Friday, September 29, 2017

Reserved Presidential Election would cost votes but 'right thing to do': PM Lee
Madam Halimah Yacob talking to PM Lee Hsien Loong after taking the Oath of Office in the presence of Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon. (Photo: MCI)
29 Sep 2017 06:43PM (Updated: 29 Sep 2017 07:44PM)

Ricky Lim ·
As far as I know, Tan Cheng Bock is unable to meet a few criteria as Presidential candidate due to the new Presidential requirement.
(1) With his public sector requirement - as MP - he does not qualify.
He must at least be a Minister, a Speaker, a Chief Justice, an AGC, a Perm Sec or a CEO of GLCs or Stat Board.
(2) He is an MP of SMC and hold chairman of GRC. But a GRC town council fund is only about $100 million or slightly more - far from the $500 million pay up capital.
(A) With his private sector requirement - he is not a CEO of a private company with paid-up capital of $500 million of at least 3 years running a profit.
- He is the Chairman of Chuan Hup - not a CEO - and the equity is only about $177 million.
(B) Now he is a private doctor - got $500 million meh?
If Tan Cheng Bok is not even qualify for the criteria as Presidential candidate - then what make everyone thing that this round is to kick out Tan Cheng Bock ---- with all the rumors and fake news going around?
Like · Reply · 23 mins

Ricky Lim · Singapore
To be honest, running a $100 milion is not a very big deal nowadays.
Project manager of GLCs, Statutory Board, MNCs etc --- can manage $100 million projects easily - eg. ERP projects, Fiber projects, NGWLAN projects, Ministries project etc.
So don't assume putting $500 million as cap is a ploy to block Tan Cheng Bock out.
An SBU of one sizable GLCs, or MNCs - will easily have a paid-up capital of $500 million nowadays.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
And there can easily be 10, 20, 30, 50s or more of such SBU in one GLCs or MNCs.
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Thor MG
Ricky Lim The Prez Whitepaper recommended to increase the critera for experience of Speaker from 3 to 6 years.

Gov rejected this proposal but instead agreed to increase from 100 to 500M for private sector.

Go figure
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Jimmy Hui
Ricky Lim, you think HY qualify on the criteria? She was chosen, selected, insisted, planted, etc.....:)
Like · Reply · 11 mins
Ricky Lim ·

Thor MG - $100million capital organisation - is too low a bar nowadays for Singapore Economy.
A sizable project will easily hit the figure - not to mention an organization.
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Ricky Lim ·

In fact a good project manager easily handle a few of the $100 million project.

Singapore Economy is now more than $400billion.

In fact $500 million is sub-sub water compare to handling more than $400billion Economy or reserve.
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Ricky Lim ·
For eg. a project manager for ERP is handling $500 million project.
A fiber project is about $1billion.
MRT project is couple of billion.

What is $500million or worst $100million ?
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Ricky Lim ·

And a $100million project - can even be completed within 1 year to 8 month project.
3 years can do 3 x $100 million project and bid for 2 x $100 million project.
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Ricky Lim ·
There is always an engineering approach to devise the criteria.

Not anyhow suka suka --- thinking that there is a conspiracy theory to throw out Tan Cheng Bock.
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