22 Apr 2020 (11am - 7pm)
[11:59 am, 24/04/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Wishing our Muslim friends a blessed Ramadan. Our chat will be open from 12pm to 10pm today.
REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group.
[12:00 pm, 24/04/2020] : From MOH on 23 Apr:
“The number of new cases in the community has decreased, from an average of 34 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 25 per day in the past week. The number of unlinked cases in the community has decreased slightly, from an average of 20 cases per day in the week before, to an average of 18 per day in the past week.”
Read more: https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/36-more-cases-discharged-1-037-new-cases-of-covid-19-infection-confirmed
📢 Topic 📢
It’s Day 18. How do you think we can encourage personal responsibility beyond harsher fines and jail terms?
#StayhomeforSG #SGUnited #SingaporeTogether
[1:37 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
How to encourage personal responsibility beyond harsher fines or jail terms?
(1) a. Some people may think - this virus won't get me or my family - not so è¡°。
b. Some people may say - I get it - my business - it is my health.
c. Some people say - I lazy to change my routine - as long as others take precaution - I go along with my normal routine I won't get it.
(2) Tha actual fact is :-
a. Virus got no eyes and don't discriminate or choose who to infect.
The moment the virus come across someone who don't protect themselves or who don't stay at home and isolate themselves from others who are infected - the virus will strike.
b. Some may think, my health is my business. My body is strong, I can withstand the virus.
But the problem is, when you get infected, you also infect your loved ones - your wife, your husband, your children, your parents, your friends, your colleagues, the community and the world.
Your responsibility is not "ONLY YOURSELF" --- but the everyone as a WHOLE.
One-For-All, All-For-One.
You have become a sinner - if you wilfully breach the circuit breaker - got yourself infected and infect others.
c.Everyone is changing their routine to make difficult adjustment - in the hope of defeating the virus or at least keep the virus at bay --- until the vaccines are found or standard treatment are developed to protect everyone.
If people cannot make sacrifice by making adjustment - to jointly defeat the virus --- then we fail ourselves and fail the country as a whole - as billions of reserves are used to tackle the virus, make everyone safe ---- while many sacrifices their business, job, salary and personal freedom to make the circuit breaker works.
A small sacrifice on our end - is it too much to ask?
3. When a person are infected with the covid-19 virus - what a long term effect a person will have to suffer :-
a. lose the taste - as the taste cell is damaged.
b. lose the cell that protected the lungs - as the lung lining cell is damaged.
c. risk their own lives - as cells that help the lungs breathe are damaged.
d. daamage the red blood cells - by causing blood clot - as the virus damage the red blood cells.
e. confused the white blood cells - and cause the white blood cells to misbehave
and many other damages to the body organ and system.
4. So why people don't make some sacrifice to protect themselves and their family and the community - by observing the circuit breakers --- instead of wilfully break the circuit breaker --- and cause the above trouble that can be avoided?
[2:49 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: See how Indian police handle the ‘heroes’ who refused to use masks. The police put them in the ambulance with a mock up patient who disguise of having COVID19 virus. And see what happens 🤣🤣🤣🤣
[2:49 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: In Indonesia, those who broke social distancing law are rounded up and put to stay in haunted house.
[3:06 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If we don't observe the circuit breaker measures conscientiously, the attached parrot messages will be our consequences:-
[5:29 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: CNA report remdesvir trial drugs fail in human treatment.
[6:25 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My comments :-
Notice that :-
Hospital 1368.
In isolation 8874.
Most have move out from hospital to isolation facilities.
I think those who move to the isolation facilities are mild cases and need little treatment or medication that can recover by themselves.
The 1368 probably need medication like cough medicine, running nose etc.
Only 25 need special cases and ventilators.
My close friend comments:-
What was the hospital number the day before?
I suspect gov needs to acquire/set up more isolation facilities
My comments :-
Oh very big 4000 plus close to 5000.
Now Singapore is building a 15000 beds in tanjong pagar terminal to use as isolation for those mild cases that doesn't need medical care.
Ship berth terminal at tanjong pagar have move to Tuas megaport liao.
Timothy Low
[12:10 pm, 24/04/2020] : Sorry this article is in Chinese, but it’s a very good analysis on our current situation written by a Malaysia newspaper editor: https://www.sinchew.com.my/pad/con/content_2259421.html
[6:43 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My comments :-
(1) No one is perfect, yes we can do better on hindsight.
(2) Even Saints make mistake.
(3) As long as we understand our shortcomings, we can improve. There are no losing of face as long as we can recover from lost ground.
My close friend comments :-
We should correct those who spread incorrect information. But be wise in putting efforts in defending opinions.
The war is not over or worse far from over. Focus on the desired outcomes : -
(1) are the infected able to receive appropriate treatment? Answer YES
(2) are other patients able to receive appropriate treatments. They are not denied of their treatments. Answer YES
(3) is the covid death rate amongst the lowest in the world? Answer YES
(4) Any social unrest? Answer NO
(5) Any political crisis? Answer NO
(6) is our recession one of the shortest and least painful around the world? Answer YES
(7) when we rebound, can we maintain and continue to clinch the top spots in world rankings? Answer YES
Then the rest is legendary - get media to write good stories for singapore and it will remain in wiki pedia for very long
For now, we are skating on thin ice, many dangers and we may tip over for the worst.
We can only highlight, provide constructive ideas and let gov and partners do their jobs.
As citizens we must also do our part.
[6:45 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Not true that sgp is doing badly. Malaysia has 2.2M legal FW and 3.3M illegal FW. FW find their own lodging. Not yet started aggressive testing so unknown. How many test has malaysia conducted for FW who are living in no better conditions than FW here.
[6:56 pm, 24/04/2020] : Agree
[7:13 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
[7:13 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
It is always balancing the virus transmission versus the Economy.
Too obsess against the virus, our economy suffer.
Open too much for economy, virus attack us.
[7:48 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
There's alot of lessons that this virus taught us in lightning speed.
I am sure many people can learn from this extremely expensive lesson.
Not only us, but the whole world.
[3:48 pm, 24/04/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 24 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 897 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 897 cases, 13 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[7:32 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Analysis of our current covid situation :-
(1) Today though reported 897 cases - the infection numbers are coming down.
(2) 13 cases are local transmission - the lowest recorded compared to few days ago.
(3) So indeed the circuit breaker measures are reaping positive outcome - as we can see that local transmission are coming down based on the past few days numbers.
(4) The dorm figures are also coming down from thousands to a couple of hundred with aggressive testings.
(5) Notice that 8874 have been moved from hospitals to isolation houses and only 1368 need to be in hospital.
(6) This indicates that 8874 are mild cases - that do not need active medicinal intervention and can recover by themselves.
(7) Only 1368 need medical attention while 25 need ventilators support.
(8) So all these are encouraging signs - that we are slowly turning our tide and fight against the covid virus.
[7:34 pm, 24/04/2020] : Hope for the best for now.
[8:08 pm, 24/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: Crowded supermarket.
[8:12 pm, 24/04/2020] : With cb, many people Circuit short already. many become easily agitated. Recently, there are so many commotion related case.
On the other hand, there are some people still violate safe distancing, no mask/dangling mask/no cover nose with mask, mask pull down to chin measures who generally fall into three categories - they either "don't know, don't care, or are defiant".
Young people or those hot-tempered/emotional people must realise their acts of defiance could have disastrous results.
"It (could) cause the disease to be spread among themselves or their loved ones, the consequences will be unbearable.
Hence, those group of people must monitor closely to prevent any crime or another outbreak.
Social worker or volunteer to counsel them or...
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