28 Apr 2020 (12pm - 8pm)
[12:00 pm, 28/04/2020] : ⏰ Our chat will be open till 8pm today ⏰
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We are now in the fourth week of the Circuit Breaker. Testing capacity has been ramped up to more than 8,000 tests per day, from 2,900 in early April. Together with everyone adhering to safe distancing measures, the overall situation is improving.
What are your top COVID-19 concerns at the moment?
👉 https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/coronavirus-testing-capacity-for-migrant-workers-ramped-up-1-in-15-workers-tested-so-far?xtor=CS3-18&utm_source=STiPhone&utm_medium=share&utm_term=2020-04-28%2010%3A04%3A56
[12:03 pm, 28/04/2020] : Singapore economy may shrink more than 4% this year if coronavirus outbreak drags on: MAS
[1:51 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend concern :-
Top covid-19 concerns:
(1) Unrest break out in dorms and isolation areas. We are seeing tens of thousands of people being confined within tiny spaces. Even families members have conflicts and siblings fight. How can we not be worried?
(2) Only a small number of patients have recovered. These numbers will drag resources down not just money but burning out support staff. Could airconditioned, enclosed environment and sedentary life favour the covid virus? Report said patients in isolation centre s are "clinically well" or convalescing or mild symptomatic. Could we not systematically schedule them to take a walk outside and be exposed to the goodness of sun just 10mins in the morning and 10mins in the afternoon?
(3) Youth is wasted on young. How many of the young are gainfully engaged during this time? Hope at least the students can quickly return to school.
[1:55 pm, 28/04/2020] : Your close friend is very intelligent
[1:56 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thanks for your compliments on behalf of my friend.
[1:32 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
My concern are 3 fold :-
(1) There are still undetected infected individuals in our Community - that if Circuit Breaker ends - will come out to infect the Community.
(2) As announced and projected, our Economy may go down -4% - a very serious contraction - that will burn a hole in our National Finance.
(3) Business survival, Jobs and Salary of workers.
To address the above 3 concerns :-
*Part (1) Undetected infection in Community*
a. Ramp up test before opening Circuit Breaker and let people come out into Community
b. Categorised the following into batches for testing before releasing to the Community :-
i. Batch 3a - Essential Service workers
ii. Batch 3b - Workers that cannot work from home (note ;- All those workers that can work from home - will still need to work from home).
iii. Batch 3c - Pre-school children
iv. Batch 3d - All school children in Primary, Secondary, ITEs, JCs, Polys, UNIs.
v. Batch 3e - Nursing homes residents and staff.
(Note :- All dorms and non-dorms workers must be thoroughly tested and well before released to Comunity).
Only systematic testings to all that need to be released to Community must be tested - will ensure "virtual zero infection" to Community).
c. Maintain social distancing :-
i. All wear masks when out of home.
ii. No eat-in in food court, hawker, shopping centre, f&bs.
iii. Maintain social distancing of 1 metre in queuing.
iv. Regulate crowding in mall, or crowded areas.
d. My justification in adopting this approach is ---- unless Community is "Safe and Fit to Work" --- from infection -- then we are sure that an outbreak will not trigger another Circuit Breaker.
It is a mammoth and challenging task ---- but I think we can mount our resources to work towards it.
[1:39 pm, 28/04/2020] : 👍
[1:39 pm, 28/04/2020] : 👏🏻👍🏻
[2:13 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
*Part (2) Projected severe Economic Contraction*
(1) Our GDP is $593.802 billion (PPP, 2019) - And by shaving -4% from the GDP means we will lose $23.756 billion.
*Part (2) Projected severe Economic Contraction*
(1) Our GDP is $593.802 billion (PPP, 2019) - And by shaving -4% from the GDP means we will lose $23.756 billion.
(2) How many business can afford to lose $23.756 billion? A whopping loss!
(3) Projected loss in business could come from the following sectors :-
a. Manufacturing --- as world economies are still affected and in lockdown or partial lockdown from the pandemic - and the demands for goods are in limbo.
b. Travel, tourism, leisure - as travel will still be in doldrum to prevent imported infection, travel will still be restricted - and tourists arrival will not be in huge number.
c. Knock on effect on external-oriented sectors :- Finance sector, Logistic, Shipping industry, Oil bunkering - as business borrowing from banks will fall due to fall in consumer demand; with lower trade - logistic business will be lower; as air freight and cargo demand fall - oil demand fall.
d. Knock on effect on internal-oriented sectors :- eg. retail, f&b - as economy fall, salary fall - lesser disposable income to spend in retail and f&b.
(4) This will be translated into lesser tax revenue for the Government to finance the Government Budget and hurt our National Finance.
[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
*Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP*
But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-
1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).
2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.
3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.
4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.
5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.
6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.
Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.
The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.
- Note:- These can only be done when Circuit Breaker ended and local transmission come to "Virtual Zero" - thus systematic testings to ensure the community spreading is "zero or virtual zero" is so important.
[2:52 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心: ---
*Part (2a) Promote other Bright Economic Sectors - to stimulate Economic Activities and grow GDP*
But there are bright Economic Sectors that we can promote - to beef up the Economic Activities to keep the Circular Flow of Income going - and stir the multiplier effects :-
1. Medical, Pharmaceutical sector - produce more medicine (like vaccine, treatment drugs), medical equipment (eg. face masks, gloves, PPE, ventilators, swab, test kits, portable test booth, rapid test kits etc).
2. Healthcare sector - as more healthcare personnel are needed to fight the current virus pandemic, more jobs can be created for displaced workers by training them and put them into healthcare jobs as well as health support jobs.
3. IT (Digital Economy), eCommerce sector - rapidly transform traditional business to Digital business to create 2nd wing -- that will allow not only domestic consumers to order the goods and services --- but also allow overseas consumers to order the goods and services). This will have helped to support the ITM (Industry Transformation Map) objectives in double quick time.
4. Construction sector - ramp up construction of isolation facilities, and other government projects to create business activites for construction companies and its supporting companies.
5. eDelivery and Logistic sector - as more business transform their business into Digital business - demand for eDelivery and Logistics support will grow and create more eDelivery and eLogistics support business.
6. Local Food industry sector - this virus pandemics has cause many Countries to lockdown and reduce export of food such as vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and other food essential to Singapore.
Now this is the best time to ramp up of local food production in growing more local vegetables, poultries, fish, meat, eggs etc and ramp up local R&D of cell-cultured and tissue re-engineering of poultries, pork, beef and mutton and fishes.
The above Economic initiatives in Part 2a directed by the Government - can help to compensate for the Economic losses as highlighted in Part 2.
- Note:- These can only be done when Circuit Breaker ended and local transmission come to "Virtual Zero" - thus systematic testings to ensure the community spreading is "zero or virtual zero" is so important.
[3:27 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
(1) In Part 2(a) - forget to mention ramping up Digital Banking, Digital Insurance and other Financial Serives --- to help to finance eCommerce and eDelivery services --- as many business have transformed to Digital Business.
This will help to add another dimension to our Economy and fuel the Digital Financial Service to grow our business and tap not only the Domestic business but also Overseas business - as well as attract overseas consumers to buy goods and services via our eCommerce Digital platform.
[3:12 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
*Part (3) Business survival, Job loss or Salary cut*
(1) In lieu of projected severe economic contraction - that will impact business survival, job loss or salary cut --- Government strong intervention will be required to prop up business, keep jobs, create jobs, maintain salary or prevent drastic salary cut.
(2)a. Business Survival for those Economic sectors (highlighted in Part 2) that are hit by the virus pandemic - can be given assistance to cushion the impact of the business loss such as :-
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- financial incentive to further transform business
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business
- collaborate with like-minded Countries to keep trade open, business open and investment open - in ASEAN, RCEP, all other current FTAs with all the respective Countries in the World.
b. Job loss - Government should actively :-
- encourage organisation and business to continue to keep and maintain workers by subsidising or co-fund wages of workers.
- create new jobs for displaced workers like :-
i. creating internship with like-minded business and co-fund wage payment,
ii. train-and placement with like-minded business,
iii. job trainee scheme with like-minded business,
iv. put displaced workers in growing Economic sectors highlighted in Part 2(a).
c. Maintain salary, Prevent drastic salary cut
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business that show growth prospect - so that it value-add to business and help to grow business and profitability.
Elena Woo
[3:22 pm, 28/04/2020] : Higher salary subsidy from govt for Singaporean employees. We must also prioritize our own citizens first. This is because to minimize the employers to layoff singaporean staff first.
[3:29 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore citizens first then PRs.
[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes
[3:31 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes pls. Super disappointed to hear news from MNCs like Mcdonalds about longer operating time due to lack of Malaysian manpower. This shouldn't be the case
[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : (Granted, the roles are paid pretty lowly by SG COL levels)
Elena Woo
[3:25 pm, 28/04/2020] : Job support scheme of 25% wage subsidy for all other sectors from Jun onwards may not be sufficient for companies to sustain their business. The percentage should be increased for all other sectors.
[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If our Singapore government got budget - yes.
But Minister of Finance needs to work out the sum.
Elena Woo
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : And I have heard some companies have let go of Singaporeans first before the foreign workers.
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : This is sadder.
[3:50 pm, 28/04/2020] : But being majority of the public, they may not do so.
1. They think report to MOM no use. Because the company may say the person's role no longer needed or the person underperformed and usually the company has disclaimers in their employment contract.
2. Secondly, most private companies dun have union groups. Staff cannot find a union representative to fight for them.
3. Some dunno how to fight over such unfair treatment.
4. Some companies may play "layoff half of Singaporeans and maybe only 1 or 2 foreign workers to state their decision is not targeting at singaporeans only"
[4:00 pm, 28/04/2020] : But i think more impt at this point of time is on the termination and layoff of Singaporean staff during and post this period.
[4:01 pm, 28/04/2020] : How to ensure employers dun squeeze thru loopholes
[4:02 pm, 28/04/2020] : I mean if the company fold up, no choice right? But if they layoff majority of their Singaporean staff and retain mostly PRs and foreigners... then how?
[4:03 pm, 28/04/2020] : And if they argue on grounds of underperformance or roles not needed...😱
[4:07 pm, 28/04/2020] : Economics is at work. Its trying times during Covid. Most of the things are stand-still. Oil tankers are around the Singapore with no buyers. Shops that sells commodities have no use. No one goes shopping anymore. It seems that lay-offs or retrenchment is inevitable. Govt tried to cushion impact by subsiding 75% of the wages or up to $4600. I think they have done enough. But is it good enough for the businesses to stay afloat, we have yet to see. And when many companies are not doing well, we hear stories like that, but the investigations for these cases are exhaustive and many falls into grey areas as you said. Would it be better if we channel our resources like setting official dabao-hawker websites to keep businesses afloat?
[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 28 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 528 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 528 cases, 8 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
(1) In Part 2(a) - forget to mention ramping up Digital Banking, Digital Insurance and other Financial Serives --- to help to finance eCommerce and eDelivery services --- as many business have transformed to Digital Business.
This will help to add another dimension to our Economy and fuel the Digital Financial Service to grow our business and tap not only the Domestic business but also Overseas business - as well as attract overseas consumers to buy goods and services via our eCommerce Digital platform.
[3:12 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
*Part (3) Business survival, Job loss or Salary cut*
(1) In lieu of projected severe economic contraction - that will impact business survival, job loss or salary cut --- Government strong intervention will be required to prop up business, keep jobs, create jobs, maintain salary or prevent drastic salary cut.
(2)a. Business Survival for those Economic sectors (highlighted in Part 2) that are hit by the virus pandemic - can be given assistance to cushion the impact of the business loss such as :-
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- financial incentive to further transform business
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business
- collaborate with like-minded Countries to keep trade open, business open and investment open - in ASEAN, RCEP, all other current FTAs with all the respective Countries in the World.
b. Job loss - Government should actively :-
- encourage organisation and business to continue to keep and maintain workers by subsidising or co-fund wages of workers.
- create new jobs for displaced workers like :-
i. creating internship with like-minded business and co-fund wage payment,
ii. train-and placement with like-minded business,
iii. job trainee scheme with like-minded business,
iv. put displaced workers in growing Economic sectors highlighted in Part 2(a).
c. Maintain salary, Prevent drastic salary cut
- financial assistance to co-fund wage payment
- training incentive to help workers to be trained to manage, run and operate transform business that show growth prospect - so that it value-add to business and help to grow business and profitability.
Elena Woo
[3:22 pm, 28/04/2020] : Higher salary subsidy from govt for Singaporean employees. We must also prioritize our own citizens first. This is because to minimize the employers to layoff singaporean staff first.
[3:29 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore citizens first then PRs.
[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes
[3:31 pm, 28/04/2020] : Yes pls. Super disappointed to hear news from MNCs like Mcdonalds about longer operating time due to lack of Malaysian manpower. This shouldn't be the case
[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : (Granted, the roles are paid pretty lowly by SG COL levels)
Elena Woo
[3:25 pm, 28/04/2020] : Job support scheme of 25% wage subsidy for all other sectors from Jun onwards may not be sufficient for companies to sustain their business. The percentage should be increased for all other sectors.
[3:30 pm, 28/04/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
If our Singapore government got budget - yes.
But Minister of Finance needs to work out the sum.
Elena Woo
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : And I have heard some companies have let go of Singaporeans first before the foreign workers.
[3:33 pm, 28/04/2020] : This is sadder.
[3:50 pm, 28/04/2020] : But being majority of the public, they may not do so.
1. They think report to MOM no use. Because the company may say the person's role no longer needed or the person underperformed and usually the company has disclaimers in their employment contract.
2. Secondly, most private companies dun have union groups. Staff cannot find a union representative to fight for them.
3. Some dunno how to fight over such unfair treatment.
4. Some companies may play "layoff half of Singaporeans and maybe only 1 or 2 foreign workers to state their decision is not targeting at singaporeans only"
[4:00 pm, 28/04/2020] : But i think more impt at this point of time is on the termination and layoff of Singaporean staff during and post this period.
[4:01 pm, 28/04/2020] : How to ensure employers dun squeeze thru loopholes
[4:02 pm, 28/04/2020] : I mean if the company fold up, no choice right? But if they layoff majority of their Singaporean staff and retain mostly PRs and foreigners... then how?
[4:03 pm, 28/04/2020] : And if they argue on grounds of underperformance or roles not needed...😱
[4:07 pm, 28/04/2020] : Economics is at work. Its trying times during Covid. Most of the things are stand-still. Oil tankers are around the Singapore with no buyers. Shops that sells commodities have no use. No one goes shopping anymore. It seems that lay-offs or retrenchment is inevitable. Govt tried to cushion impact by subsiding 75% of the wages or up to $4600. I think they have done enough. But is it good enough for the businesses to stay afloat, we have yet to see. And when many companies are not doing well, we hear stories like that, but the investigations for these cases are exhaustive and many falls into grey areas as you said. Would it be better if we channel our resources like setting official dabao-hawker websites to keep businesses afloat?
[3:32 pm, 28/04/2020] : [Sent by Gov.sg – 28 Apr]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 528 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Of the 528 cases, 8 are Singaporeans/PRs.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
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