Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hong Kong police say suspect fired shot during protest-related arrest

ricky l
  • now
    (1) Now HK protestors are carrying and firing handguns, possess assault rifles with huge amount of live rounds - like those in US.

    (2) Now HK protestors are making bombs with remote control make up of nails, ammonium nitrate and other explosives.

    (3) And these HK protestors have become terrorists.
  • RICD
    3 hours ago
    TW welcome him with open arms.
  • dreamer
    5 hours ago
    These protesters all need to be rounded up and sent to the concentration caps to be gassed. I've had enough of them. I can't even go on vacation to Hong Kong because of them. This is pitiful.
  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago
    Carrie lum back in action to save hk from the evil forces!
    By desingyouruniverse on 
  • muthu
    55 minutes ago
    No reason for the police not to shoot to kill now.
  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago
    Now chop off his arm that held the gun. Let him become a beggar as a 19 year old youth.

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