23 Apr 2020 (11am - 7pm)
[11:02 am, 23/04/2020] : The Circuit Breaker has been extended to June 1 with tightened measures.
For example, entry to four popular wet markets have been restricted, bubble tea shops and barbers are closed.
Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli said on Facebook: "If we stay at home as much as possible, we can help bring local transmission numbers down. Then, the multi-ministry task force can ease some of the measures earlier rather than later."
What are some of the challenges you have experienced or foresee, with the tightened and extended circuit breaker measures to curb the spread of COVID-19?
👉Coronavirus cases cross 10,000; experts see tough battle ahead
What behaviors do we need to change to defeat the virus?
👉Singapore's circuit breaker is working but not as fast as hoped: Experts
[11:48 am, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comments :-
1 There is a much more efficient and better way to do this. China has showed the way and we shared in this forum on 3 Apr. (Understand that it will take some time to develop the apps if consider implementing this solution).
2 Gov should maintain a central database of daily declarations and basic information. Each time we need to go out, we will have to declare. Questions can be (i) recent travel history (ii) recent contact history of people infect with covid 19 or quarantined (iii) experiencing covid symptoms (iv) does your job require you to come into contact with general Public etc.
3 Each business premise should be assigned a unique QRCode. This can be derived from UENumber of that business entity.
4 every person has to install an app on our mobile phone. Make a declaration for that day in the app.
5 each time I enter a premise, I have to scan the QRCode and this will be captured as a trace that "I was there". Date and time stamped. When I leave, I scan the qrcode again date time stamped that I left. This log will be captured centrally as well as cached within the app.
6 during contact tracing, enforcement officers can send out alert that an infected person was confirmed and should I display symptoms I should go for tests.
7 example of how this is going to work during the CB. I need to buy grocery at supermarket. I make a declaration if i have not for the day.I arrive at NEX shopping, scan NEX shopping mall QRCode. Head towards NTUC fairprice, scan QRCode for ntuc fairprice (NEx). When I leave NTUc fairprice, scan to "checkout" from fair price. When I leave NEX, scan to to "checkout" from NEX.
8 this pandemic may last for much longer (could be a year). As our situation improve, more businesses premises will be included. This can include office buildings, and individual tenant offices.
9 it is not fool proof, but a relatively easy implementation.
[11:59 am, 23/04/2020] :
Hi All,
I think there is still plenty of people still not aware that children below 2 are not require to wear mask.
My experience and challenge faced:
Yesterday, as usual, I performed my normal daily routine, sending kids to school then head over to the market to buy my breakfast. After ordering my food, I stood far away to wait for my food to be ready. And there this aunty who is working there, demanded and insisted that my baby girl needs to wear a mask. I told her that our government had actually announce that children under 2 not require to wear mask, she then continue insisting that there is shops nearby selling mask for infants, if not, to visit the Community Centre to take one which government has distributed.
How should I handle all this kind of issue? This has been bothering me and I really didn't want to visit the market anymore as is it very tedious and tiring to keep explaining over and over again and still have to handle those weird eyes/facial expression from the people giving me the benefit of doubts why am I still bringing my baby out.
[12:52 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. It's correct that under the law, 2 yrs below children do not need to wear mask in case they suffocate.
2. Having say so, the public must be concerned that will the baby contract the virus as the baby is not protected.
3. Isn't it safer to keep the baby at home and look after by a trusted person while an adult do the marketing?
[12:54 pm, 23/04/2020] : I think I have actually explained my situation before, all my family members are working in essential service line and by 6am, the whole house will left my 3 kids and me only.
[1:00 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Can you go marketing after they come back from work?
Some NTUC operates 24 hours a day.
[1:03 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
In this difficult time, there is a need to do some adjustment no matter how difficult it is.
It is your baby's health as well as your whole family health.
All is needed is one lapse and everyone get it.
[1:11 pm, 23/04/2020] : Agree
[1:12 pm, 23/04/2020] : even if i don't do marketing, i still need get my breakfast, marketing is only adhoc basis when I want to cook, cant be possibly asking me to keep ordering food to have it deliver to me right?
[1:13 pm, 23/04/2020] : and still, i will still need send my kids to school, and in this case, i have to put my girl at home alone for this period of time when I send them to school?
[1:18 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) Let me put across a question to you.
(2) If unfortunate thing happen, and your baby is infected and the whole family is infected --- what will you do?
[1:19 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Virus don't show compassion to your circumstances.
When they strike, they strike - you can argue with the virus, but it will be fruitless.
[1:44 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1). Also schools are in home based learning - why need to send kids to school?
(2) If cannot buy breakfast, why can't home made spread on bread?
(3) If don't like to cook, why can't order?
(4) All this are difficult adjustment that everyone is doing and everyone is making sacrifices - we can't have the cake and eat it in this difficult times.
[1:45 pm, 23/04/2020] : Possible to buy a wk food n store in the fridge? I also did that...
[1:48 pm, 23/04/2020] : U go market daily?
Just buy a loaf of bread but can do wonder.
1. French toast
2. Spread jam or whatever sauce
3. Toasted or pan fried bread.
For other food...
Self cooked pasta...mee... Fried roti prata bought fr ntuc etc..
[1:51 pm, 23/04/2020] : U can also cook diff variety of porridge too... For yr kids n yourself..
[1:57 pm, 23/04/2020] : I made French toast today, my girl likes it.
[2:00 pm, 23/04/2020] : 2 days ago, I did that too with cheese.
[2:03 pm, 23/04/2020] : Good idea, I will add cheese next time.
Bobby Tan
[2:04 pm, 23/04/2020] : Maybe you can also provide how to make all these. Frankly I only know toasted bread made with Oven.
[2:14 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. For those who don't like to cook or who don't like to spend time making difficult stuff.
2. Just buy a wholemeal bread or white bread.
3. Buy chocolate spread (no need nutella - very expensive, just normal chocospread that taste like nutella chocolate cost $3.95) or buy fruit jam or kaya --- where children and adult also like.
4. Then go along with 3-in-1 coffee for adult, or milo or milk for kids.
5. A wonderful breakfast is done for everyone - less than 30 minutes --- nothing difficult - and everyone is safe - still can teach the kids how to prepare a simple breakfast for themselves - in a homely setting --- and turn on the TV or music --- to let the family enjoy a warm family.
6. Still need to go out - and endanger the young kids?
7. And everyone just need to endure this for another 6 weeks --- where hopefully the local transmission drop to zero --- a sacrifice that everyone is doing.
[2:15 pm, 23/04/2020] : My mum esp won't sick of eating bread. Bread can do wonder..
[2:17 pm, 23/04/2020] : My stay home fren even decorate the bread with diff theme..
[3:15 pm, 23/04/2020] : COVID-19: Network analysis tool developed by DSTA speeds up contact tracing, helped link Mustafa Centre and dorms
[3:25 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
This look like using network science and graph neural networks for contact tracing in data analytics utilising mobile data?
[3:25 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If yes, then the contact tracing is almost foolproof.
[5:12 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend contribution:-
[5:12 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Now robots and AI is the future.
[5:12 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comment:-
Got to tackle the microdroplets floating in the enclosed space
[5:12 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes the aerosols floating in the air.
Thus location tracking is very important.
[5:13 pm, 23/04/2020] : Yes
Bobby Tan
[5:17 pm, 23/04/2020] : To help to reduce the number of local transmission, I hope NEA can go around spraying disinfectant islandwide just like what other countries are doing.
[5:23 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Disinfectant the best is targeted- with location based tracking where people are found infected.
Thus mobile signal and GPS data that track infected people movement - will identified the vicinity visited and disinfectant can target this areas.
[7:00 pm, 23/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: This is a location based track system.
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