Monday, December 30, 2019

Electricity tariff to rise 3.5% in first quarter of 2020, highest rate in 5 years

ricky l
  • 8 seconds ago
    (1) Thought that there are a dozen of open market electricity vendors that offer fixed tariff for electricity ?

    (2) If Singaporeans are smart enough to switch to these vendors - regardless whether the tariff increase or drop its prices - the electricity charges will still be the same at that time they sign the contract with the vendor.

    (3) In other words, those who switch to these vendors - will not experience a rise in electricity price.

    (4) So why so many oppie netizens here making so much noise about the tariff rises.

    (5) Or just too stupid not to be able to take advantage of the opportunities offer by the open market electricity scheme to help Singaporeans --- only know how to grumble and blame the government when they themselves are too stupid to make the right move? ----- typical oppie - everything also need spoon-feeding --- no wonder always a born-loser.
2 days ago
Dont get things wrong here. We are here for all the benefit of Singapore. Singapore does not belongs to any party. The intention of the gov is to look after the well being of all local singaporean and make their livelihood the best.
@ ricky 1
I wanted to change but then I thought there should be a catch. So I was wrong. Why did I become like that? It is because I don't trust the govt. Nevertheless after the expiry the suppliers can increase price, can't they?
I never would have dreamed that the govt would dare to increase You now say that I am too stupid to trust the PAP. This is true. Must give zero trust to the ruling party as you now advocate.
2 seconds ago
" Nevertheless after the expiry the suppliers can increase price, can't they? "
-- There are a dozen open electric vendors for you to choose if the supplier want to increase price after expiry.

- As long as there are open competition, the prices are kept in check - and this is a characteristics of a free market.

- Many people benefit in a free market - because people know how to seize opportunities to come out better.

- The Government is there to provide opportunities for people - and it is up to the people to make use of it to make their own lives better.

- The Government is not there to spoon feed us.
  • Veteran@VOTE
    3 singapore power plants owned by foreigners. -- what do you expect ?? you are NOT their citizens and its their profits. -- everywhere in singapore is dimly lit by energy saving lights yet, electricity price increase. -- same as, CoE increase but car population does not decrease. cigarettes tax increase, yet sold more cigarettes. -- why ?? -- all due to the over import & over populated. -- singapore common folks shoved aside & paying for it. -- its called, disenfranchised 2nd citizens & soon, minority in own land. -- ONLY YOU, ... can make history ...
    By thefutureisvoting on 
  • 5 hours ago
  • Tan
    4 hours ago
    Singapore's economic growth is the lowest in Southeast Asia.
    Our prime minister and ministers are the highest paid politicians in the world.
    But many Singaporeans salary are third - worlds country standard.
    Our utility bill is the highest in Asia and Southeast Asia .because of the high cost many manufacturing industries have moved out of Singapore ...
    Our unemployment rate hit a record high
    but the issuance of various work permits has not decreased ..
    Ask your friends around you how much their salaries have gone up over the past five years ? Prices have been rising up to 10 % or more for the past five years ..
    Soon, because the GST increased all prices again HIGH HIGH HIGH .
    The vote is the only weapon to tell the ruling party that we can't stand it !
  • Breeke
    5 hours ago
    When is minister salaries going to decrease due to decrease of work performance
  • HeadortailiWin
    5 hours ago
    Bus fare rising electricity rising healthcare rising. All these are basic essentials for the citizen controlled by the government yet they are the price leaders. All retailers will follow suit thus increase cost of living across the board.
  • Bjorn
    4 hours ago
    This is excellent news for the 70% ! How is that power saving working out for you? . I am sure the is not enough the more higher tariff the better power saving!
  • Joe Low
    5 hours ago
    Wow? Everything take turn to go up and some are up a few times in a year or so. We are just greeted with a hefty jump in public transport fare and now this.

    Remember to vote wisely cone next GE. Essential pulic services becoming profit centres
  • Tan
    5 hours ago
    Oil and LNG price go down ..your electric price go up?
    Song bo? Vote like the 69.9% some more?😁😁😁😁
  • Koon
    5 hours ago
    If the government cannot take care of the basic necessities for the citizens and yet tell the citizens they are underpaid despite earning the world's highest salaries, then is this the government that you want? Enrich themselves, party before country, tell the citizens they cannot control prices, and tell citizens to tighten their belts but reward themselves handsomely, you still want give this kinda of government the mandate? LKY cares about Singapore, so were the first two generations of ministers! Since young, we are taught to serve our country with pride and honour but now the current government are paid to serve!!! Yes, we should not underpay our leaders but are the current salaries justified? Ask yourselves, is the current government working for the people or are they working for them own pockets and party?
  • Marc
    4 hours ago
    Is time for CHANGE...
  • Samuel
    2 hours ago
    With 2% GST increase,the consumers have to pay and pay much more.
    "Public transport" had been increased and soon almost everything ! Only those who have the excess money will not suffer,especially millionaires and above.
  • Better Than WWE
    5 hours ago
    Or made lesser after sub-contract to 3rd parties now wants to make up for the lost???!!!
    So what the people suspected about your next move is true ?????
  • Breeke
    4 hours ago
    To top it all off, gst 9% w come after pappigs reconvene and make a sweeping "increase on increase" on everything across the country. To sinkies, 2 + 2 + 2 is lesser than 6
  • paul
    2 hours ago
    These never ending increases will just add on to the people's burdens. This has really got to stop.
  • samuel
    4 hours ago
    they just inform u, not ask 4 yr permission. so just prepare to tighten belt somemore la
  • WRU
    4 hours ago
    WHEN ELECTRICITY OR PETROL GOING UP...govt will cite other country oil going up so give reason to jack up price. When oil go down nothing is down !!!
  • DUGA- 1
    5 hours ago
    PAP is doomed this coming general election.
  • Jo
    3 hours ago
    All will rise at the end of the electricity had risen. 2020 should be the tough .
  • WRU
    4 hours ago
  • Poor singaporean
    3 hours ago
    But... but we just had the bus fare hike, now electricity tariff again? Dont forget water price just up 30%not long ago!! And yet they lock our cpf withdrawal , hopefully senile old could forgotten all abt it
  • Tan
    3 hours ago
    PAP's Happy New Year gift to 69.9% kongkums!!!

    Congrats!... LOL!!!

    • censor
      33 minutes ago
      Bus fares increase, netflix will have gst, electricity rise. Hopefully the Opposition votes will also rise.
    • Ricky
      39 minutes ago
      Hi..! Blame the 70% that Voted for PAP in 2015 GE..! Regret...? No way ....Happy to hear this increase...ha..ha...!
    • Vote Pap
      42 minutes ago
      Price hikes are signs of economic recovery.
    • Ben
      50 minutes ago
    • Yang
      52 minutes ago
      When crude and natural gas prices were dropping, electricity and petrol prices increased. Now climbing up, end prices increase again. One thing you can expect from the ruling party. They will never allow deflation, and will always come up with all sorts of price hikes and taxes to make sure the 70% of the population continue to work and slog (and vote!) for them!
    • Toast
      53 minutes ago
      Thank you pap.
    • Make My Day
      1 hour ago
      Thanks for making things difficult to survive and those FT’s can help
    • Tan
      1 hour ago
      Song bo 69.9%? GST have not gone up...go up 9%, road pricing based on how much you travelled ...everything up ..up..up except your pathetic salaries!
      See until where then you cannot tahan!!😁😁😁😁😁