Tuesday, April 21, 2020

REACH - 58. PM extend Circuit Breaker (SK)
22 Apr 2020 (11am - 7pm)

[10:50 am, 22/04/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
⏰ Our chat will be open from 11am to 7pm today.
🗒 REACH is constantly taking note of all the feedback and suggestions shared on our WhatsApp chats, and will send them to relevant authorities for consideration.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group. 🙏🏼
The topic will be posted shortly.
- Megan

[10:59 am, 22/04/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 7pm today ⏰
📢 Topic 📢
During PM Lee’s national address on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore (21 Apr), he announced the one-month extension of the circuit breaker till 1 June and the further tightening of existing measures.
How do you feel about the tightening and extension of the measures?
How are you planning to cope with the extended circuit breaker?
👉 https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/prime-minister-lee-hsien-loong-to-address-nation-on-covid-19-situation-at-5pm

[11:13 am, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

[11:13 am, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
She could be in a Zen trance state where she can't control what she is writing.

This Zen trance state often occurs in a crisis - and that person has a Vow or wishes to 普渡众生。

She see both 空界 and 色界 "dualistic states" at the same time - that explains how and why she wrote these - and with explosive thoughts - where some words are incoherence - as she connects to both "States" at the same time.

The attached verse described this phenomenon.

[11:13 am, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: For people who are concerned about the mental well beings of the First Lady.

[11:58 am, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Police arrested a man after argument broke out in Playmade bubble tea shop

Bobby Tan
[12:34 pm, 22/04/2020] : 📢 Topic 📢
During PM Lee’s national address on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore (21 Apr), he announced the one-month extension of the circuit breaker till 1 June and the further tightening of existing measures.

How do you feel about the tightening and extension of the measures?
I had expected the extension and already prepared for it, but a bit surprise on stopping of cutting hair.

How are you planning to cope with the extended circuit breaker?
I will still do as per normal. If NTUC too many people, I will not go in. I will only go NTUC when the crowd is low. Ths most I buy from those small mart. Going to explore more on online learning and learn extra skills during this period.

[12:57 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: For people who need to check whether NTUC or any supermarkets are crowded, check the spaceout and click supermarkets.

[2:48 pm, 22/04/2020] : How thorough are the checks and how reliable are current testing standards?

[3:23 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) One of our Doctor spokesman in CNA say that testing all foreign workers does not mean that all are clear of viruses - even if the results all turn negatives.
(2) He say when a person tested negative for 4 days, the next 4 days, virus load could then surface indicating that he could be infected and able to start infecting others.
(3) This virus is a very sneaky enemy.
(4) The only way to ensure virus infections end is through social distancing where virus cannot jump hosts and the virus die a natural death.

My close friend's comments :- Given the living conditions at the dorm, how is social distancing possible?

My comments : Yes, that is the scary part.
The doctor say the worst scenario is where 40,000 foreign workers will be infected.
But Singapore government is trying to break the workers into smaller groups and put them into many different places like HDB, floating barges, army barracks etc.
By doing so, the number of infected workers within a group will be greatly reduced and when the virus has no host to jump - it will die a natural death - and the chain of transmission will stop.

[3:29 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) Having say so, "aggressive testings" are still needed to identify and weed out the mild asymptomatic cases.
(2) But testings is not foolproof - and it is one important part of the overall strategy.
(3) To ensure the virus die off, social distancing is another important strategy --- in the absence of standard treatement and vaccines.

[3:27 pm, 22/04/2020] : The issue is after the virus die off, where will those temp Fw who are housed at stadium etc now...Will they be house back to their own dormitories - Back to square one.

[3:33 pm, 22/04/2020] : Yeah especially since there are cases of people coming down with fevers and only testing positive 7 days later.
[3:34 pm, 22/04/2020] : Sufficient cases of false negatives.

[3:41 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) Firstly, I think the dorm must ensure they maintain their hygiene.

(2) This must be the dorm operators responsibility --- not everything blame on the government.

(3) The government can do audit and check - and fine or punish the dorm operators if they did not maintain hygiene.

(4) Someone mention Dr Chee or Tan CB will ask ---- has no meaning - as to put the blame on the Government - when clearly the dorm operators did not maintain the hygiene standard or the foreign workers did not maintain their own hygiene.

(5) It is akin to a household keep all the rubbish in their houses --- and infested with rats and cockroaches --- and then put blame on the government for not maintain hygiene in the houses.

(6) It is easy for this arm chair oppositions to shoot their mouth like a competent politicians - and when ask to run - is a different matter all together.

(7) And after the pandemic, will the workers be rehoused into their dorms?

(8) Answer:- why not?

(9) 20 persons to a big room - is not overcrowded.

(10) In army barracks - about 15 to 20 persons to a room is a norm.

(11) As long as the vaccines are found and vaccinated, plus hygiene is maintained in a room - 15 to 20 persons to a room is not too much to ask - as Singaproe is a small place.

(12) The only thing is that - army barracks have "stand by bed, stand by room" --- where army commander check the cleanliness of the room and hygiene.

(13) Foreign workers dorm --- has no commander to "stand by bed, stand by room" to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

[3:42 pm, 22/04/2020] : Agree on all the above mentioned

[3:42 pm, 22/04/2020] : I think someone here worked as a prison guard before?

[3:37 pm, 22/04/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 22 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 1,016 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 1,016 cases, 15 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

[6:31 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) 15 SC/PR cases - Look like the circuit breaker is working and can break the local chain of transmission.

(2) The growing down trend of local transmission look encouraging.

(3) Let us monitor for another few days and see how it goes.

(4) Vietnam experience 6 consecutive days of 0 cases - and they are slowly easing lockdown.

(5) Taiwan though experience 3 consecutive days of 0 cases - suddenly come back with a warship of sailors with double digit infection - and these sailors roam around many Taiwan counties --- and now the whole island is on alert for likely more infected cases.

(6) So it is important to be on guard all the time and should not allow a lapse of complacency to derail all the efforts of tackling the virus - as this virus will pounce given 1/2 chance.

[6:45 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
Close friend comments :-
(1) Seems like our testings are mainly focus in dorms and foreign workers not in dorms.

My comments :-
(1) Yes. The testing are mainly focusing on dorms and foreign workers not in dorms --- which could be due to our stretch medical resource.

(2) I believe for community, we rely on only those who got symptoms, see doctors, tested then announced if positive.

(3) That's why it there's still some unlink cases lurking around in the community.

(4) Look like the government is using social distancing and stay at home to break this unlink cases -- which is a sound strategy ---- as this virus need to jump host to survive.

(5) If humans don't get close or come into contact for this virus to "jump host" --- the virus will die naturally when the host immune system defeat it - and the virus are not able to jump into another host.

[6:30 pm, 22/04/2020] : PlayMade apologises to GrabFood rider arrested at Waterway Point: Staff told him it would be a 'f**** long wait' https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/playmade-apologises-to-grabfood-rider-who-was-arrested-at-waterway-point-staff-told

[6:43 pm, 22/04/2020] : I think for this incidence, both sides are highly stressed. Hope this is one of those cases where they can both settle amicably and let things go in light of things. Hope no charges will be made. :(

[6:45 pm, 22/04/2020] : Quite sad to see the online comments all asking for the Grab Food driver to be fired and punished, etc. He was creating a scene but can you imagine him realising he has to wait there for 2 hours just to send some bubble tea, already stressed and pissed off enough, anything else is like a spark that triggers an outburst.

[6:51 pm, 22/04/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:
(1) In time of crisis, human must be able to stay cool, calm, patience and tolerance.

(2) People who are able to develop high EQ - will be able to weather well in a crisis --- and will not let himself/herself overwhelm by anger, fear or sadness.

(3) This is a hallmark of a sound psychological resiliency.

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