Thursday, December 12, 2019

Unions band together to challenge opposition lawmakers’ bid to deny Hong Kong police a pay rise

Jeffie Lam
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) Police should get the pay rise - who are restoring law and order.

    (2) Teachers who instigate the school children to protest and conduct violent acts - should be demoted and pay rise forfeited. Schools curriculum should be revamped.

    (3) Justice system that did not discourage rioting, vandalism, killing, injuring others, build bombs, petrol bombs, dangerous weapons by heavier punishment should be demoted and pay rise forfeited.
    Justice system should be revamped.
  • LL
    7 hours ago
    These unions should be disbanded and close down right away. And don't call for help if these unions people gets into trouble.
  • jaykay
    4 hours ago
    Lets see if common sense prevails or Police force lays down their tools for two days.
  • Passo
    7 hours ago
    Police should given additional performance bonuses for their extraordinary works for the year. Only the idiots and traitors are asking the blood from the Police.
  • Ming
    7 hours ago
    Morals aside, bj. can afford that rise to good 'doggies'.
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