Friday, September 1, 2017

ricky l

Putin warns of 'major conflict' over N. Korea

ricky l
4 seconds ago
"The problems in the region will only be solved via direct dialogue between all concerned parties, without preconditions," Putin said.
Putin said he feared the peninsula was "on the verge of a major conflict" and called for all sides to sign up to a mediation programme drawn up by Moscow and Beijing.

I think under such circumstances - at the verge of possible major conflict breaking out - Russia and China reaching out to all 6 parties to sign up to a mediation programme - is worth trying out.

This nuclear crisis is like reaching a dead-end --- and the next stage will be a major conflict - if it is not stopped on time.
ricky l
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  • ricky l
    ricky l
    15 seconds ago
    Nuclear scientists computed that if 100 nuclear warheads exploded anywhere in the world, be it Nkorea or US, Earth will be covered with nuclear contamination. 

    Ozone layer will be destroyed and Sun UV light will penetrate Earth and cause skin cancer to all humans and animals killing all living beings. 

    Nuclear contamination enwrap Earth will also cause nuclear winter as Earth temperature drop below -23 degree Celsius. 

    No rain will fall through evaporation as Sunlight is cut off by the nuclear fallout covering the Sun. 
    All plants and crop die without water as there are no rainfall.

    Living things all die without water and food. 

    So a nuclear war in NKorea will kill the whole World, the whole Earth, not only NKorea.

    This is the vision of One Big Bang, now verify by scientists.

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