27 Dec 2019
(I) Illustrating the Physical Universe (Samsara) using Math (Decimal System).
(II) Illustrating the transformation of Physical Universe (Samsara) to Nirvana using Math (Binary System - 0,1) (0 denotes 空 or Formless or Emptiness or Virtual - Mental) (1 denotes 色 or Form - Physical) (超凡入圣)
(I) Physical Universe illustrated by Math Decimal System
1. 1st Universe - 10 Realms
Human Realm
0 (Beginingless Time)...... 1.1 (Milky Way Galaxy), 1.101 (Solar System) 1.1001 (Planet - Earth), 1.10001 (Country), 1.100001 (District), 1.1000001 (1 Family Home), 1.10000001 (Descendant Family home), ......., 1.2 (Other Galaxies), 1.201 (Other Solar System) 1.2001 Other (Planets), ................... Infinity
2 to 10 (9 other Realms)
(Note :- when Sun end, Earth end, when Universe end, Galaxy end in Big Black Hole --- and lead to Supernova explosion of another Universe) --- this is denoted by ending of infinite decimal system and next set of integers takes over to form another Universe.)
2. 2nd Universe - 10 Realms
11 to 20.
21 to 30
etc to Infinity
to Infinity Universes ....... (Multiverse or Parallel Universe)
The above illustration is the Formation of Physical Universe (Infinite Universes) of Samsara (Sea of Sufferings) ---- as long as all sentinent beings are not eradicated of "Stray Thoughts of Ignoranance of Universal Truth, Hatred, Greed" (妄念 - 贪嗔痴)。
As the Math Decimal System illustrate --- Physical Universe
Then when will (0, 1........ Infinity ) 0 to Integer to Infinity ends?
We all know that 0 divide by 0 ---- math result cannot be computed.
Thus 0 back to Emptiness 0 ----- is mathematically impossible ---- using Science and Math Deimal System.
This means all sentinent beings will immerse in endless vicious cycle of Sufferings (through birth, living, decay, demise and rebirth) - in Samsara --- with no recourse of Salvation (forever in cycle of sufferings in the 6 realms sentinent beings).
But in Religion/Divinity 0 back to Emptiness 0 --- is possible.
This can be illustrated by Math (Binary System) (0 & 1) (Form & Formless) (色,空)。
(II) Transformation of Mundane Physical Universe of Samsara to Divinity of Emptiness (超凡入圣) illustrated by Math Binary System
1. The Physical Universe of Samsara (vicious cycle of sufferings of birth, living, decay, demise and rebirth. endless stray thoughts mark by Ignorance, Greed, Hatred 贪嗔痴 - subject to Universal Law of Karma) - 6 realms sentinent beings - is denoted by 色 (Form).
2. The Supramundane Divinity (where vicious cycle of sufferings of birth and death ends - no birth, no death, stray thoughts of Ignorance, Greed, Hatred 贪嗔痴 ends, Universal Law of Karma ends, ) - that denotes Eternal Bliss, Serenity, Equanimity - is denoted by 空 (Formless, Emptiness).
3. In Math Bingary System, when Universe denote binary "1"- when One's Heart and Mind is eradicated of stray thoughts of Ignorance, Greed and Hatred (贪嗔痴)- the Heart and Mind have become a Mirror (明心见性)to Binary "0"- and transform from Mundane Binary "1" to Supramundane Divinity Binary "0" (超凡入圣).
4. Infinity of Physical Universe Samsara immediately ended ---- and from Human mundane life of Binary "1" - when passed away (往生) without human physical body - will be transform into Binary "0" of Nirvana (涅槃)---- and the vicious cycle of birth, death, rebirth ends。
This is the illustration of "Heart Sutra" (心经).
No sutra or holy books have used Math and Science to illustrate the formation of Physical Universe and its Divinity --- only "implicit description".
This is the 1st discourse "explicit illustration" that use Math and Science (Form, 色) and Religion/Divinity (Formless, 空)- to illustrate the "Transformation of Mundane to Supramundane" (超凡入圣)。
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