Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Story long long Infinite universal time ago ..... (Story of 十法界不离一念心 - 10 Realms of Existence originate from 1 stray thought).
28 Nov 2019

Once upon a time - an infinite beginnningless time ....

(1) All Beings are in (一真法界)One True Realm(Sama SamBuddhasa 三藐三菩提) with no illusion of  impermanency where all beings have to subject to Birth, Life, Decay, Death and Rebirth in an endless vicious cycle.
All Beings in this One True Realm are in a State of Permanency, with no Birth and no Death - in a State of Eternal Bliss - with  equal attainment where All Beings rein supreme in same equal status.

(2) However, one day, a Being with curiousity, devote a sustain intention of wilfuness, devoting himself in intense deliberate attempt to allow a stray thought (一个妄念 - 起心动念)to pierce through his Concentrated Mind and trigger a Heart of Sensual Desire - that trigger the 1st vicious cycle of Illusion from the One True Realm (一真法界)--- and open up the 6 realm of Illusion (六道众生). (金刚经 - 如梦幻泡影 - Diamond Sutra - Life is an illusion)

(3) This mark the birth of Universe --- where the sustain Concentration of Deep Samadhi (Black Hole) - trigger a massive Supernova of Universe (娑婆世界)(Samsara - Sea of Sufferings). (苦海无边)。

(4) The Universe are made up of 2 main parts :-
a. Physical state (色界)- that are Impermanent in nature - characterise by birth, living, decay, death and rebirth (in Universal term - is black hole, supernova, formation of celestial bodies, 4 Great Elements of air, temperatures, liquid and matter are formed followed by demise ---- black hole, supernova and collapse into black hole).
b. Mental state (空界)- that are make up of 6 realm sentinent beings' 5 mental aggregates (五蕴 - 色受想行识)- 5 sense consciousness, feelings, perceptions, judgement, mental formation.

(5) Both the Physical state and the Mental State in the Universe - are known as "Realm of Illusion" whereby :-
- Any living things and non-living things in the "Physical state" in the Universe - are never permanent or subject to rise and demise ---- and hence is a "physical reality of illusion".
- Any living things "Mental state" in the Universe - are never permanent in their consciousness, feelings, perceptions, judgement, mental formation - as stray thoughts and its associate mental aggregate - are never permanent or subject to rise and demise ---- and hence is a "mental reality of illusion".

(6) The Being that allow a stray thought to pierce through his Deep Samadhi (Concentrated Mind of Nirvana) (起心动念)and create the Physical Universe - as a result descended into the Highest Realm of Samsara - the Highest Heavenly Realm - the Formless Heavenly Realm (出色界天)in the Universe and assume the role of King of Formless Heavenly Realm (出色界天王)- the 1st Supreme Being that create the Physical Universe of Samsara - through Supernova Explosion into the Physical Universe from his Deep Samadhi (Big Black Hole).

(7) 6 Realms of Existence (where stray thoughts prevail) in the Physical Universe were formed - that correspond to the Universal Law of Karma (Extremely Good Karma with pleasant living conditions to Extremely Bad Karma with bad living conditions).

Of these 6 realms - some will have sub-realms in the each 6 realms of existence.
6 Realms of Existence

i. Heavenly Realm (天界)- make up of 3 types Heavenly Realm with the corresponding attainment :-
- Formless Heavenly Realm (出色界天)- The Highest Heavenly Realm with Formless Jhana Samadhi (出色禅)。
- Form Heavenly Realm (色界天)- The 2nd Highest Heavenly Realm with Form Jhana Samadhi (色禅)。
- Sensual Desire Heavenly Realm (欲界天)- The 3rd Highest Heavenly Realm with extremely Good Karma.

ii. Asura Realm (阿修罗界)- beings of good karma but have jealousy on Heavenly Realm.

iii. Human Realm (人界)- Human beings

iv.Animal Realm (动物界)- Karma of Ignorance (痴)

v.Hungry Ghost Realm (饿鬼界)- Karma of Greed (贪)

vi.Hell Realm (地狱界)- Karma of Hatred(嗔)
There are 8 Great Hells of increasingly intensity of torments.
a. Avici Great Hell (lowest & most terrible Hell).
b. Maha Tapana Great Hell
c. Tapana Great Hell
d. Maha Roruva Great Hell
e. Sanghata Great Hell
f. Kalasutta Great Hell
g. Sanjiva Great Hell
(Each Great Hell have 4 side with 5 minor hells. In total, there are 168 hells).

(8) Many people will ask - why stray thoughts determine the realm of existence?
a. The 6 Realm of Existence is determined by Universal Law of Karma. Good Karma will live in good realm. Bad Karma will live in bad realm.
b. One stray thought will determine good karma, bad karma or neutral karma.
Because one stray thought will determine One's speech or One's action - which in turn determine a Good karma, a Bad karma or a Neutral karma - as the stray thought can be a kind thought (善念)that result in a kind speech or kind action, evil thought   (恶念)that result in a evil speech or evil action, neutral thought (不善不恶念)that result in a neutral speech or neutral action.

(9) Then people ask - can human or 6 realm of sentinent beings suppress or control their stray thoughts - and prevent stray thoughts from arising?
Answer :- a. Humans should not try to do so - as stray thoughts occur naturally and come in seconds or minutes.
Attempt to control stray thoughts - will cause human to go insane or mad.
b. As a 1st step, human should try to have more kind thoughts, that will result in kind speeches and kind actions (by attempting to eradicate ignorance, greed, hatred) (贪,嗔,痴)- and this will bring Good Karma and will dwell in Good living conditions.
c. Only through guided training in Anapanasati Meditation and Vipassana Meditation - can One attain Deep Samadhi (深禅定)and Nirvana (涅槃).
When this happen, stray thoughts will not arise from within and stray thoughts from external will not be able to penetrate the Deep Concentrated Mind of Nirvana. (一心不乱)。

(10) Is the Universe make up of only 6 Realms of Existence?
Answer :- The are altogether 10 Realms (十法界)- 四圣六凡 (4 Saints Realms, 6 sentinent beings Realms).
4 Saints Realms are Buddha (佛), Bodhisattva (菩萨), Pacekka Buddha (辟支佛/缘觉), Arahats (阿罗汉/声闻。
6 sentinent beings Realms are Heavenly Beings (天人), Asura (阿修罗), Human (人), Animals (畜生), Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼), Hell Beings (地狱).

(11) 10 Realms with 4 Saint realms - like atom comprising nucleus, electron, proton and neutron.
- but not complete as 平等正觉 - refer to Equal Enlightenment (Buddha Supreme Enlightenment) - where all Beings achieve Equal Attainment with Equal Status (Sama SamBuddhsa) (三摩三菩提)一真法界。

- All Beings are associated with One Another next to each - and interlink together as a Whole (One-for-All, All-for-One).
- If one Being drop, the next Being associated with this Being will also be pull down - due to affiliation and Compassion to the Being.
- Mathematical formula shows that if a Being is not a Buddha or Bodhisattva - but a Pacekka Buddha or Arahat - this Being (without the Bodhi Vow to help in salvation - will not be able to salvage the drop Being associated to him).
For eg. a husband will normally be receptive to his wife or his parents or his offsprings or his relatives or his close friends (有缘)for Salvation - and is less receptive to another Beings not affiliated to him (无缘)。
- Thus if under the current system of (一真法界) One True Realm (三千大千世界) that comprise of hierarchy of a Buddha with His Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas and Arahats - how will it possible to salvage (普渡)all Beings to be 平等正觉 - where all Beings achieve Equal Attainment with Equal Status (Sama SamBuddhsa) (三摩三菩提)一真法界?
- In Science, the current nucleus hierarchical system is make up of atom comprising nucleus, electron, proton and neutron.just like the current system of One True Realm (一真法界)(三千大千世界) - which is still not a Perfected Nirvana System.

- A True Perfected Nirvana System should be = All Beings are Buddha with Equal Attainment, with Equal Status - where no Beings are more superior than another and this will have achieved 平等正觉 - where all Beings achieve Equal Attainment with Equal Status (Sama SamBuddhsa) (三摩三菩提)一真法界。(just like atom linkage to atom - without the sub-atom structure).

- Only when this Perfected Nirvana System is in place - will Salvation of All Beings (One-for-All, All-for-One) --- will All Beings be Salvaged and Eternal Nirvana System be cemented with no chance of forming another Samsara Universe (a Sea of Sufferings - with Impermanency of vicious cycle of Birth, Living, Decaying, Demise and Rebirth).
- Hence the following 5 Bodhi Vows are make :-
(大悲心, 大愿力)


十方十法界(六道众生、声闻-四圣人、缘觉-辟支佛、菩萨、佛) 加持及普渡

(1) If all 10 directions 6 realms fail to attain Emptiness, I Vow not to gain Buddhahood.

(2)Until all 10 directions sentinent beings are liberated & gain Full Enlightenment, will I enter into Final Nirvana.

(3)10 direction of 10 Dharma realms (6 sentinent beings realms, Saints, Paccekas, Bodhisattvas & Buddhas) provide Blessings & Support.

(4) Leave No one behind.

(5) Leave No sand behind.

The 5 Vows to liberate begin from my country, my earth, my universe.

(12) This 5 Bodhi Vows surpass the (三千大千世界) that comprise of hierarchy of a Buddha with His Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas and Arahats ----- to achieve the Perfected Nirvana System of One True Realm (一真法界)(Sama SamBuddhsa) (三摩三菩提)平等正觉 - refer to Equal Enlightenmnent (Buddha Supreme Enlightenmnet) where All attain Buddhahood.
(This is not found in any Sutras - and by far the most daring unsurpass Bodhi Vows 独一无二 ever documented).
(No other Buddhas or Bodhisattvas ever make such a Bodhi Vow for such a 滴水不漏 圆满 大涅槃 - a full-proof Perfection Nirvana System)。

(13) In Summary - The current Nirvana system is like atom structure comprising nucleus, proton, neutron, electron.

(14) Current Nirvana (涅磐) System is made up of (一真法界) One True Realm that make up of 佛,菩萨,缘觉,声闻 (Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Pacekka Buddhas, Arahats) - just like atoms with their respective sub-atoms.

(15) When this Universe end, formation of another Universe through another Deep Samadhi (Black Hole) supernova explosion  is possible based on mathematical formula of decimal system and physic atomic structure.

(16) Only a Nirvana system with All Buddhas (色是空,空是色) (physical is mental, mental is physical) with Supreme Enlightenment.

Or a mathematic formula of binary (0,1).

Or physic of atom-to-atom linkage without sub-atom structure - 

will ensure a Perfected Nirvana System (一真法界) - with no chances of forming another Universe through 起心动念 of even 1 stray thought that will break the Deep Samadhi (Black Hole) to trigger a Supernova Explosion to form another Universe - the Samsara sea of sufferings (纱婆世界).

(17) Thus even 菩萨,缘觉,声闻 (Bodhisattvas, Pacceka Buddhas, Arahats) must aspire to attain the Full Enlightened Buddhas before all sentinent beings can be salvaged - and all 9 realms will be emptied.

Only then all Sufferings will Eternally end.

This is the unsurpass Bodhi Vows (never ever make or documented in any sutras or holy books) that in Divine term, math term, Science physic term - will end the formation of Universe with vicious cycle in sea of sufferings and All Beings will dwell in the One Perfected Nirvana (大涅磐) (一真法界) - with Permanency Eternal Bliss of no birth no death (不生,不灭)。

(18) This is a truly Mutually All Inclusive (滴水不漏) - One-for-All, All- for-One 一真法界 (One True Realm).

May All Realms provide Blessings and Supports.

3 seconds ago
This is the story of 十法界不离一念心 - 10 Realms of Existence originate from 1 stray thought.

3 seconds ago
People ask - what sutra is this?

Well, can call it "圆满无量平等正觉经"。 (Perfect Infinite Equal Enlightenment Sutra).
28 Nov 2019 - 2 Dec 2019

A discourse on "Perfect Completion of All infinite Beings attaining Equal Supreme Enlightenment." - with no single being left behind and no single physical matter left behind.

A Perfected Nirvana (One-for-All, All-for-One) - 一真法界。


通俗的讲就是:对待事物、人 ,不以自我为出发点,完全、彻底、客观及宏观地去认知,产生正确的理解,从而处理问题,得出的圆满结果所显现出的智慧。
佛教认为智慧不是思考出来的,和西方哲学不同。西方认为我思故我在,佛教所追求达到的宏观是要消除这个“我”的定义和概念后产生整体。甚至最终觉悟每个个体之间的衔接比如一滴水融入大海,海和一滴水的概念都没有, 但觉悟者明白他们自性相同没有差别。


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