(1) When these 2 defendants make an accusations in the article "corruption at the highest echelons" --- they better have evidence to back their statement.
(2) Else they must be prepared to get sued - for making a libel statement without evidence.
11 hours ago
You rob me, I make police report.
My sibling rob me, I just have family quarrel.
Up to the plaintiff to choose.
16 hours ago
Tell ur Blady pay and pay count all votes directly infront of ppl also look at the crowd carefully who they are foreign paid etc to stand there acting like sg too as this opposition also being blind as who is doing crowd control the ppl security etc all in future take pics videos this time analyzing who are they in future
16 hours ago
The problem is not ceca China etc all its own leaders under carpet etc openly done and own public deserve it too the ppl whom voted or never even voted lol dead ppl our father's forefather all there no one realizes
16 hours ago
Watever enjoy all for ur next few generations 100yrs to come to suffer more this time that Jerk saying global climate also all belive when its man made Geo by all corrupt political leaders
16 hours ago
All the prove openly there but nothink done by even opposition now Wp why and they being sued why all under rug NY lhl main sue that Karma swine all together United than sg Wil survive if not stop wasting time as time vote matters as well ask abt voting rights also what is the real meaning of rigged vote which happen before in USA and lucky they had Donald trump and lucky Malaysia had a mahatir but singapore has wat lol nothink after Mr jb unless Blady inside pap all corrupt some few have concerns CONCIENCE integrity as well some godly etc like tan cheng bok now also seems busy with funded etc high class in hotel seems sg is a corporate etc whrby any criminal can fund can borrow can run off under lhl now sue til pants drop or using isd etc to shut innocent down or imh to torture ordinary public whrby admition will not reflect but u get ect injection pls becareful all this lhl and ho ching pap has gone overboard openly doing it stil sg lol dumb idiots losing thier cpf house zero and reserve too only ppl elected president was forced to resign Mr ong who enquired asked abt reserve monies still majority sleeping pls jus either better all sg sleep more or go to hell waste of time now too late unless one person has to go down mainly that najib lol Freind lhl and rosma friend ho ching and this K snake law
16 hours ago
Pls don't stop all as ordinary citizens can be put in imh also family members not inform given worst tortures by lhl the devil bs and the foreign doctors nurses in cahoots now pls was there manage to escape halfway not fully now but will be brand as insane for talking the truth using worst ect treatment injection pls
Shallow Singaporean like to worship God-Lee Kuan Yew right?
So now you live in a feudal system that is built by the feudal lord. Your surname will decide whether you'll be sued in the court of this feudal system.
You voted for PAP, right?
Face it! It's karma!
Ha ha ha!
Some people are aristocrats remember?
Must be M Ravi teach him how to wear...bloody obit
Just wait for elections next year and vote the ATM Card holders out!
(2) Else they must be prepared to get sued - for making a libel statement without evidence.
My sibling rob me, I just have family quarrel.
Up to the plaintiff to choose.
So now you live in a feudal system that is built by the feudal lord. Your surname will decide whether you'll be sued in the court of this feudal system.
You voted for PAP, right?
Face it! It's karma!
Ha ha ha!