ho.
Mdm Ho reminded everyone of the importance of proper hand hygiene and to not fall trap to the false sense of security by wearing a face mask. “But knowing Singaporeans, the vast majority are conscientious, thoughtful, and disciplined,” Mdm Ho said.
“Just try to save and preserve the 4 masks given out by Singov earlier,” she added.
Members from the online community agreed that wearing a face mask should be encouraged. “Many people could be asymptomatic but have the virus,” noted a netizen who added that wearing a face mask should be mandatory for public transport users.
 Photo: FB screengrab/ Ho Ching
HO Ching
on Sunday
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Agree that we should keep the surgical as well as N95 masks for our healthcare workers as the top priority, since they face patients every day. Not just covid patients, but also other patients, who need to be protected too.
But we shouldn’t try to demonise the wearing of masks just to preserve the masks for the healthcare workers (HCWs).
...See More

The official recommendation in the United States (and other Western countries) that the public should not wear face masks was motivated by…
The official recommendation in the United States (and other Western countries) that the public should not wear face masks was motivated by…
The official recommendation in the United States (and other Western countries) that the public should not wear face masks was motivated by…
Featured News  Covid-19: New rationale as to why we should all wear masks, Ho...

Kevinn Wang
[1:51 pm, 02/04/2020] : Even if we have the machine do we have the materials?
[1:51 pm, 02/04/2020] : Can we self survive?
[1:51 pm, 02/04/2020] : Or again have to depend on import
[1:52 pm, 02/04/2020] : This episode show us a couple of issues Civic moral and self survival

Peter T Ng
[1:52 pm, 02/04/2020] : Import at least for near future

Kevinn Wang
[1:53 pm, 02/04/2020] : Long term goal while address current

Ben Lock
[2:02 pm, 02/04/2020] : On that note I'm stepping away from the mask debate. We are widely in agreement actually.  Enough said I think :)

[2:03 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Taiwan is a developed countries.
Death rate won't lie.
Our death rate is 4 and theirs is 5.
Their infection rate is 329, we exceeded 1,000.
Their population is 30 million people, 6 times  ours.
The only thing they use more than us is many people put on face masks including home made one when they go out in public.

[4:12 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
1. West preach the perfect mask is the only way to protect against covid-19 else don't wear masks - but have the highest infection rate in the world :-

US - > 200,000
Italy - > 110,000
Spain - > 102,000
Europe -> on average all 5 figures

2. Compare to Asia (except China 83,000) who also ration perfect masks but wear home made cloth masks - and all keep a low few thousands, majority in the 1,000 and some in the few hundreds.

3. So should we use not so perfect mask when we go public?

4. Common sense tell us we should not listen to what the west do and follow bwhat the East do to at put on the home made washable face masks.

Keinn Wang
[7:55 pm, 02/04/2020] : Given the rate of local transmission I strongly motion for mask manufacturing to start
[7:56 pm, 02/04/2020] : No need n95 surgical mask will do

[8:39 pm, 02/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Join comments with my close friend :-
(1) The attached is a map that show where all the local clusters are.

(2) Wonder can MOH publish one which shows where the cases physically stay? (Not their actual address because of privacy issue.
But at least up to the neighborhood.
The current info. eg. Kallang are still too large an area. By highlighting the neighborhood - people who stay near the neighborhood will stay more alert.

(3) This is to heighten the messages that we should be aware of cases near our neighbourhood be mindful that it can spread within the community.
So that people going out can wear face mask, look out for people who are sick, look out for people who should be SHN or Quarantine.
This will help to prevent local transmission.

Looking at the chart :- On 16 Mar, total number of cases 243, 1 Apr 1000 ! 4 times in 15 days

We can flatten the curve by :-
1. Stay home - but some need to work and study outside.

2. So next best is washable face masks - if people don't have surgical face masks.
The imperfect masks can help -
(1) cuts down the droplets landing on our nose and mouth
(2) people touch their faces less
(3) people talk less and hence emit less droplets which may carry covid virus from asymptomatic patients
(4) when everyone wears mask there is a psychological impact and sends messages that we are in pandemic time and to be mindful

3. Better contact tracing.

4. More testing for those in contact.

Only then we can help to flatten the curve.

Kevinn Wang
[8:02 pm, 02/04/2020] : We need to push for mask manufacturing soon and fast govt to run this operation to ensure no over price
[8:03 pm, 02/04/2020] : When supply is constant people will wear mask as a way of life
[8:03 pm, 02/04/2020] : Like japan

[8:03 pm, 02/04/2020] : Government is quietly but surely doing it.

Kevinn Wang
[8:09 pm, 02/04/2020] : Issue is circulation and coughing and sneezing without mask in enclosed area
[8:10 pm, 02/04/2020] : Have anyone notice espically in office when one is sick it spreads fast espically flu I think this is the same style of the covid
[8:11 pm, 02/04/2020] : Mask serious does help in these confirm location

[8:15 pm, 02/04/2020] : But the sick person in the office dun want wear mask despite having mask. Still cough loudly at her cubicle , tot it is fun.
Ppls alr told her either cobrt mouth, West mask or go home. Sigh..

Kevinn Wang
[8:15 pm, 02/04/2020] :
[8:16 pm, 02/04/2020] : See this and it further confirm why I always think mask save me from getting more sick
[8:16 pm, 02/04/2020] +: Is frm nhk....

Leonard Lau
[8:17 pm, 02/04/2020] : This confirm that the one who sneeze must wear mask

Kevinn Wang
[8:17 pm, 02/04/2020] : Talking Abt this remind me of yesterday mentioned of mask and hawker...
[8:17 pm, 02/04/2020] : It works both way

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[8:18 pm, 02/04/2020] : That's when social distancing kicks in

Kevinn Wang
[8:18 pm, 02/04/2020] : I wear he sneeze I less chance get it
[8:18 pm, 02/04/2020] : He sneeze with mask or when sick less chance of spreading
[8:19 pm, 02/04/2020] : Less and less = a better social HYGIENE environment for all ya?

[9:21 pm, 02/04/2020] : SMRT bus driver tests positive for Covid-19; vehicle thoroughly cleaned and disinfected

Ron Ho
[9:27 pm, 02/04/2020] : I hope REACH have heard the sentiments that mask is better than no mask, and mask during duration in public transport is preferred. And masks can be any type. Disposable or cloth washable type. Problem may be supply but govt must provide directions and motivation. Guide on how to make masks and move on. Without protection, we can't be sure public transport is safe. Govt keeps saying only when you are sick but reports are showing up to 25% walking around not knowing they are sick or probably carrying the virus. As we tighten to reduce community spread, look at modes which people are exposed. Social distancing while eating and while queuing but no social distancing while standing shoulder to shoulder in the train appears to be incongruous.

Blue and White Flag Guy
נתנאל חן ויי ליאנג 🇮🇱
[9:43 pm, 02/04/2020] : No ah not say not cloth masks, proper education on how to use and remove a mask should be implemented
If not later those blur sotongs anyhow blame people

[9:43 pm, 02/04/2020] : [Sent by]
COVID-19: 2 Apr Update
New imported cases: 8 [Travelled from Europe, North America, ASEAN and other parts of Asia]
New local cases: 41 [26 linked to previous cases or clusters, 15 currently unlinked]
Total cases in Singapore: 1049
Discharged today: 21
Total discharged: 266
Total remaining in Hospital: 464
Most in hospital stable or improving. 23 in ICU - 1 less than yesterday.
🙏 Please take safe distancing seriously
The health of all depends on each one of us.

[9:43 pm, 02/04/2020] : Precisely.  Plan in right manner.  Use in crowded area is good choice like transportation and supermarket

[9:44 pm, 02/04/2020] : Austria now makes it compulsory to wear face mask to go to supermarkets. Can we have this as well? supermarkets and markets are super crucial to our community right now. Same as mass transport areas.
We need to reduce the risk at the high density for an amount of time points, particularly any indoor areas.

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