Monday, September 4, 2017

US warns N. Korea of 'massive military response' after nuke test

Brian Knowlton with Sebastien Berger in Seoul,AFP News 1
Avatarricky l 0 seconds ago
  • There is a need to implement extreme severe measures to stop N Korea nuclear. 
     "Zero business dealings" with N Korea by the World should be implemented. 

     It is either "food and money" or "nuclear". 

    Else it will be too late for the World - to avert this nuclear crisis. Only 佛祖 五指山 - 才能 止住 孙悟空。 五指山 - US, China, Russia, S Korea, Japan 缺一 不能达。
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    • ISIS in Iraq crumbled because of no food, no logistics, no money. 

      N Korea will be forced to de-nuclearise if subject to the same severe economic isolation - "zero business dealings".

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