Friday, December 13, 2019

REACH - High rise windows
12 Dec 2019
(1) To prevent windows from dropping out and injured someone below for high-ise flat, condos or apartments - HDB, private house developers should consider designing windows that open inwards than outwards.
(2) This will prevent windows from rotting at the hinges and drop out of the windows - and hurting someone below due to lack of maintenance.
(3) Good design can prevent alot of mishaps - as it is difficult for house owners to ensure all windows are at good condition all the time - as matter will decay and not visible to raw eyes.

REACH - High rise building design - to catch high rise killer litter
12 Dec 2019
(1) Government should consider a mandatory safety catchment latch or cover shelter - where all 1st floor should be built for all high-rise HDB flats, condos or apartment.
(2) This mandatory safety catchment latch or cover shelter - will "catch" all killer litter that are thrown at high floor, or dropping windows, aircons etc due to decay or poor maintenance - and protect lives on those people walking below the high rise buildings.
(3) A good building design will prevent many mishaps from falling debris or killer litter.

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