Friday, December 6, 2019

Trump Says His Border Wall 'Can't Be Climbed.' Watch.

Three men at the border showed this week just how quickly President Donald Trump’s unscalable border wall can be climbed. 
A video of the feat has gone viral on Twitter a month after border officials conceded that people were also cutting through the barrier with a cordless power tool available at hardware stores.
Trump has declared the barrier both “impenetrable” and “unclimbable.” He claimed that 20 unnamed “world-class mountain climbers” were brought in to test the wall with no success. “This wall can’t be climbed,” Trump declared.
ricky l
  • 2 seconds ago
    (1) Trump is a big liar and think that all American voters are big fools - even though his lies are exposed right in front of his face.

    (2) But yet his Republican Party is still gleefully supporting him and his lies.

    (3) And yet his most hardline supporters are also supporting him and his lies.

    (4) Hence Trump-led US has lost all credibility worldwide.
19 seconds ago
(1) Even top World Leaders are talking about Trump behind his back - laughing at him.

(2) Indeed Trump is shameful - a poor role model.
  • Jan
    5 hours ago
    So why not just do the sensors and forget the wall since it was the sensors that worked,not the wall?
  • Lorenzo
    5 hours ago
    Will we get a refund from Mexico for the faulty wall they built?
  • Lie Detector
    4 hours ago
    I really don't think most of the people commenting know how the wall system is supposed to work, and it's pretty obvious the press isn't saying, so here it goes. The wall itself is designed to be a physical barrier that deters and slows potential illegal crossings. For the overwhelming majority of people looking to cross, this alone is enough. The second part is multiple, most passive barriers , particularly in high traffic zones, composes of razor wire or some other kind of fencing that again is difficult to breach and slows people down. The third layer is electronic frontier, a system of overlapping sensors and camera's yet to be deployed to it's fullest potential. The combined layers makes it extremely difficult for people to both cross and escape detection and that increases their chance of apprehension dramatically over the current boarder protections which in many cases none exist at all.
  • TypeKing
    4 hours ago
    Nations that have walls. China, Israel, Northern Ireland, and U.S..
  • Dave
    4 hours ago
    They should regain some of that wasted Wall Money and make it a part of those Adventure Climbing, Zip line, Hiking Trail destinations. The climbing up, then sliding down the other side of the fence looked like fun.
  • Jeremy
    4 hours ago
    So all we needed was the detection system? Isn't that what the House was suggesting when trying to talk about solutions like intellectuals? Of course not; walls are easy to understand for Trump supporters. Who knew detection systems could be so tough? #MAGA
  • Exnavyew
    4 hours ago
    'The Wall' will never work. Read your history about France's Maginot Line.
  • W
    4 hours ago
    But Donald said it cannot be climbed, then why are these people climbing? Are they not human?
  • Anonymous
    4 hours ago
    PLEASE EXPLAIN - How is the 'Wall' more effective than a couple satellites, sensors, drones, manpower, and, most importantly, immigration policy reform? One option costs more, is less effective, doesn't solve the problem, and can't do anything else. The other can solve everything in a month, is way cheaper, more effective, and more useful to other operations......
  • BigRed72
    3 hours ago
    Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

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