Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hong Kong protesters aim for big turnout at rare sanctioned march

ricky l

1 second ago
(1) Democracy don't guarantee Economic success.

(2) HK current economic success is not because of democracy - because during British time - HK Governor is not elected by Universal Sufferage - but through British appointment.

(3) Similarly, China Government is still maintaining the previous HK administration - so why is the HK protestors insisting on Universal Sufferage - when it does not guarantee Economic success.

(4) Many democratic Countries are going through street unrest like HK - precisely they encounter economic difficulties and social inequality - where Universal Sufferage cannot solve --- then why HK protestors want Universal Sufferage?
17 seconds ago
(1) China mainland manufacturing hub - that give HK port service, food and water supply that fee HK people, financial requirement - that make HK the financial hub, China mainland tourist - that feed HK retail and tourism business etc ---- that make HK successful.

(2) HK protestors fail to realise who feed them and give them success - not the West democracy or universal sufferage.

(3) HK protestors are being fool by politicians and foreign influence that lead them the wrong way.

After note :-

The Hong Kong issue is a clash between a rising China that is growing more confident, and Hong Kong’s frustrated ambitions.

Hong Kongers fiercely complain that Beijing’s political, economic and social influence is transforming Hong Kong into a typical mainland city, like Shenzhen or Shanghai, leading to a loss of its identity. 

In contrast, two decades ago, most Hong Kongers believed that the mainland would gradually become more like Hong Kong under “one country, two systems”.

Against the backdrop of a rising China, Hong Kongers had been proud of their way of life, a clean and efficient government, and a liberal and diverse society, but feel frustrated deeply by China’s growing influence.

A rapidly rising China with a different political system, however, has run against the narrative of the triumph of post-Cold War western liberal democracy.

China’s model of development not only challenges today’s status quo but has also frustrated the US, Taiwan and many western countries, which explains in part why they chose to check Beijing’s influence and stand with Hong Kong protesters.

ricky l
1 second ago
(1) HK aspiration to break free from China mainland influence even though it is economically dependent on China - is similar to UK Brexit aspiration to break free from EU influence even though it is economically dependent on EU.
(2) Both aspiration to be politically independent - go beyond logical and rational reasoning that they are willing to sacrifice personal wealth and even sacrificing their lives - and this is scary as this will prolong the struggle and protest until and unless strong force quash their struggle and aspiration in the case of HK.

13 seconds ago
(1) If HK protest is due to economic deadlock - China can easily break the deadlock with China economic might - as China can provide alot of economic opportunities to HK.
(2) But now the HK problem is "Political deadlock" - who want "political freedom" that China will not give.
(3) Then, HK protestors will have an unsolvable problem - as China will not give concession that HK want.
(4) The resolution will likely to be using China's might to control, quash and takeover HK through various means :-
a. Political might
b. Military might
c. Resource might
d. Peopls' might (1.64 billion people vs HK 7.4 million people)
e. Economic might (US$13 trillion vs HK US$300 billion)
f. China can wait-it-out till 2047 (27 years) to takeover HK ---- ignoring HK's anger, protest, riot, vandalism etc --- while their people grow in despair, helplessness and hopelessness.
(5) This is beacause China has nothing to lose without the need to give concession to HK.

  • DUGA- 1
    52 minutes ago
    Final warning to china. Do not meddle with Hong Kong affaires.
  • chan
    2 hours ago
    By noonamika on 
  • Charles
    2 hours ago
    What's to gain the election was won now's the time to learn how to govern like raising taxes to pay for the infrastructure damages to public property and damages to public businesses as well as business revenue losses caused by the needless protests.
  • Bee
    2 hours ago
    The PRC has lifted 600M out of poverty in a mere 30 years.
    The mainland Chinese own homes, go to university, have cars, eat Big Macs, own smartphones, watch 100+ channels on their HDTV, shop in malls, go to the movies, visit free museums, can stroll through a public park, and, walk down any street without concern for their personal safety.
    The mainland Chinese that I know like their government; it's not perfect, but it's seems better than what they see in the west.
    Many in Hong Kong live in a confined space and earn too little to break the cycle of poverty. The only country that has the ability to improve living conditions is the PRC.
    The protester's are being "mishandled" by the CIA and HK triads to break away from the PRC. The CIA are trying to divide China and the Triads are petrified that their reign will end once the PRC take control. It's seems odd to me that the protesters have chosen to destroy (economically) their city to make their point.
    The intolerance of the "pro-democracy" camp has many HK's concerned for their livelihoods and their personal safety.
  • Dante
    2 hours ago
    Yawnzzz...anything new?

  • John
    2 hours ago
    To Everyone in this Website,

    Expect the WORST from Hong Kong & Hong Kong People from now on . . .

    The Hong Kong protesters , Anti-China dissidents , separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation , Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA Politicians and the majority of Hong Kong people that VOTE such Anti-China dissidents, Separatists & Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA Politicians to WIN in the District Council Election , have thought that since they have WIN GREAT VICTORY in such Election, so, they can FORCE more Demands from Hong Kong Government and China central Government . . .

    WORST , such people will bound to hold more Violent Street Protest and cause more damaging Destruction in Hong Kong to FORCE Hong Kong Government and China central Government to SURRENDER to their demands , which can only anger China Government to be harsh on Hong Kong people & even cut off more economic supports to this assumed Bottomless Pit & presumed Hotbed for more Destructive Troubles . . .

    It only means that in coming future, Hong Kong people will LOSE even more in Economic Growth, Prosperities, Peace & Stability , in which Hong Kong is going to end up as 3rd tier city or, even 4th tier city in China, due to that Hong Kong people have proven that they are largely Anti-China , Pro-USA or , even want to break away from China to be independent state . . . .

    The Anti-China Dissidents , Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA Politicians & Separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation , whom have Good Supports from USA and Western Nations and are better-off, can pack up fast and emigrate to USA & other western nations . . ., when they find that there are no more Benefits for them to remain in Hong Kong . . .

    However, the majority of Hong Kong population that support such Anti-China Dissidents , Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA politicians & Separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation, will be DUMP like USELESS RUBBISH . . .

    As the old Chinese words that have lasted for many centuries are still proven Right now :

    狡兔死 ,良犬烹
    高鸟尽 ,良弓藏
    敌国破 ,谋臣亡

    TREAT the LOYALTY & SUPPORTS of Hong Kong people as DIRT CHEAP , until cannot DIRT CHEAP any more . . .

    TAKE the LOYALTY & SUPPORTS of Hong Kong people FOR GRANTED , until cannot TAKE FOR GRANTED any more . . .

    The majority Hong Kong population really have to WOKE UP fast and DISTINGUISH between fight for better Benefits in Hong Kong for themselves to live well and Supports for the Anti-China dissidents , separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation & Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA politicians to cause Harms & Destruction to the whole of China just to profit the USA & Anti-China Western nations . . .

    Only by woke up from such harsh facts that this will restraint the majority Hong Kong people from being make use & dump away like Rubbish , when the Hong Kong people have no more use to Anti-China Dissidents , Separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation & Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA Politicians, as well as , USA & Anti-China western nations . . .

    After all, just base on PURE COMMON SENSE , why must Anti-China Dissidents , Separatists that want to break Hong Kong from China to be independent nation & Pro-Democracy cum Pro-USA Politicians, as well as , western nations, like USA, CARE about the LIFE or, DEATH of Hong Kong People . . .

    Just ask ourselves base on PURE COMMON SENSE Honestly to ourselves & also, to Religious and GOD that we fully believe , base on PURE COMMON SENSE Honestly . . .

    [ It is just like why USA & Western Nations must care for the Life or, Death of Afghans, Kurds , Libyans, Iraqis & Syrians in many wars caused by USA & Western Nations in Middle East . . . & why must USA & Western Nations spend lots of the Tax-payer money from USA & Western Nations to look after the Afghans, Kurds , Libyans, Iraqi & Syrians that are badly affected by wars in Middle East . . . , as well as, why must USA & Western Nations allow many millions of refugees from wars in Middle East to emigrate to USA & Western Nations & to spend lots of Tax-Payer money to house & feed such Millions of Refugees in USA & Western Nation ]

    Don’t you ALL in this Website THINK so ? ? ?

    Any COMMENTS from your PEOPLE out there ? ? ?
  • Satpal
    3 hours ago
    This event needs to be 'Un-Glamourised' The participant perpetrators need to be dis-illusioned about this grand activity.
  • ricohflex
    5 hours ago
    Extreme childishness. They really do not know what the real world is like. Ask any Israeli or Singaporean, if the silly Hong Konger wants to know. The insolence of Hong Kong Violent Rioters is founded upon a rock-steady belief that in spite of everything, China will look after them, care for them, protect them from external attacks and ensure they do not lack the basic necessities of life. Without a care in the world and without having to worry about survival (food to eat, water to drink and shelter from the elements) these Hong Kong Violent Rioters wantonly rampage to destroy their city. Please do so for another 28 years until 2047 and turn Hong Kong into a rat hole with property prices plunging below the charts.
  • Rain Win
    7 hours ago
    If China terminate those people what will happen?
  • 27 minutes ago
    Just continue the protests for up to 10 years!
  • Kelvin
    51 minutes ago
    Why do activists keep harping on "Freedoms are being eroded in HK"? What freedoms are you seeking that you don't already enjoy? During British times, Hongkongers had fewer rights in terms of electing their own officials.
  • tanirica
    2 hours ago
    good mov protesters... conversion of entire China into a democratic country had already started... keep it up Hongkong!
  • Yark
    2 hours ago
    When you have freedom, how much more freer than freedom do you want?
    The fight for democracy is choosing between a pro-Beijing or pro-Hong Kong demonstrating rioters and fighters who carried the UK and US flags?

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