20 Apr 2020 (12 pm - 10pm)
[12:00 pm, 20/04/2020] +65 8637 2162: Dear contributors,
Welcome back!
Around 180,000 foreign workers in the construction industry and their dependants — including those living in shophouses and Housing Board estates — have been placed on mandatory 14-day stay-home notice (SHN) until May 4.
👉180k foreign workers, dependants to stay home from today: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/manpower/180k-foreign-workers-dependants-to-stay-home-from-today
👉Precautionary stay-home notices for work permit and S pass holders in construction sector: https://www.mom.gov.sg/newsroom/press-releases/2020/0418-precautionary-stay-home-notices-for-work-permit-and-s-pass-holders-in-construction-sector
What do you think of these latest Circuit Breaker measures? How do you think we can be more cohesive in our fight against the virus?
👉Campaign to make workers feel welcome in housing estates: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/campaign-to-make-workers-feel-welcome-in-housing-estates
[1:00 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I think we need to think of how to tackle those not in dorm.
This is another cross infection clusters.
[1:00 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Dorm are now contain and cannot come out.
Those foreign workers outside dorms can stray every where and infect the community.
[1:04 pm, 20/04/2020] : agree
[1:04 pm, 20/04/2020] : There are more staying in pte estate
KS Foong
[1:09 pm, 20/04/2020] : I believe we should also look at the FW working in the shipyard or ship building industry.
[1:10 pm, 20/04/2020] : Fully agree.
MOM should act before transmissions happens.
[1:10 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Everyday we have foreign workers outside dorms - infected.
They could be asymptomatic cases walking around and infecting their fellow workers and the community.
Their original source could be from Mustafa or friends from dorms.
[1:13 pm, 20/04/2020] : Sembawang shipyard has so many cases, is it still open as usual?
[1:16 pm, 20/04/2020] : I still see people going to office once a week although they are not essential services
KS Foong
[1:16 pm, 20/04/2020] : This must stop also!
[1:18 pm, 20/04/2020] : That is serious.
[1:16 pm, 20/04/2020] : Some companies even limit the contact tracing info provided to MoH, so that their job can still continue.
[1:20 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Should use mobile signals data and GPS satellite to track them.
Scientific data don't lies.
Leonard Lau
[1:22 pm, 20/04/2020] : Do you know these companies ? If it is .. have you report?
KS Foong
[1:19 pm, 20/04/2020] : Does MOM and MOH perform spot check at industry estate. I believe we may hv factory not under essential service quietly working without anyone know.
[1:19 pm, 20/04/2020] : Yes
[1:19 pm, 20/04/2020] : Serious repercussions!
[1:20 pm, 20/04/2020] : Needs to be tightened
[1:22 pm, 20/04/2020] : Earlier, government possibly made a mistake on wearing masks and then did a about turn. Hope not the shame for the exercise issue.
KS Foong
[1:22 pm, 20/04/2020] : We should enforce mandatory mask wearing when going out. Do not care if u are exercise or not. If u can’t run w a mask, by all means u walk. Just do something different for this CB period for the good of the whole country
[1:23 pm, 20/04/2020] : Also, social media is carrying an article on the CEO of TH who supposedly said the 4G team could have mishandled the virus situation.
[1:26 pm, 20/04/2020] : Well, LW also said he doesn’t hVe the luxury of benefit of hindsight. If we have a time machine, all things will be different.
[1:26 pm, 20/04/2020] : Hope they do well on the dormitories issue.
[1:27 pm, 20/04/2020] : Then ppls will think twice b4 go out.. Aiyo still need to wear mask...
[1:33 pm, 20/04/2020] : PM already mentioned the reasons for not making wearing mask mandatory which includes consistency with advisory by WHO, no uncontrollable community spread, not enough medical evidence that high percentage of asymptomatic patients. But most important of all, we were not having enough mask if everyone using daily. Same argument for CB and other measures. Not implementing it early need not be because a mistake was made. We are implementing measures according to severity of the situation.
KS Foong
[1:33 pm, 20/04/2020] : It is always easy for a back seat driver to comment this or that. It seems they r the most intelligent people! When handling first time crisis, we learn along the way and make adjustment along the way.
[1:34 pm, 20/04/2020] : Then, the CEO of TH should retract the comments made!?
[1:35 pm, 20/04/2020] : Since, apology can be made to the head of government in Taiwan!?
[2:30 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) I think no point crying over spill milk and start "blaming exercise".
(2) We need to move ahead and tackle the virus situation heads on.
(3) We need to move from a "evidence based" approach to a "risk based management" approach - to tackle this virus pandemic - as it is a very "stealth" and "highly contagious" enemy - and move with speed and stealth - that will catch human offguard.
(4) As we admire Taiwan handling of their virus situation - we also noted that one of their warship got infected - and double digit infection suddenly exploded.
(5) So we do have up and down - in tackling a sly, stealth and fast spreading enemy --- and when we are down - we don't start blaming - but to tackle it heads on.
(6) Remember this is a marathon, once we lower our guard, the virus will overtake us.
(7) Now we just need to stay focus our energy to catch up and overtake and overcome this virus and keep our number down.
[2:33 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Our common enemy is the virus.
Not compete among other countries.
Even if one country is down, the whole human races lose because it can reinfect the whole world again as long as the world is not vaccinated against the virus.
Elena Woo
[3:28 pm, 20/04/2020] : Agree. And everyone knows only when tested then figures show. I don't see any point to compare other countries figures against ours. More importantly it is our daily figures. Are there enough tests conducted? Lately community figures decreased, i am wondering if it is because most of the testing are done for the fw dorms and less testing done for community (afterall there is a limit to testing capacity), which is why the community numbers decrease?
[3:31 pm, 20/04/2020] : i m of the view that as long as our local cases are low and continue to go down (single digit or 0 (better)), we should gradually lift the circuit breaker by the deadline. We manage and control the dorm and foreign worker cases by isolating, tracing and treating to prevent it from spreading in the community. A lot of things cannot wait, and an extension will compound that.
[3:32 pm, 20/04/2020] : Although I think we wait the next 2 weeks until May 4th, then started to lift the restrictions if local numbers are negligible.
Elena Woo
[3:33 pm, 20/04/2020] : @REACH Singapore by when will the announcement if extension of circuit breaker is required or not required?
[3:34 pm, 20/04/2020] : But unless there is sufficient testing then can determine if the local figures are really 0 or single digit, if not we won't know if genuinely the local spread has slowed or stopped.
[3:35 pm, 20/04/2020] : I am also curious about that too. Maybe they will hold a press conference again nearer to 4th may??
[3:35 pm, 20/04/2020] : I believe testing has been intensified
Timothy Low
[3:35 pm, 20/04/2020] : I hope that will be aggressive testing among the local population too. I believe we also have many undiscovered cases among the local community as well
[3:36 pm, 20/04/2020] : I really think many people still don’t get the seriousness of the situation
[3:36 pm, 20/04/2020] : Yes we have no record available of numbers tested in local community and fw Dorms and what % are positive. That would be very valuable information.
Elena Woo
[3:36 pm, 20/04/2020] : Yes agreed. If local population not tested aggressively, the low local numbers are not of real situation and more for display purpose only.
[3:38 pm, 20/04/2020] : If the restrictions are gradually lifted in view of deceiving low local numbers, we may end up another wave of mass infection in future.
Leonard Lau
[3:38 pm, 20/04/2020] : Give it till end April ..
[3:21 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend's comments :-
- In a pandemic, people first think about flattening the infection curve so that the healthcare will not be overwhelmed.
- But there is an evil twin out there waiting to destroy - the economic curve.
- As the economic curve is flattened or even stopped abruptly, not everyone is equal.
- Some took the opportunity to enjoy doing things they never had time for, others panick and worried about how the next meal is coming in.
- To borrow someone's words we are in the same storm but not necessarily in the same boat.
- So think hard how we can help.
My comments :-
- We should not accord blame - as it can damage the morale of the Leaders and the people who are still fighting "tooth and nail" with the virus pandemic.
[6:27 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
(1) One thing come to mind - wonder if now "aggressive testings" is conducted in all the dorms for foreign workers --- is there any more spare capacity to conduct tests for "foreign workers not in dorms"?
(2) Baring that double digit of these "foreign workers not in dorms" - are found to be infected every day, should there be a more systematic ways of testing these group of workers to identify those infected before the circuit breaker deadline arrive.
(3) Suggest to do the followings if we have spare capacity to systematically test this group of foreign workers :-
a. Mandate that Contractors will need to get "medical cert-free of covid-19" for all their foreign workers under them - before these workers all allowed to work in the construction sites or/and when circuit breaker ends.
These will put the onus of tests on these contractors if they want to start work when the circuit breaker ends.
b. Setup mobile testing team (eg. in vehicles or in CC near where these construction workers stay - eg. in HDB, construction sites, private estates etc) - where all workers staying around the vicinty must be escorted by their respective Contractors or Companies to be tested --- each and everyone -- to ensure all their workers are fit for work or if infected - to be send to hospital for treatment.
c. These mobile testing teams - can initially be deployed in North, South, East and West - to ensure it covers all the foreign workers not staying in dorms.
[6:56 pm, 20/04/2020] : My maintenance team's contractor and some suppliers technician are also work permit holder.our telecom service network supplier are also Fw. shd they also be tested too?
[6:58 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
I suggest they should.
Netlink have 4 foreign workers infected and 2 visited more than 30 houses to install fiber.
[7:45 pm, 20/04/2020] +65 9654 2001: Dorm and Construction Clusters Updated as of 11PM 19 Apr2020
1. MOM Published Dormitories with Isolation Orders
1.1 PPT Lodge 1B(S11) - 1508cases
1.2 Sungei Tengah Lodge - 558 cases
1.3 Weslite Toh Guan - 144 cases
1.4 Toh Guan Dorm - 100 cases
1.5 Tampines Dorm - 75 cases
1.6 Acacia Lodge - 87 cases
1.7 Cochrane Lodge I - 91 cases
1.8 Cochrane Lodge II - 79 cases
1.9 Shaw Lodge - 50 cases
1.10 Tuas View Dorm - 265 cases
1.11 North Coast Lodge - 51 cases
1.12 Mandai Lodge - 170 cases
1.13 Kranji Lodge - 114 cases
1.14 Jurong Penjuru Dormitory 1 - 61 cases
1.15 Westlite Mandai Dormitory - 57 cases
1.16 PPT Lodge 1A - 56 cases
1.17 Cassia @ Penjuru - 29 cases
1.18 Avery Lodge - 24 cases
2. MOM Published Dormitories Not under Isolation Orders
2.1 The Leo Dormitory (1st round) - 5 cases
The Leo Dormitory (2nd round) - 24 cases
2.2 Westlite Woodlands - 15 cases
2.3 Kian Teck Dormitory (26 Kian Teck Ave)- 8 cases
2.4 Tuas South Dormitory - 23 cases
2.5 Homestay Lodge- 28 cases
2.6 CDPL Tuas Dormitory- 5 cases
2.7 NEW Changi Lodge II- 20 cases
2.8 NEW Woodlands Lodge I- 12 cases
3. Company Dormitories not listed in MOM Website
3.1 36 Woodlands Industrial PK E1 - 32 cases
3.2 31 Sungei Kadut Ave - 171 cases
3.3 Tech Park Cres. Dorm - 44 cases
3.4 Kranji Dormitory (17 Kranji Way) - 20 cases
3.5 21B & 13 Senoko- 15 cases
3.6 CitiWall - 12 cases
3.7 55 Sungei Kadut Loop - 7 cases
3.8 85 Kallang Dormitory - 8 cases
3.9 10 Kian Teck Cres dorm(Ang Cheng Guan) - 6 cases
3.10 SJ Dormitory - 15 cases
4. Construction Sites
4.1 Glory by Dragages(59 Market Street, Former Golden Shoe) - 68 cases
4.2 NUH Renovation Works by Chin Kiong Construction - 28 cases
4.3 UBS Fitting-out by Kenyon(9 Penang Rd, Former Park Mall) - 37 cases
4.4 Maxwell MRT site by Hock Lian Seng - 6 cases
4.5 Renovation Works at 6 Battery Road - 5 cases
5. Others
5.1 Mustafa Centre - 97 cases
Ron Ho
[8:37 pm, 20/04/2020] : Reach, this posted list is quite serious and shows that the infection within the FW community is our biggest challenge. My suggestion is to, once and for all, isolate all FW quarters. All means all. And test 100% and further isolate the infected ones. Otherwise, our local community will not be safe as you can't prevent interaction between FW and locals. I also noticed the infection rate among our front end health workers is getting worse. I hope we can find out the flaws and fix them quickly.
[6:03 pm, 20/04/2020] : One of the best perspectives of the current situation that I read so far :-
From Dr Sharmil de Silva:
I think the thing most people don’t understand is that the lock down is in place to slow the progression of the disease, NOT to eradicate it by end of May.
I think people are missing the point because they naively think the govt will somehow get rid of it so life goes back to normal. These are people who have ignored the global reality since January. This is the dangerous delusional thinking that some people are applying in their assessment of the situation when advocating we should stop the lockdown because they are literally only waking up to this thing now, or when we were initially shut down. So let’s lift the curtain a bit.
1. Flattening the curve means slowing down the disease so that hospitals can cope with the sick. It does not mean eradicating the disease all together.
2. No government will be able to eradicate the disease this year. It’s here until a cure or a vaccine is found
3. A vaccine is at least a year away. That’s April 2021. The earliest vaccine trials just started late last month. It takes 18 to 24 months to make, test and assess the efficacy of a vaccine. So 1 year is literally a Hail Mary.
4. There is NO going back to normal. Your normal will not exist for at least a year. Economies globally will keep bleeding and we are likely to have rolling lockdowns until a vaccine is found.
5. Even when the ban is lifted, tourism and hospitality industry, and many others will not see an increase in business for at least a year. Until a vaccine is found people will continue to self isolate even when a lock down is lifted.
6. The only reprieve we are going to get is if we have thousands of people who have been infected and recovered and minimum deaths so that we have some level of herd immunity. That is also still a theory that is yet to be proven because some countries think they may be seeing people get reinfected. Even with that in place normal is not feasible because fear still reigns and people will remain isolated until safety is guaranteed- cure or vaccine. Refer to point 3.
7. The above is still 6 months away. We are projected to reach our peak in September. That means, bleeding economy, rolling lockdowns, death and chaos until then.
8. The decisions made in the lockdown like no alcohol and no dog walking or running and no e-commerce are not made with the privileged in mind. They are made with the masses in mind. What you allow in the suburbs you must allow in the townships and those two things look very different in execution.
Now our government is doing the best it can and they have reacted faster than most developed countries. Our progress is still better than most and right now we’re riding the dumb hope that somehow BCG gives us some fighting chance (still unproven).
So please please we all need to do whatever we can to help our neighbors, help each other, support our government and stop having delusional ideas about any level of normalcy at the end of this month. Adjust your projections and hunker down.
This is not a joke and it’s not even anywhere near any semblance of real yet.
Normal is dead. Let that sink in. But HOPE is very much alive!
[8:51 pm, 20/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hougang mall crowded.
Why no stay at home?
[8:51 pm, 20/04/2020] : This is another problem that needs to be dealt with.
[8:51 pm, 20/04/2020] : 2 weeks into the CB. 99% making huge efforts and sacrifices. Why is this being allowed to undermine those efforts?
[8:53 pm, 20/04/2020] : no queue management system? Govt should restrict only 2/3 members max per household to go out with the worrying numbers now
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