Wednesday, September 13, 2017

UN ban on North Korean textiles will disrupt industry, ordinary lives: Experts
(Updated: )

Ricky Lim ·

This is a collective karma for the whole of N Korea.

N Korea can have a good life economically, politically - by integrating with the World Community ---- the only condition is to "denuclearise" --- to exchange for economic benefit, political benefit and security interest.

But unfortunately, N Korea now single-mindedly want nuclear weapons - and refuse to work with the World Community.

So N Korea will have to make its own choice :-
(1) Continue to pursue nuclear weapons --- and the World continue to isolate N Korea - and refuse to provide food, money, logistics.
(2) Drop nulcear - work with the World for food, money, logistics, security, prosperity with trade, business and investment.

N Korea got to know that ---- the World don't need N Korea to survive, to thrive, to prosper.

But N Korea need the World to survive and thrive.
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Ricky Lim ·
西游记 - 五指山 (US, China, Russia, S Korea, Japan) (Fruition - economic and military defense) - is the antidote to N Korea (single mindedness focus to nuclear weapons).
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