Monday, December 23, 2019

Mindfulness (Visualisation) of Singapore as "Pureland"
内观禅 - 观新加坡唯极乐“净土”
24 Dec 2019

Amitābha (阿弥陀佛) is the buddha of comprehensive love.
He lives in the West (represented as a meditating Buddha) and works for the enlightenment of all beings (represented as a blessing Buddha).
His most important enlightenment technique is the visualization of the surrounding world as a paradise.
Those who see his world as a paradise awaken his enlightenment energy.
The world can be seen as a paradise by a corresponding positive thought (enlightenment thought) or by sending light to all beings (wish all beings to be happy).
After the Amitābha doctrine, one can come to paradise (in the Pure Land of Amitābha), if they visualize at their death Amitābha in the heaven (sun) over their head (western horizon), think his name as a mantra and leave the body as a soul through the crown chakra.

This is what I see in Singapore landscape and produce this 佛偈 :-

Interpretation of the profound meaning of this 佛偈 :-

(1) 3 Saints Fruition of No-Self (大舍), Compassion (大慈大悲),Panna Wisdom (般若智慧)descended into Singapore Pureland.

(2) 9 realm of Lotus to salvage all 9 realms of sentinent beings (mundane) and 9 realms of Supramundane :-

9 Mundane Realm (色):-
i. Upper-Upper Status Realm
ii. Middle-Upper Status Realm
iii. Lower-Upper Status Realm
iv. Upper-Middle Status Realm
v. Middle-Middle Status Realm
vi. Lower-Middle Status Realm
vii. Upper-Lower Status Realm
viii. Middle-Lower Status Realm
ix. Lower-Lower Status Realm

9 Supramundane Realm (空):-
i. Bodhisattvas (菩萨)
ii. Paceeka Buddhas (缘觉/辟支佛)
iii. Arahats (声闻)
iv. Heavenly Beings (天人)
v. Human (人)
vi. Asura or Titans (阿修罗)
vii. Animals (畜生)
viii. Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼)
ix. Hell (地狱)

(3) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) (大乘)of Samadhi and Nirvana turn the Wheels of Universal Teachings.

(4) The Coming Buddha will be the Matrieya Buddha to expound the Discourse and lit up the World with the Light of Wisdom.

(5) Buddhas Light of Wisdom will lit up all the 10 Realms of Existence (be it mundane and Supramundane).

(6) Buddhas' Pureland will be the Eternal Bliss that help to salvage all 10 Realms with 9 Realms born into each 9 Lotus status realm (Womb - 色)(Lotus 莲花 - 空)。

This is my Bodhi Vows (菩提愿):-
菩提愿 (大悲心,大愿力)。
(空)- Formless

“Leave no one behind.
Leave no sand behind."
(Form) - 色

Contributing in National Dialogue :-

This is the official poem山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵

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This is the illustration of "Pureland Sutra" (净土经).

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