Friday, December 13, 2019

China foreign minister calls US 'troublemaker of the world'

Senior China diplomat says US seriously damaged hard-won mutual trust

13 Dec 2019 10:25AM
  • ricky l
    2 seconds ago
    (1) China's political system and economic system are not entirely similar to the narrative of the Western democratic Universal Suffrage system and free capitalism of market economy- but in fact adopt the election of top leader within a group of elites Communist system for their politcal system and socialist capitalism (with more State involvement) in the market economy.
    (2) China unique combination of their political system and economic system - have lifted 800 million of its people out of poverty into a middle and upper income group.
    This has contradicted the Western narrative of western democracy and free capitalism are the right formula for poverty eradication and personal freedom.
    In fact, Western system has bring about social and income inequality that cause many political unrest worldwide.
    (3) Thus Western pressuring China to transform their political system and economic system to be like them --- will not work.
    (4) China has opened up their economy rapidly, though political system wise will be slower. But China will eventually evolve their political system to embrace more freedom - albeit slowly - and the World must be patient with China.
    (5) The West must not harbor the thought of breaking the China up - like breaking the USSR - as the consequences are severe - not only to China, but also to Asia Pacific (stability, economy) and the World (stability and economy).
    If China break apart, Asia Economy will break and World Economy will break - as China is the 2nd largest Economy in the World - and it has full economic integration with Asia and the World.
    Anything happen to China will have a disastrous impact to Asia and to the World.
    - By interfereing in HK to instigate HK protestors to riot and protest for democracy is a wrong move - as HK is never a democratic city under the British rule as the HK Governor are appointed and never through Universal suffrage.
    - By intefering in Xinjiang is also a wrong move as China is trying to control terrorism and educate the Uighur to coexist peacefully within China - just like what the Western Countries are doing.
  • Anthony Effingham-Daley
    36 minutes ago
    Can't argue with that!

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