Monday, December 23, 2019

Hong Kong teen arrested for firing live round at police part of a gang that planned to ‘slaughter’ officers during protest rally, court hears

Brian Wong
1 person reacting

  • ricky l
    (1) HK is now a de-facto "crime city" - where HK people are actively aiding HK protestors, rioters, criminals, robbers, vandaliser, arsonists and other law breakers - to break law in HK.

    (2) HK people has degraded themselves in the eyes of the World - who will look at them with "color eyes".

    (3) HK will continue to go downhill - in the quest of "elusive democracy" - that does not promote their economic wealth - but fall into the ploy of foreigners who want them to go downhill to spite China.

    (4) HK people fall into the "democracy trap" - to cut their nose to spite their face.
  • chan
    2 hours ago
    Manipulate story by devil HK police
    By thedeadwalkers on 
  • Toto
    32 minutes ago
    Luckily, he didn't shoot one of their own teenager, and claim the police did it, like happened in Syria.
  • Sima yi
    1 hour ago
    The judge will only fine him for 100 hk dollars.
  • Tuah
    3 hours ago
    let him rot in prison for his whole life
  • Casey
    2 hours ago
    Siow Ah! Apparently trrying to stroke wide-spread riot in order to demad for independent and blame police for 'using violence'. Ought to be charge for act of terrorism.
  • Urbest
    2 hours ago
    term these terrorist right now and start catching these termites.
  • Henry
    18 minutes ago
  • GreenHornet
    48 minutes ago
    Where Su got his rifle and pistol?
  • Harman
    2 hours ago
    cry baby in e making,to attract sympathy.
  • dotter
    59 minutes ago
    why those terrorist so useless one, plot so easy discovered by police. can you all buck up a not

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